Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 624 How are you using the Forgetting Curse?

As if to prove her sincerity to Fudge, Umbridge immediately took action after receiving the title of Senior Investigator.

Of course, she is not stupid. She did not set her power target on hard opponents like Professor McGonagall or Professor Flitwick from the beginning, but chose a relatively soft target.

Professor Sybill Trelawney in the Divination class.

However, she chose to audit the fifth grade Divination class. At noon that day, Kyle came to the auditorium and happened to see Ron sitting at the Gryffindor table, vividly describing the scene at that time.

"That Umbridge was sitting at the back of the classroom, holding a quill in her hand and scratching on the writing board. I dare say she must have been grading Professor Trelawney at that time..."

There were many people around Ron, from various colleges, and everyone seemed eager to know what the so-called senior investigator was used for.

Kyle was also quite curious, but because the previous class was herbal medicine class, he came a little late and couldn't squeeze in at the moment.

But at this time, Hermione just walked in from outside with a few books in her arms, and an angry Harry followed beside her.

"I think Professor McGonagall is right." Hermione said as she walked away, "You must restrain your temper and don't go against Umbridge for everything. This will not do you any good."

"I can't stand it," Harry said angrily, "She said bad things about Sirius, and am I wrong? Voldemort is stuck to the back of Quirrell's head, I'm just telling the truth."

"But your truth is not what she wants to hear," Hermione said, "and she can shut you down at any time, and you will be the one who suffers in the end." "

"I don't care!" Harry said, "I won't let her succeed. No matter how she punishes me, I don't care... and I'm not the only one who does this. Don't forget that Kyle also refuted her!"

"Actually, I don't want you to imitate me."

Hermione and Harry were startled by the sudden sound, and looked up to find Kyle standing next to them.

Harry looked a little embarrassed, but quickly returned to normal.

"Kyle, when did you come here?" Hermione asked.

"I have been there since you entered the auditorium." Kyle said, "It's just that you didn't seem to see me."

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention," Harry whispered, "I didn't mean to mention you being in solitary, I was just too angry."

"Angry?" Kyle asked, "What happened."

"It was the Defense Against the Dark Arts class this morning... She said that except for Quirrell, all the other Defense Against the Dark Arts professors, including Sirius, were incompetent.

"But we all know that Quirrell was the least qualified... because he had Voldemort glued to the back of his head."

"So you got angry and started arguing with her?" Kyle said.

"That's right!" At this point, Harry's voice suddenly became much louder, "But it seems that everyone thinks that I am wrong to refute Umbridge. Whether it is Professor McGonagall or others, they all think that I am wrong." You should just ignore her and let her talk nonsense..."

"Is there anything wrong with this?" Kyle said, "They just don't want to see you punished, and I think you should do the same."

Harry was stunned for a moment and looked at Kyle in confusion, "But didn't you refute her too... I thought you would definitely understand what I was thinking. We should let everyone know what the truth is."

"These are two different things." Kyle said, "Understanding does not mean support, and no one will change their attitude just because of your two words. Neither you nor I have that much energy.

"Besides, as I just said, I don't want you to learn what I do. This will only make you suffer for a few more days. Nothing else will change, unless..."

At this point, Kyle suddenly paused.

"Unless what?" Harry demanded.

Kyle thought for a while and said, "Let me ask one more question, how are you using the Forgetting Curse?"

Harry blinked and didn't understand why Kyle suddenly asked this, but after hesitating for a moment, he still said hesitantly: "Okay, okay."

Even so, Kyle already got the answer from his evasive eyes.

What Harry said was okay was probably just a decent way of saying it. The real situation was most likely a mess.

"The Oblivion Curse... does this have anything to do with being imprisoned by Umbridge?" Harry asked.

"It's okay, I'm just asking casually, don't worry about it." Kyle shook his head, and then changed the subject: "By the way, you were there during the fifth grade divination class, Umbridge, the senior investigator, did it What."

"I don't know." Harry said, "But I guess she was giving grades to the professor, and she kept asking Professor Trelawney questions during class...asking her how long she had been in this position. And her life experience.”

Kyle nodded. These are the methods commonly used by the Ministry of Magic. There is nothing new.

Harry thought for a while and continued: "By the way, Umbridge finally asked Professor Trelawney to make a prophecy for her."

"Prophecy?" Kyle asked curiously, "What is it."

"It's still the same content." Harry lowered his voice and said, "You must also know that Professor Trelawney, a big liar, doesn't know anything about prophecies other than scaring people, so she still wants to do it again this time.

"She told Umbridge that she was walking into a trap and that she would be in terrible danger.

"But Umbridge didn't seem to believe it, and expressed doubts about Professor Trelawney's prophecy ability."

"Trap?" Kyle raised his eyebrows.

"That's what Professor Trelawney said." Harry said nonchalantly, "But it's definitely false. I hear similar words three times in every class."

"That's not necessarily true..." Kyle muttered quietly.

"What did you say?" Because the voice was too low, Harry couldn't hear it clearly.

"Nothing, I said thank you." Kyle patted Harry on the shoulder, "In return, I can reveal to you the contents of Umbridge's confinement in advance."

"What is it?" Harry asked urgently.

Kyle said calmly: "Use a knife to carve words on your hand."

Before Harry could react, Hermione was the first to shout: "She can't do this! Even in the last century, Hogwarts has never had such a cruel punishment of confinement... No, I have to tell Mai Professor Ge.”

"Don't worry." Kyle stopped Hermione who was about to run out and continued: "I just provided a possibility. If she changes to another way by then, it is possible.

"And no matter what the punishment is, Umbridge cannot come openly. Even if Professor McGonagall goes, it may not be useful, so there is only one best way."

Kyle looked at Harry again, "Don't say anything when you are in confinement. Just admit your mistake directly and you might be able to escape."

"Kyle is right." Hermione agreed: "Umbridge is a professor, you can't go against her."

"Impossible, I will never admit my mistake to her!" Harry said, squeezing his neck.

"Stop saying stupid things, it won't do you any good."

"But I obviously didn't say anything wrong..."

Harry and Hermione were bickering again, just as they had been when they entered.

But by this time, Kyle had returned to the Hufflepuff table.

If even Hermione couldn't persuade Harry, then it would be useless to have him.

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