Hogwarts Everything is Three

Vol 2 Chapter 1142: ???Too many special effects

While Allen was trying to fight food in the kitchen, one after another, after the Ministry of Magic officially got off work, the living room became more and more lively.


The undrinked potion in front of Emily was no longer steaming. Penello was fiddle with the gramophone in the living room. She drove the little bird and snake hidden in the cupboard to Ronn’s side, and then at random After putting a few vinyl discs and listening to it, she used the levitating technique to move it to the restaurant, but she turned her head and noticed that Hermione was looking at her, and her red lips raised her tone and said critically, "My father also has it in the study. One, the sound is better, and I won’t have to move it around if I bring it here tomorrow."


"Penello, you spoil Alan too much, how can you get a phonograph soundtrack for a meal... It's too exaggerated." Seeing that the two were arguing again, Daisy changed the subject loudly, "Hermione come here. You’re on TV, and your hairstyle looks pretty photogenic today."


"Wolf mother sprayed me a quick-smooth hair cream... the effect is good, but it would be too troublesome to spray every day." Hermione rolled her eyes at Penello, and sat next to Daisy without arguing with her. "Four eyes analyzed some ingredients. The quick-smoothing hair cream contains Barbados rubber, Asian fire dragon hair and Vaseline. The umbrella will soon be better..." Hermione paused, "Speaking of this hair conditioner It was also the invention of Harry’s grandfather, Mr. Fremont Porter. This best-selling product quadrupled the Porter family’s wealth. Fortunately, he sold the company with a huge profit after retiring. The buyer and us Don’t deal with it...but it’s still a bit immoral anyway...” (Author’s note: The setting is from the Harry Potter Wizard Collection. The label above shows that this hair slip is actually made in China.)


"I also changed this brand after I came to the UK. This hair slipper is suitable for all hair types. It is particularly effective for thick and tousled hair. It can make them smooth and shiny... However, the label still clearly warns redheads. Don’t use this potion, otherwise it will cause a “unique effect”. The Weasley boy who often stays with Potter seems to be unable to use it. Hermione, your new product may consider fixing this defect. I found that there are quite a lot of these red **** people in the British wizarding world." Furong took a cup of green tea with sugar cubes and fresh mint leaves, and took a sip elegantly. "Also, Daisy, isn't it tasteful to play music during dinner? Playing beautiful music on an old gramophone... Maybe Allen should have gone to Busbarton to study..."


"Why hasn't Allen come out yet? This kid is cooking for the first time. Could it be that he messed up the kitchen... Sorry to come out?" Seeing the two arguing again, he changed the subject loudly, "Penello, How did he do when you went in before? If not, you'd better go to three broomsticks and buy some ready-made ones..."


"This kid Ellen just knocked on the door of my tree house, and the purpose of knocking me out was to get me out!" Helga Hufflepuff grumbled in the portrait of the living room, "Today Roy Didn’t Na come? If you want me to say you have to keep an eye on it...she and Alan don’t have much truth in their mouths..."


"Don't worry, Irving and Helga, I just went in and took a look. Allen's cooking should be relatively simple..." Penello had already directed the phonograph to float, and heard that she had defended Allen and turned away. The topic, "By the way, Victor sent a message before that the cowards who made trouble at the bank today seem to have gathered in the Bork family manor..."


Albert nodded earnestly: "Although Scrimgeour obeyed the order in public, he is in charge of patrolling the Auror after all. He is naturally oppressive to those ordinary armed Aurors... During this time he was armed with us. Luo did not deal with each other for making trouble... After today, he may be completely shameless... I have to say that he is actually not a bad person, because he thinks he should do, father, we can't promote him to other positions Come on?"


"The Auror office is still in charge of the magic law enforcement director, Albert, if he makes trouble, tell me that my position can still suppress him." Lun teased the snake in his pocket. It’s a bit difficult to walk. In addition to the pure-blood family’s residual power in the Ministry of Magic, they will definitely try their best to stop it. It will also allow ordinary wizards and Dumbledore like Dumbledore to think that we are doing a thorough cleaning to control the British magical world...No, At least not yet. The Floating City Energy Nuclear School has not really turned into our capital. We don't need to consider those families, but we still have to take fame into consideration for ordinary wizards."


