Hogwarts on the Tip of the Tongue

Chapter 531: Silent period and warning

Kiev, Wizard Hotel.

The windows around were covered by a black curtain, and no light could penetrate through.

Faced with the old wizard who claimed to be Otto Apocalis, Gidero Lockhart sat quietly in his seat, with two unfolded parchments floating in front of him-signing the flowers A duel book with a name and an employment contract.

On the side of the two, surrounded by dozens of middle-aged wizards with different looks, everyone's eyes flashed with anticipation.

As the master of duel that has lost only one game in the one-on-one open duel known to the magic world today, Gellert Grindelwald's attainment of magic has risen to an art.

There is no doubt that everyone is looking forward to enjoying Grindelwald's duel skills again.

Grindelwald narrowed his eyes, his fingers rubbing against the scab on the old wand, and asked slowly.

"So, what is your decision? Mr. Lockhart."

"Mr. Apokalis, or me ..."

Kurt Meyer, standing beside Grindelwald frowned, stepped forward and was about to volunteer to say something.

"Hush, give me some time, and give Mr. Lockhart some time."

Grindelwald put a finger on his lips, motioning to Kurt to keep quiet.

This gesture is as elegant and protective as it was a few decades ago, but it also reveals a hard-core arbitrariness that cannot be refuted.

Kurt Meyer's eyes met Grindelwald, his lips moved, and he retreated obediently into the shadow of the room.

Grindelwald walked to Gidro Lockhart's side, picked up the document at the wizard's hand, and carefully read it.

"Guidero Lockhart, a well-known writer, the Merlin Jazz Medal III, an honorary member of the Anti-Magic League, and adventures all over the world ... Gee, it is a truly awe-inspiring resume."

"Actually, my favorite honor is to win the Witcher Weekly's most charming smile award five times ..."

Lockhart swallowed and squeezed a bright smile on his face, trying to get his attention away from the signatures of the "Abus Dumbledore" dragon dances on the two parchments in front of him.

As a wizard who graduated from Hogwarts, Gidero Lockhart naturally recognized the principal ’s handwriting.

Not to mention, at the end of the parchment, there is also the magic seal of the Ministry of Magic and Hogwarts-whether it is an "employment contract" or a "duel book", it has passed through the Ministry of Magic and Hog. Watts double certification instrument.

Obviously, things are far more serious than he imagined-the Ministry of Magic is controlled by fate, or everything is authorized by the Ministry of Magic, it is difficult for him to determine which situation is worse.

Ignoring the shaking in Lockhart's voice, Grindelwald continued to look at the file in his hand and said softly.

"In your book, you recorded the process of fighting with various magical creatures, but according to the investigation of the relevant departments, in fact, this was collected from the magician who really experienced these things, not Your personal experience, you just attacked them with a forgetful spell— "

"I can explain it! This is just an accident!" Lockhart shivered and subconsciously retorted loudly.

"Hush-don't be nervous, boy. This is not the worst part yet."

Grindelwald smiled slightly, put his finger up on his lips, and continued to read slowly.

"——Illegally tampering with the memories of others, cheating the International Ministry of Magic, and impersonating the Merlin Jazz badge ... It is said that you also intend to deceive Albus Dumbledore to apply for a professor of black magic defense in Hogwarts? Then it is estimated that You have to add a crime that deliberately abets the underage wizard and subverts the future of the magic world ... Of course, even if there is no last one, depending on what you did before, it is enough to punish the confiscation of all illegal income, life imprisonment and even the death penalty. Charges. "

"Speaking of which, by the way, I would like to introduce myself. I just happen to be a temporary professor of black magic defense in Hogwarts-I haven't heard Professor Dumbledore say that I want to fire me."

Grindelwald glanced at Lockhart, who was about to refute something, like a fire dragon staring at its prey, exhaling gracefully and slowly, and quietly admiring the whole process of the wizard's face from ruddy to gray. .

"As for the evidence, I think one drop of authentic agent should get all of it? Now, tell me your answer."

"I agree, that's all the atonement penalties you have proposed! Don't say it!"

Lockhart grabbed the quill pen on the table dejectedly and began to sign behind the stack of documents without looking at it.

"Oh, this is not what I want to hear, you don't seem to understand what I mean yet."

"You, what do you want to say?"

"What I want to express is actually ..."

Grindelwald looked around the wizards around, nodded slightly, and spoke softly.

"Although in the next period of time, you will be responsible for coordinating the confidential work of the Nikolaev shipyard, but if you try to pass messages to the outside world in this, or you can passively slacken the information and leak it-I allow The official wizard of the Destiny Group can eliminate the traitors on the spot before reporting to us. "

Grindelwald slowly waved his wand, and a small piece of paper flew to everyone except Gidero Lockhart.

"This is a safe house address established in Ukraine. Once a dangerous situation occurs due to a leak, everyone evacuates immediately."

"Wait, what about me?"

Lockhart looked around and asked a little nervously.

"Relax, you can't use this ... we will protect you."

Kurt Meyer carefully read the note in his hand, and after memorizing the above content in his heart, he waved his wand to turn the note in his hand into ashes, and grinned to show white to Lockhart. tooth.

Grindelwald nodded with satisfaction, and said solemnly.

"Very well, then, from now until the end of the project ... We all need to be silent for a while. There are no owls, no flying notes, no flyway nets, no magic messengers—"

"Huh ?! Is this form so severe this time? Mr. Ge, Mr. Pocaris."

Kurt Meyer slightly stunned, bit his tongue, asked with some curiosity.

"No, it's just ... the situation is a bit subtle, but it's not wrong to be cautious anyway."

Grindelwald's eyes flickered and Shen Sheng repeated, "Remember! From now on, unless I come by myself, I will judge the mission to fail if there is correspondence between you or the presence of you in the safe house. "

According to Elena ’s worst deduction results, the US government may join forces with the US Magic Congress and the American Leprechaun.

If that happens, then the magic world and the non-magic world may be changed-the remaining European wizards must fight back in the first place, otherwise when the traitors join forces and start to move towards the whole world, then late.

Even if it is not the worst result ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Judging from the signs nowadays, the Muggles of the United States, the Magic Congress of the United States and the Elves of America ’s Gulinge Pavilion have all been eyeing the disintegrating behemoth of the former Soviet Union. .

"This is a response to most unexpected situations during this period. Look at this when you are in doubt."

Grindelwald took out a document from his arms and solemnly handed it to the hands of Gidero Lockhart

Then, the old man waved his hand and walked out of the door without looking back.

Counting time, he had left Hogwarts long enough, and he would be suspicious if he did not go back.

"Wait, Mr. Apokalis, can I ask you a question?"

Seeing Grindelwald about to leave, Gidro Lockhart stood up and asked aloud.

"Why must it be me, and what special qualities do I have that deserve your attention?

"Good question, in fact, this is also a question I am curious about ... I hope you can give me the answer in a few months."

Grindelwald stopped and looked back at the blonde wizard, and said meaningfully.

Then, it turned into a black shadow and dissipated in the air.


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