Hogwarts on the Tip of the Tongue

Chapter 711: Letter from the mysterious Hogwarts

Chapter 710 Mysterious Letter from Hogwarts

St. Petersburg on the last day of August.

When Yermak Ivanovic was still on the bedroom bed, he heard the scream of surprise from daughter Irina in the living room, as well as a weird laugh and rustling sound that sounded strange. Wing flapping.

"Irina? What happened?" Yermark grabbed his wand and entered the living room with some confusion.

In addition to Irina Ivanovic, there was an unexpected guest in the living room. A little owl about the size of a fist jumped happily on the coffee table in the living room. A stroke of Irina.

And his most precious little daughter, Irina Ivanovic, was sitting on the sofa in the living room and smirked. The girl clutched a thick, yellow parchment envelope with the words "Jadeite" Written in green ink.

"Hogwarts has written! My name is written on it!"

Hearing the sound next to the living room, Irina quickly turned her head and waved the envelope in her hand excitedly.

"Dad! Mr. Newt Scamander didn't lie to us! Does this mean I can go to school!"

"Letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?"

The rest of Mr. Ivanovic’s sleepiness was instantly swept away, and he quickly walked over and took the thick parchment envelope from his daughter. There was a wax seal on the back of the envelope that looked very delicate. A shield coat of arms is imprinted on it, and the capital "H" is surrounded by a lion, an eagle, a badger, and a snake.

That's right, this is the badge of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, which he has seen in a book about the coat of arms of magic.

The content of the letter is very simple. In addition to notifying Irina that she has been approved to study at Hogwarts and letting her take the Hogwarts Express train from Kings Cross Station to Hogwarts on September 1st, the letter also Lists the list of books and equipment that Irina Ivanovic will use in the coming year.

In terms of magic books, uniforms, and equipment, Hogwarts’ requirements are similar to those of Kodos Dorez (a magic school near Moscow).

All students must prepare the following books:

"Standard Spells, Elementary" by Miranda Gossack

"History of Magic" by Bahida Bashat

"Magic Theory" by Adebe Wolflin

"The Beginner's Guide to Transforming" by Emory Swich

"Thousand Kinds of Magical Herbs and Mushrooms" by Filida Spor

"Magic Potion and Potion" by Arsenal Gig

"Where is the magical animal" by Newt Skaman

"Black Magic: A Guide to Self-Defense" by Quentin Trimb

In fact, until here, Mr. Ivanovich did not have much confusion. Pure English magic textbooks are still in an absolute authority position in the magic world today.


As you continue down the book list, things start to get a little bit wrong...

"Calculus Course" by Feihe Golds

"Mathematical Analysis" by Zhuo Liqi

"Advanced Mathematics Course" by Smirnov

"Mathematical Analysis Exercises" by Jimidovich

"Fun Physics" by Beleliman

"Physics: Principles and Problems" by Paul Zizewitz

"Feynman Lectures on Physics", Richard Feynman

"Biology: The Power of Life" by Alton Biggs

"What is Life" by Erwin Schrödinger


Thinking of the string of Russian books and author names that he had known, and foreign textbooks that had never been heard, Ivanovic's father and daughter looked at each other, and their eyes appeared inexplicably.

"Dad, is this the legendary Hogwarts? Why does the textbook look a bit like our middle school, high school..."

The excitement on Irina's small face gradually dissipated.

From the current situation, there seems to be a little difference between the courses in that mysterious Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Curriculum set up by the Kodosdorez School of Witchcraft and Wizardry that Grandpa taught before.

At least in Irina's impression, there is no separate mathematics class in Cordos Doriz.

And if the names of the former Soviet mathematicians still seem to be so kind, then the series of subjects and book names that she has never been exposed to afterwards have caused the girl to have a little bit of self-confidence.

Fortunately... the names of those textbooks all sound quite interesting.

Especially the textbooks written by foreigners at the back, which sounded at least more intimate than Mr. Jimidovich’s Mathematical Analysis Exercises. Irina vaguely remembered that Brother Perelman next door complained more than once This book.

"Well...I don't know...maybe, this is the difference between the world's top and oldest magic school, and the kind of magic school that was rebuilt after the war, Kodosdorez?"

Yerkmark Ivanovic stroked his nose and answered with some uncertainty.

As a native Russian wizard, Mr. Ivanovich did not know much about the mysterious school of magic far away from the other side of the strait. Most of his knowledge of Hogwarts was limited to Dumbledore and Ska Mander.

The only thing that can be determined is that no matter how much American wizards have emphasized the improvement of the teaching quality of their Yfarmoni School of Magic in these years, how many outstanding wizards have been trained, but in the minds of most wizards , Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry still represents the top magic education in the entire magic world-no one.

The Hogwarts Freshman Textbook List, which is nearly twice as long as the first-year freshman admissions list for the Kodosdorez School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, undoubtedly once again strongly supports this.

Obviously, in terms of academic openness and educational reform, Hogwarts is far more inclusive than any magic school.

This freshman list is a very intuitive comparison. In the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, in addition to the traditional magic spells, potions, metamorphosis, magical zoology, herbs... these wizard courses, even those Ivanovic looks like the Muggle knowledge of the heavenly book, and there is no place for Hogwarts' arrogant son to fall.

Yermark Ivanovich carefully read the list in his hand and turned his head to look at his daughter.

"Irina, don't worry, you will definitely be some of the best students in the school!" He said, "About a quarter of this is the original Russian textbook, maybe I can find a way to help you get it Several manuscripts of the Academy of Sciences with notes and notes-compared to those British children, we have a natural advantage!"

As the son of a senior professor of magic, Ivanovich understands the importance of language in magic and even learning in various fields, which is why the British and American magic world is generally stronger.

Although I don’t yet understand the use of the Muggle disciplines such as mathematics and physics in the magic world, since the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry has included them in the compulsory subjects, it certainly makes sense-as for the specific The impact and significance of this will naturally become clear when Irina returns home next year.

"These teaching materials are not easy to buy," Irina glanced at her father quickly, and said in frustration. "There is only one day left before the school starts, and we don't even know where to buy all these textbooks...and so many Your book must be expensive..."

"Oh, rest assured, dear, we will have a way." Yerkmark Ivanovic said.

His angular face unconsciously climbed up a bit of melancholy, "I will write to my former friends and colleagues later, I believe they should be able to help us get at least some second-hand textbooks..."

Gu ha ha ha ha-

It was then ~www.ltnovel.com~ that a burst of strange laughter interrupted Ivanovic's dialogue.

The little owl from Hogwarts suddenly fluttered with his wings and landed on Irina's knee. The big round eyes looked at the girl and raised her wings to rub her arms intimately.

"Huh? Dad, look at this!"

Irina froze for a moment before rubbing her eyes hard.

She found another letter from under the whimsical little owl's wings. It looked very short and compact. It was more like a note ripped from somewhere than a letter.




(End of this chapter)

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