Hogwarts on the Tip of the Tongue

: Goo ~ Pigeon Cooking Encyclopedia ~


The ingredients are ready~

Everyone try to cook better~

This plot~ I'll write it out coherently, and post it together tomorrow~

The nutritional value of pigeons is extremely high. It is not only a valuable delicacy, but also a high-level tonic. Pigeon meat is a high-protein, low-fat food with a protein content of 24.47%. Pigeon meat lacks vitamin B16, vitamin C, vitamin D, and carbohydrates necessary for normal human life. The fat content of pigeon meat is only 73%, which is lower than other meats and is an ideal food for humans.

Pigeon eggs are called "animal ginseng" and are rich in protein. There is a saying in our country that "one pigeon wins nine chickens".

1. Fried pigeon


500g pigeon, 1 egg; 250g starch, bread crumbs, soy sauce, rice wine, sugar, salt, green onion ginger, pepper salt, peanut oil or soybean oil.


A pigeon is slaughtered, hair removed, and viscera removed. It is divided into two parts from the back, boiled in boiling water at 100°C for about 10 minutes, taken out and soaked in the seasoning for about 1 hour. The seasoning is made by mixing salt, soy sauce, sugar, wine, green onions, and ginger. It is required that the pigeon body can be immersed in the seasoning, so it needs to be flipped twice in the middle, take the egg and break it, add starch to mix it into a paste, and smear it on the pigeon skin; then sprinkle bread crumbs and put it in the heated peanut oil pan to fry , The fire can not be too high, fried until the appearance is golden yellow, then serve on a plate dipped in pepper and salt for eating.

Method for preparing pepper and salt: Take 5 grams of pepper and 10 grams of salt, put it in an iron pan and dry it on low heat, take it out, mash it, and grind it for dipping.

2. Steamed pigeon


1 pigeon of 500 grams, golden needles, fungus, shiitake mushrooms, ham, ginger, green onions, wine, salt and raw oil.


Soak the golden needles, fungus, and shiitake mushrooms, rinse and set aside. Chop the green onion and **** into fine pieces. Clean the pigeon, cut into 4 slices, add green onion, ginger, wine, and salt, and marinate for half an hour. Put the marinated pigeon pieces in a basin, and put the golden needles, fungus, and mushrooms in a steamer in boiling water. , Steam for about 12-15 minutes, take out and pour some sesame oil on it, ready to eat.

Three, three pot pigeons


2 young pigeons, green onions, ginger, sugar, wine, sesame oil, soy sauce, salt.


Cut the pigeon into cubes, put it in a small pot together with the auxiliary materials, (without putting water), dry the soup in the pot over a slow fire, and then eat it.

Four, braised pigeon


2 young pigeons, green onions, ginger, soy sauce, star anise, sesame oil and a little salt.


Cut the pigeon into pieces, add sliced ​​ginger, green onion, chili, soy sauce, salt, water, and star anise to the pot, burn it until 80% rotten, and then eat it. Sprinkle with sesame oil before eating to make it more fragrant.

Five, braised pigeon in oil


2 pigeons of 500 grams, 2 eggs, 250 grams of raw oil or soybean oil, soy sauce, salt, sugar, rice wine, starch, onion, ginger, pepper powder.


Two young pigeons are slaughtered, hair removed, and internal organs removed. Each pigeon is cut into two from its back, and the pigeon meat is lightly tapped with the back of a knife to soften the meat fibers. Break the egg, take the egg yolk and 2 tablespoons of starch, mix thoroughly, spread on the pigeon meat, fry it in a heated oil pan, and then take it out.

In another deep pot, put in a bowl of boiling water, add 10 grams of sugar, 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of wine, green onion and ginger, pepper powder, and a little salt. Put the fried pigeon meat in a pot and stew. When the meat is soft, Drain the original juice and pour it on the pigeon meat to eat.

Six, crispy pigeon


2 pigeons of 500 grams, 50 grams of maltose, 5 grams of vinegar, 250 grams of raw oil or soybean oil, 200 grams of marinade.

Marinade ingredients:

200 grams of star anise, licorice, cinnamon, cloves, green onions, ginger, wine and water.


First prepare the marinade, cook for half an hour and turn off the heat, soak the pigeon in the brine for half an hour, and drain off the water. Add the vinegar to the maltose and mix thoroughly, spread it on the pigeon skin. After the skin is air-dried, put it in a hot oil pan and fry it into golden brown ~ www.readwn.com~ Tear it with your hands while it is hot, and have a unique flavor.

Seven, Royal Concubine Pigeon


2 pigeons of 500 grams, 100 grams of bamboo shoots, soy sauce, rice wine, green onions, ginger, cornstarch, salt, peanut oil, and 5 mushrooms.


After the pigeon is slaughtered, remove the hair and internal organs, rinse and clean, cut into large pieces, add soy sauce, wine, sugar, and salt, mix well and soak for half an hour. Cut bamboo shoots into diamond shapes, and cut shiitake mushrooms into strips. Set aside.

Take 50 grams of peanut oil, heat it in an iron pan, add green onion and ginger, then fry the squash pigeon into lumps until the meat is cooked, then add bamboo shoots and mushrooms, stir-fry, add a small amount of broth and transfer to a casserole , Simmer for half an hour, turning 2~3 times in the middle, add MSG and a little cornstarch before eating.

8. Baked pigeon


2 pigeons of 500 grams, 500 grams of raw oil, black pepper, cornstarch, refined salt, sugar, soy sauce, tomato sauce and onions.


Kill the pigeon with viscera, blow dry, spread soy sauce on the inside and outside, marinate for half an hour, fry in a frying pan for 2 minutes and pick it up when it is golden brown, leave a little oil in the pan, add the shredded onion and fry it slightly. Then put the pigeon and other seasonings together in the pot, so that the salt, sugar, lemon juice, pepper, and tomato sauce are boiled into juice, and evenly spread around the body of the pigeon.

Many friends in life often fail to feel the deliciousness of pigeon meat because they don’t know how to cook pigeon meat. Now that you have learned the correct way to cook pigeon meat, you might as well try it yourself.

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