Hogwarts Everything is Three

Vol 2 Chapter 1464: ?crown

It is different from the shocked atmosphere of the elderly. In the courtyard belonging to the young people, they are far away from the singing stage and close to the water of the Black Lake.

Helena, a young ghost who is only a thousand years old, stands in the middle. She uses her fingers to control the projected illusion of the crown design suspended in the air, showing it to the young wizards sitting on the blankets on the grass, mainly witches. Explain her design—

Luna was wearing that shiny bright yellow skirt, sitting cross-legged at her daughter's feet to assist her in performing the magic show, and she used magical power to follow the design drawings floating in the air.

It was a thin Mithril headband. Compared to the Muggle crowns studded with various gemstones and intricately designed crowns or Luna's own crowns, it looked a little simple-although to the wizards That's not the case, and Helena also fully considered that this crown, which is more like a headband, would be used by her father.

Other witches, whether it is Daisy and Emily and Hermione and Penello, the oldest of the Harris sisters, or Fleur and her cousin, who has no longer been the host and relaxed, plus other things like The doctors, these witches who eclipsed the blooming flowers in the courtyard are considered to have encountered a topic of common interest today. They are all twittering to help the female ghost’s crown design to give their opinions and let the female ghost add and delete on it. .

After it was almost finalized, the witches began to booze and wanted to make it on the spot, which made Emily immediately refreshed. This is a good opportunity to take the opportunity to stroll around the treasure house. She immediately stood up and said, "I'll get it. Some materials, except for the Mithril gemstones?"

"No trouble." Luna, who was not involved in the discussion, rolled up her sleeves, stretched her white arms into a circle of nothingness, and quickly took out a small statue of Ravenclaw made of mithril.

Noting the surprised gazes of the little witches who didn’t know the inside story, she suddenly realized that a chanting voice sounded, "I came in from the temple. It was a sacrifice from the Malfoy family a few days ago..."

"There is actually a lot of storage for this thing at the Golem Factory..." Hermione's little sour cream cake swallowed it into her belly. She was actually a little jealous that Luna used her idol to make Alan a crown. .

"It is estimated that I have collected some from the defeated Germans. You know that some Germans are eager to turn their treasures into Jin Jialong and want to buy a big house on the floating city..." The more jealous Penello obviously thought of this too. One point, he held his hands in disdain and said, "You have to save money when you want to shoot Mad Girl's horses. The Malfoys are very cunning."

This makes the Veeva cousins ​​look at each other even more, and it is inevitable that some concerns have arisen in their hearts. Recently, the power of the Ravenclaw Temple is very large. In addition to the British mainland and even the French magicians who are not Hogwarts, believers have also begun to increase. This kind of upright stealing things from the temple seems to them, even if the relationship between Harris and the temple is good, it would be too disrespectful to the gods-but seeing that the Harris family and Fleur did not have any additional reactions, they seemed very accustomed, this Let the little witches who have this idea stop their worries in their stomachs.

After Luna explained a word here, she didn’t say much but just acted like this. She raised her head and took a look at the final effect of Helena’s design, and then began to melt her own idol and restore the Mithril. Changed back to liquid, and then began to pull them invisibly in the air.

In the eyes of everyone marveling at the mad girl’s alchemy ability to make magical wonders, under the touch of her slender fingers, the finished product automatically fills in the missing magic knowledge in the design, and the secret symbols are engraved on the inside and outside of the Mithril headband. On both sides, it adds a lot of mystery. The magical energy that has begun to gather shows that these secret symbols are not only decorations, but also make witches who want to wonder and design differently to shut their mouths.

"Where are the iron stones? Wait for seven of them to be installed on the crown." Helena pointed to the hole in the crown in her mother's hand to install the gems and said to Alan.

This made the smile on Alan's face, who had let go and let the witches do it, a bit stiff. After hearing about the Iron Stone, I recalled using the knowledge on the scroll to understand how the wizards of the ancient magic empire used the stones to maximize their effectiveness. He suddenly became a little reluctant when his daughter designed the'highlights', but when he looked at Helena, who was so expectant, he realized that he couldn't directly deny the daughter who had worked so hard for so long. He pretended to indulge in a gentle manner. Said, "Helena, I think maybe a more conventional method can be used instead of being so complicated and compelling... You know that I can do things like controlling the growth of plants directly by casting spells, but it doesn’t help me. It’s big...how do you think of replacing it with a fixed longan gemstone like mine?"

