1985.03.11 Moscow

The Soviet Communist Party * Chernenko died.

The General Assembly of the Central Committee of the CPSU held an emergency meeting on March 11th, appointed Comrade Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev as the CPSU *, and transferred his "close partner" Yeltsin to the Central Committee .

"I want to avoid a civil war, the country is already going in this direction," Gorbachev said. "If we and we continue to die with power, it means that many people will die, and there will be Great destruction from here. "

Under this concept, Gorbachev began to advocate new thinking, implement democratic reforms, actively gave up the leadership of the CPSU to the country and the army, and promoted the spread of Sinatraism, setting off a prologue of drastic changes in Eastern Europe.

(* Sinatraism: the Soviet Union allows the member states of the Warsaw Pact to decide their own internal policies)

On October 23, 1989, the People's Republic of Hungary was renamed "Republic of Hungary".

The Republic of Hungary announced the abolition of the Marxist-Leninist party ’s leadership role in state institutions, and that the Socialist Party and the Liberal Democratic Party would jointly govern and establish a democratic and free country ruled by law.

On November 17, 1989, Czechoslovakia launched the "Velvet Revolution".

The Federal Parliament of Czechoslovakia approved amendments to the Constitution, abolished the provisions regarding the leadership of the Czech Communist Party in society, and implemented a multi-party parliamentary democracy.

On December 25, 1989, the regime of the Romanian Socialist Republic under Nicolas Ceausescu was overthrown.

The Romanian National Salvation Front Committee took over all the power of the country and changed its name to Romania on the 28th.

1989.12.29People's Republic of Poland, renamed "Republic of Poland".

The free, democratic, and prosperous New Poland Republic has since formally embarked on the development of a market economy based on privatization, which pursues Western-style parliamentary democracy politically.

1990.01.15 Bulgaria decided to implement a multi-party system and a market economy. In the same year, the People ’s Republic of Bulgaria was renamed "Republic of Bulgaria".

1990.03.18 Democratic Germany implemented free elections, and then the Warsaw Treaty Organization was fully integrated into the Federal Republic of Germany.

However, all these were acceptable to the Soviet government at that time.

If we do not solve those basic national problems and without the participation of the people, there will be no way to build a new society. At least at that time, everyone thinks this is correct.

However, when some basic problems began to be solved, the reform process was interrupted.

With the disintegration of the Warsaw Treaty-related countries, the Soviet Union, once an unbreakable alliance, began to crack.

1990.03.11 Lithuania became independent.

1991.04.09 Georgia became independent.

1991.08.20 Estonia independence.


As if it were a falling domino, in the ensuing more than a year, the 15 Soviet republics of the Soviet Union successively declared their independence and began to formulate steps and measures to achieve independence.

Although Gorbachev conducted a referendum on whether to retain the alliance on March 27, 1991, 76.4% of Soviet citizens agreed to maintain the alliance and did not play a correct role.

Since the Soviet Union opened up its foreign economic policy in 1989, the influx of capital into the Soviet Union has quickly taken root. The huge capital power and attractive welfare have successfully helped Yeltsin and other Soviet high-ranking officials who support splitting to gain an advantage in political struggle , Which wiped out the last vitality of the Soviet Union ’s self-recovery.


At the 28th National Congress of the CPSU, Yeltsin announced his withdrawal from the CPSU.

1991.08.19 Moscow

The conservatives of the CPSU launched a coup, hoping to prevent reform.

The coup lasted only two days.

As Russian President Yeltsin refused to obey and led the Soviet army to revolt, the coup failed.

1991.08.23 Congress of Representatives of the Soviet Union

Gorbachev declared the CPSU an illegal organization, ordered the military police and KGB agents to expel all CPSU staff, and seized all the CPSU ’s property to be nationalized and restricted its activities in Russia.


Gorbachev announced his resignation from the CPSU * and suggested that the CPSU Central Committee dissolve itself.


