Although the spell is demanding, it is not too difficult for this perception.

Because Allen saw this person with his own eyes and also owns the apple that the other person had touched, it is not difficult to detect.

As long as all the materials are ready, Alan has a great chance of casting a spell.

Unless the opponent's strength is strong and can detect the fluctuations in the magic power brought by this spell, then the information he feeds back is likely to be a false performance.

Allen didn't think the person I saw today would have such strength.

Hermione and Luna stood in the corner, and Miss Know-it-all watched Alan's every move seriously.

Allen will take the eyes of the Falcon, add some herbs, nitric acid, copper, and zinc from the material cabinet and put them in the water of the Star Lake to boil...

Following Allen's spells and actions, the image of the wizard selling apples appeared on a well-forged and highly polished silver mirror covered with a potion.

The man was surrounded by wild grasses, walking quickly through a lush oak forest, vaguely visible, and many broken stone pillars stood nearby.

Following Alan's control, everyone saw the man's face, and Hermione couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

What appeared on the silver mirror was not a human face at all!

"Werewolf!" Alan was surprised when he thought of the apple that could turn a man into a werewolf, as keen as him, and immediately realized that there must be an inside story.

The influence on the mirror disappeared.

"Hermione, I think it's necessary to check for you again." Allen said to Hermione seriously.

Hermione nodded pale.

Allen used the detection methods he knew one by one, and even took out the crystal ball to fortune the future. Fortunately, Hermione was normal and was not affected in any way, which made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

"Let's go back to Oak Town." After the three of them changed into H94 uniforms, Allen made a decisive decision.

The trio left the tower and returned to the town. The Allen trio used the Auror detective skills they learned from Albert to inquire about news in the town.

Hermione was the most serious. She actually took out the notebook and wrote down the information collected after the detection in the notebook one by one.

1. People who buy magic apples usually take out the seeds, hoping to cultivate magic apple trees. The seeds can germinate and grow twisted saplings, but mysteriously disappear when they reach a height of about 2 feet. The villagers in Oak Village believed that the apple sellers had sent thieves to steal the saplings in order to monopolize the interests of magic apples.

2. Outside the Oak Village, there is an ancient road that has been abandoned. The ancient road passed near the underground castle, but it was abandoned due to the activities of dark creatures. No one knows for sure the past of the underground castle.

3. The ancient road passes through the ash plain where no grass grows. This desolate status quo is related to an ancient dragon with five heads, "The Return of All Colors".

4. Legend has it that there are terrible monster activities at night, so the herders dare not graze outside Oak Town. No one has ever witnessed these monsters, but there are occasional dead bodies of humans and animals who have not returned overnight.

5. Tarragon, Sarven, and Braver Duss, who chased the troublesome apple sellers, no one saw them again. Lord Braverdos is an outsider, and he holds a wand made of thornwood in his hand, which is full of thorns, which is impressive.

6. Canon, the owner of "Bubble Tavern", remembers that 13 years ago, there was a missing person who kept a big tree frog as a pet.

After summing up the information, Allen's curiosity was fully mobilized, and he was determined to find the werewolf.

On the one hand, they always have anti-wolf drugs, and taking them in advance can effectively prevent infection in a short time.

on the other hand. Hermione and Luna need exercise.

The most important thing is that Allen is sure to become a phoenix at a time of crisis and take Luna and Hermione to escape.

After drinking the wolf poison potion, the three people walked on the legendary ancient road according to the guidance of the villagers.

Weeds grow on the ancient road, and there is a lush oak forest nearby.

The three of them walked along the ancient road, crossing a rocky highland, and a narrow rift appeared to the west of the ancient road.

"It's here!" Hermione judged after comparing several references that she had seen in the mirror.

Here, it is the place where the werewolf that Allen detected through perceiving the spell.

There are many broken stone pillars nearby. Most of the stone pillars have sunk diagonally in the mud, and some have even fallen into the deep valley.

Two of the stone pillars stand on the edge of the rift valley. At the same time, Allen noticed the same gravel pillars across the Rift Valley.

Allen and the others stepped forward to check.

Most of the stone pillars were broken, and many stone pillars were carved with ancient runes.

"If anyone interferes with this peace, death will fall on his head." Hermione stood in front of a pillar and translated.

"Stop, death is staring at you!" Allen also read the text on the pillar in front of him.

"There is a rope!" Luna's voice was heard by the wind.

She was already standing on the edge of the rift valley and shouted, pointing to something in the rift valley.

Allen and Hermione rushed over, and tied a rope firmly to a stone pillar, the other end of the rope hanging down into the rift.

"There are claw prints on this rope, and it's probably used exclusively by werewolves." Allen picked up the rope and came to a conclusion.

Then Allen threw the rope down and carefully observed the environment around the Rift Valley.

On the rock wall, Allen found a hole dug out by hand.

His gaze went down the order of the potholes and saw a small platform.

"How do we get down?" Hermione asked.

"Of course it's Apparition!" Allen was optimistic about where to stay, took Hermione and Luna directly, and flew down.

What appeared in front of the three of them was a narrow platform The ground was full of gravel, gravel and small animal bones.

At the edge of the platform, a spiral staircase with rough craftsmanship hovered down, disappearing into the darkness deep in the rift valley.

"It's dark underneath." Hermione drew out her wand and wanted to use fluorescent sparkle as illumination.

"No, Hermione!" Allen stopped her immediately. "Based on the sight we just saw, someone should have been here half a month ago. If they have bad intentions, then we cast a fluorescent charm in the dark. , It is tantamount to sending them a signal and becoming a living target." Allen explained patiently to Hermione.

"Then what shall we do?" Hermione put away her wand, but was a little disturbed by the black surroundings.

Allen pointed to the raven masks on their waists, "Don't forget them! In the dark, you can see clearly."

But even if you wear a mask that can see things in the dark, you can't see the entire platform and the bottom of the rift valley.

"Look, there are footprints." Careful Hermione noticed that in addition to the footprints of the three of them, there were other people's footprints left on the platform all the way down the spiral staircase.

The three people increased their vigilance and continued to move forward.

Suddenly, three figures threw out in the dark, moving extremely quickly.

They went straight to Hermione who had just made a sound.

Hermione, who had never experienced this before, gave a frightened scream and stumbled back.

Allen was surprised at first, and when he judged that these three animals were nothing but fear rats, he waited aside, ready to rescue them at any time.

In Allen's eyes, these three big dog-shaped terrifying rats are not difficult opponents except that they may be infected by biting.

Hermione glanced back and saw that they were closer to her, running with a clear rhythm and agility.

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