The Harris girls were puzzled by Allen's inquiry.

"Helena! Your design is great!" Furong took the lead in a flash of inspiration to understand what was going on. She also read the scroll and looked at her uncle with envy and excitement, "Ellen, the crown is more complicated. It’s more in line with your new identity... I actually feel that this design is a bit too simple..."

"What? Oh, I understand!" Daisy also realized Helena's plan, and then rarely supported Furong's opinion, "The spinning gem, such a magic crown, I think it is an art!"

The praised Helena obviously paid attention to Ellen's question and current expression: "Father? I don't think you are too happy?"

"No, Helena, the crown you designed will trigger the Hogwarts trend..." Allen, who knew he could not hide, stroked Helena's long hair lightly, looked down at his daughter's eyes and said: "We When promoting, let everyone know this, and let them understand that our Helena is a master of jewelry design."

Hearing that, although Helena was still a little bit suspicious, her body was no longer stiff, and her hands tightening her skirt also relaxed.

And Allen had to look at the puzzled gazes of the witches who hadn’t figured out what was going on, and Luna used the same method to take out the gems she had obtained when she was young in the void. Vinclaw picked up a few colors and shapes in the later collections that he could still see, and chose seven of them and handed them over.

These stones of different shapes and colors then flew out of Allen’s palm, and automatically fell on the groove of the shaped head ring suspended in the air. After the holes were adjusted to fit the shape of the gem, they were perfectly embedded. Go in. Seeing that the crown had been made, Daisy stood up immediately for fear that Allen would make an excuse not to wear it, grabbed the crown, and then strode forward to Allen and pressed it to the top of his head without denying it. Go up, and then help his brother Dai Duan straight down.

Almost immediately, there was laughter and praise from the witches, who showed their love for the crown without hesitation.

Penello saw that Alan was being pointed at by so many witches as a model. He thought that the look immediately seemed a bit savory and unstoppable, and then noticed that Luna had already taken out her magic camera. The raised eyes were obviously ready. I took a picture, and Furong took out a small mirror from the pearl string bag she carried with him, turned it into a waiter, and stood in front of Alan.

"Allen, start it quickly and let us see the effect." Hermione obviously also knew the cleverness of this design, but she urged aloud without understanding Allen's embarrassment.

This allowed other people to understand what other forms this magical wonder could take out, and Alan looked at the gazes expected by the surrounding witches, and his daughter's probing gaze had to maintain his solemnity, and then moved his mind.

The thin Mithril head ring exudes a light similar to that of the energy core. The runes on it make it look more mysterious and powerful. Then, the holes of the Mithril head ring are inlaid with seven irons of the same color and shape. The stones flew again, and the stones began to revolve in a circular orbit one to three feet outside Allen's head like satellites—some of them were red spheres, blue cuboids, pink and green circles. The ball, there are also irregular diamonds...

Under such a halo of shimmering stone satellites, Allen matched his silver hair, pale skin, and handsome facial features, making him look less like an ordinary mortal, but more like Ravenk next to him. Law himself looks more like a **** walking on earth in the eyes of Harris. (Author's note: There are screenshots of the Ainstone running in the Dungeon and Dragons Castle Master Manual, I put it in the QQ Book Friends album.)

"Ravenclaw is here, these colorful iron stones like stars make the magic crown sublimate to a whole class."

"I like the light of these mysterious runes above. It really feels like magic."

"In this way, the decoration floating around the forehead looks more delicate because of the light and shadow."


Facing the compliments of the witches and Luna's photos, Allen just stared blankly in the mirror, looking at himself covered by the colorful Ain stone. Daisy and Emily have begun to suffocate—they know that they are familiar with their brothers' preferences, knowing that Allen is a bit of a silly dislike of this bells and whistles.

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