Russian leader Yeltsin announced to deprive the Soviet Union of financial resources, take over the Soviet National Bank and the Foreign Economic Bank, and control the currency power of the Union.


The Ukrainian referendum became independent, and the Soviet Union completely fell into a disintegrating countdown.


Russian President Yeltsin, Ukrainian President Kravchuk and Belarus ’Supreme Soviet President Shushkovich signed a CIS agreement to form a Commonwealth of Independent States, which replaced the Soviet Union by establishing a structure similar to the Commonwealth and completely defeated the Soviet government ’s The new agreement eventually made the old system fundamentally inoperable.


A total of 11 republics in Almaty, Kazakhstan signed to join the CIS, and the Soviet Union was thoroughly sentenced to death.


December 25, 1991, 19pm.

Soviet Presidential Office.

Gorbachev sat in the president ’s office, facing the camera, and published the episode to the whole country and the world. In the decades after his actor career, he repeated countless times in various themes and types of films A paragraph.

"In view of the situation that emerged after the establishment of the Commonwealth of Independent States, I ceased my activities as president of the Soviet Union. This decision was made out of principle."

"I firmly advocate the independence of the people of all ethnic groups and the sovereignty of the republic; at the same time, I advocate the preservation of the alliance countries and the integrity of the country. However, the situation has developed along another path, and the principle of dismemberment and division of the country prevailed I cannot agree with this ... "

"Even after the meeting in Almaty and the decision adopted by the meeting, the representatives at the meeting had great differences of opinion, and my position on this issue has not changed ..."

"Furthermore, I am convinced that such an important decision should be based on the referendum of citizens of the coalition countries."

"In any case, I will do my best to ensure that the successfully signed agreement can promote the actual harmony of society, get rid of the social crisis and ease the difficulties in the reform process ..."

"This is the last time I gave a speech in front of everyone as the President of the Soviet Union ..."

"We have vast land, vast land, rich natural gas and oil, and other more precious resources such as talented and talented people. Naturally, there are also many. But our lives are much worse than those of Western developed countries, and they are getting more and more Leaving behind them, the reason is clearly visible ... "

"Society is suffocating under the constraints of bureaucratic orders ... The country is losing its sustainability ... It can't continue like this, it should fundamentally change everything ..."

"But I always think that starting a reform of this scale, and in such a huge social system, is destined to be extremely difficult, even extremely risky ..."

"However, in any case, we have completed historic work."

"Society has gained freedom, and it has been liberated politically and spiritually ... We will continue to advance the process of freedom and rights, especially human rights, which will be a measure of all future work ..."

"The Soviet Union has embraced people all over the world, and solemnly promised not to interfere in other countries' affairs and to renounce the use of force abroad ..."

"And Western society will return our efforts with trust, unity and respect ..."

The main entrance of the Kremlin on Red Square in Moscow.

The side of the Sickle Hammer flag that was flying above the Kremlin for nearly a century was slowly falling. Below the flagpole, several former Soviet guards are slowly unfolding a red, blue, and white flag of the Russian Federation ...

There was no silence on the Red Square in Moscow, no cheers, no discussion, no national anthem played, and no roar of salutes and tidy military boots ...

Most of the people on the Red Square stayed in place. Everyone's eyes were filled with daze and helplessness. People either looked numbly at the red flag that would never rise again. Www.ltnovel.com ~ Or cover your mouth and nose and make a sobbing cry ...

In the silence ...

The Soviet Union, the eldest brother of the socialist system.

The largest red empire in human history to date.

This great alliance, which has stood for more than half a century, fell silently on Christmas Day in 1991.

And it also means ...

"An era is over."

At the corner of Moscow's Red Square, a silver-haired little girl wrapped in a black trench coat tightened her clothes, sighing in a rather complicated way, and turned to the old wizard who was standing behind in the shadow.

"Go, let's go back to Hogwarts ... a new era has begun."

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