Hogwarts Everything is Three

Vol 2 Chapter 1277: ?school

In the week before Christmas, although the teachers arranged very tightly and did not stop assigning homework to the students, the joy of the upcoming holiday made the students seem to have no intention of studying at all—because they are usually in school. It is not forbidden for students to go home on weekends, so the students gave themselves a reason to be lazy, and from the previous year when they could go back to see their family on vacation, it became because of the vacation itself.

In the auditorium, hundreds of candles floated above the table, shining brightly on the porcelain tableware and silver knives and forks. The four long college desks were already full of chattering students. At the top of the auditorium, the faculty and staff sat on the side of the faculty desk, facing their students.

The previous sanctions imposed on the British magic world by countries around the world have existed in name only. The economy of the British magic world is recovering. Immigrants from various countries have brought different food cultures to exchange and collide in this hot land. All kinds of imported ingredients have been circulated into the UK. This group of teachers and students benefited Hogwarts.

At this time, in the kitchen below the Hufflepuff common room, the house elves were very busy preparing lunch. Today they additionally prepared a variety of hot stews and sweet puddings, making every The menu in front of me is three times thicker than before.

After Hogwarts became Allen’s private school, he was never stingy in diet and invested a lot of money. Although the house elves have to master so many tastes in a short time, it is indeed a bit difficult for them, but The not-so-authentic food they produced also made many witches have to seek the help of potions to maintain their figure, and the flesh on Neville's chin was thicker.

From Harry's point of view, the Hogwarts Auditorium seemed to have shrunk, because transfer students from various countries made it noisier than usual.

"Dad said Harris was very calm this time, and he caught the most suitable opportunity to clarify the truth." Ron has already eaten a portion, and he is now looking at the menu and deciding to follow the order. The traditional roast chicken legs and the newly launched German card Searle's liverwurst is difficult to choose from.

"The impact of this incident is too bad... Fred said that the decoy bombs and stealth smoke bombs in their store are selling well." Ginny took her silver spoon and took a sip of the fish soup in front of her. "Fortunately, Ravenclaw blessed Harris. If the secret peace talks hadn't happened to be held, the peace talks would have been successful... I might have doubts... These dark wizards are too cunning..."

"When I graduate, I'll take the Auror exam and catch the dark wizards." Harry waved his fist hard, "Sooner or later, send them to Azkaban."

"You'll be a good Auror, Harry." Neville, who had not been sitting down for a long time, turned his head and said very seriously, "It's a pity that my academic performance cannot meet the requirements of being an Auror..."

"Thank you Neville... There were too many people around you just now, so we'll take the first step." Harry touched his nose and said.

"I don't understand what they think... What does it have to do with me when my uncle joins the review committee..." Neville's chin trembled, and he looked at Freig next to him apologetically. He has always liked to keep a low profile. Like the changes in recent days.

Ron was a little envious of this kind of attention-grabbing opportunity, and he said tastefully: "Susan Bones is more exaggerated than you. A group of boys circled her. She has received a lot of Christmas gifts now."

"That's not her own charm, isn't it?" Lavender held her cheek and heard her boyfriend talk about other girls being jealous, she hugged Ron's arm, "Dear Luo, you Christmas What gift do you want for festival?"

Ginny rolled her eyes. Ron and Lavender were so tired of being together regardless of the occasion, which made her powerless to sarcasm. She turned her head and said to Harry: "Harry, let's go to the duel... Allen I came to teach in the afternoon for a few grades together, and the front row position is not so easy to find... Speaking of which Hermione did not eat at school at noon, she must have finished eating at home and went straight."

Harry looked at the door. Indeed, many eager to learn had already set off for the practice class. He looked at Ron, but Ron was still entangled by Lavender, who was full of Christmas gifts. Pulling Harry, Ginny flicked his leg impatiently and jumped off the stool. Ron had to put down the menu regrettably, dragged Lavender to follow, and almost dropped the dishes to the ground in a hurry.

The little lions of Gryffindor rushed out of the auditorium. In the large but heavy-traffic corridor, Harry, who was trying to calm his girlfriend and his brother to stop the noise, accidentally rushed to a staircase just from the basement. In the arms of the wizard who came up, the other party also subconsciously supported his shoulder to prevent Harry from falling.

"Thank you, I'm sorry I'm not... eh?" Potter immediately saw who the other person was, and the other person saw that Harry pushed him back and made him stagger.

Ginny looked ugly, because it was Draco Malfoy that Harry ran into, and as she was worried, the Slytherin followers who followed Draco had already scolded. .

"Don't you have eyes to walk?"

"The corridor is not your lounge like a zoo."

"Don't apologize to Master Malfoy?"

Because Lucius was proved to be the spy sent by Harris to Voldemort, the Merlin Medal and the fact that Harris joined Harris, let the Slytherin snakes during this time to fight Draco than the others to Born. Sri Lanka has a more enthusiastic attitude.

Especially many families who are closely related to the pure-blood arrested are afraid of being further implicated by Lucius's accusations. And now that Draco was hit by this Potter full of arms, it was their chance to please Draco.

"Bro special, why? We ignored you and you came here to provoke us?" Pansymai stepped between Malfoy and Harry, looking very fierce. "Or do you want to have a duel?"

Because of the relationship between Alan and his family, Pansy and the others have rarely directly troubled Harry and the others, but now Hogwarts encourages students to use fair duels to resolve disputes, Pansy's attitude towards Harry should be hardened. What's more, Crabbe and Gore also put down the desserts in their hands and carried them behind them, seemingly intending to serve as assistants in the duel.

"Forget it, it's meaningless." Draco seemed to have recovered at this time. He grabbed Pansy's arm and squinted at Harry's narrowed mouth in a somewhat absent-minded sarcasm, "Battery group of Gryffindors. Don't understand anything, let them play foolishly in the corridor."

"Harry didn't mean it. Isn't it that you guys left the corridor empty?" Ron behind took a step forward to defend his friend.

"What? Weasley, are we in the corridor to prevent you from finding other people's money dropped on the ground?" Pansy sarcastically, "How many days do you need to pick up? Is it enough to buy Christmas presents for your friends?"

Draco's Slytherin attendants smirked in agreement. This contemptuous look made Ron's face flushed. Recently, because of the improvement of his family's financial situation, his pocket money has increased and he is very fond of treats and gifts. This act of exposing his previous scars made him a little irritated.

"Are you looking down on us, Malfoy, come on, don't think that you can use those ancient magics, but I also took classes this year~www.ltnovel.com~ and learned those magics too!" Ron let go. Wende yelled at the Slytherins, and Lavender, who had been let go, followed Ron with eyes on his hips.

"Yo yell, see what I heard... so to speak." Bryce Zabini said grotesquely. He put on a weird look, his mouth was long and his eyes turned around. "Ron You used to be afraid of Draco?"

"Enough!" Harry couldn't restrain his anger, he drew out his wand, "Let's go to the duel for a round!"

"Why are you stuck here? Don't want to go to Alan's class?" Emily took Laura and Gabriel up the basement stairs to the corridor.

"Sorry Emily..." Draco shrugged. After he nodded to Emily, he ignored the Gryffindors and left on his own.

When those Slytherin attendants saw this, they had to salute Emily and then follow Draco. Several Gryffindors who had been chilled in the same place dryly thanked Emily. Also left.

But Pansy stayed with Emily and they were together: "Emily, do you know what happened to Draco? He seems to have matured a lot since he came back from your house, but he has always been a little absent-minded..."

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