"Hermione, put aside the plan to use energy nuclei to control undead creatures and Mr. Handy's golems instead of humans. Research can continue, but after today, many ordinary wizards will be unemployed... we have to let them work. "Owen flicked his fingers on the sofa habitually. "It's better to let Arthur speed up a bit. I will provide him more free time in the Ministry of Magic...turn more Muggle things into wizard products. Then open more workshops on the floating city...Hermione, don’t care about temporary losses. It’s okay to put money on the umbrella. This kind of economic confrontation will finally win when our own manufacturing becomes formal."


"Allen told me something similar before." Hermione's eyes were bright and moist, and she was very happy that Owen and his sons cared about ordinary people at this time. "He said that even if the warehouse can't sell it, the bank will expand production. It will also give priority to helping many wizard families to survive this economic winter."


   Irving nodded in satisfaction: "Very well, you have your own plan... after today, wait for them to criticize for a while, and then Alan can show his other treasure in public..."


   "Owen!" Morgan LeFayy didn't care at first, but at this time she put her hands on her swollen belly and let out a louder roar, "Before you speak!"


   "Huh? Ah! ... I'm sorry I am not..." The Minister of Magic was stunned for three seconds and then responded that he had a yellow voice. Before he could finish talking, some laughter broke out in the house.


   Daisy yelled out with a laugh, "Dad, maybe I can let Allen do this too? Then Allen is even more famous in the wizarding world around the world...and Fleur is going to do an interview!"


   "Daisy!" Albert screamed madly at his sister, who he thought was too joking. Fleur couldn't help but chased Daisy with her husband.


   But at this time, the kitchen suddenly opened, drawing everyone's attention.


At this time, Alan was a bit like the aunt on the Hogwarts train who was popular with all the students, pushing a large dining car out, neatly covered with silver lids of different sizes. The plate prevented them from knowing what food Allen did.


And Allen sat on the plug of the dining table, with a somewhat overconfident smile, stretched out his hand, inviting them to come to the restaurant to sit together-and a flash of fire in the restaurant indicated that Anka had already teleported in and sat there in advance. A tree-shaped phoenix dedicated table.


   But the Harris were still surprised. Seeing so many hemispherical lids on the cart, Daisy's mouth grew in surprise: "My brother, how can you cook so many dishes?"


   "In such a short period of time? Did you ask Maggie to help?" Morgan Lefayy clutched her stomach, her expression was similar to that of the eldest daughter, she had never noticed that her children showed talent in this aspect before.


Hermione’s expression was also stunned. She was originally full of joy and expectation to be able to eat Allen’s food. She used to think that Alan and herself could not cook, and it was because he was a top student like him. This is true because she focused her energy on learning and other more important things, but now seeing so many covers, it gave her a fatal blow and made her realize that people are different from each other, under extreme talent. Allen is also more talented than her in cooking.


"Remember to write me a recipe." Helga knocked in the portrait and caught Allen's attention. "I will show Merlin and Odegar in the tree house. The Muggle conscripts The official appetite is pretty good... and, why didn’t I see Rowena and Helena? You quarreled? Why didn’t you even come over to eat?"


"Of course not, Luna recently...have some of her problems, you know her current state...Helena is with her, don't worry about Helga, I have already sent them a copy..." Allen tried to pass Implying that Luna’s identity as a pseudo-god misled others, "Of course it’s okay to write a recipe, Helga. In fact, I’ve already prepared it in there. Kreacher will read it to you later. Sorry, I just didn’t want you to give it to mom. We spoiled what I’m doing..." He found that the family’s expressions were a bit exaggerated, and he hurried to clarify, "Also, don’t look at so many plates, but most of them are actually side dishes. It is a bit like the lamb that Penello made for us last year The way to eat the soup...I actually made three dishes, one of which was just dessert...but I tried it in the kitchen and it should still suit your taste...especially Emily."


   Emily, who was excited when she heard the sweets, was also refreshed at this time. She stood up from the sofa and cheered Alan: "I said when I was a child, Alan, you are the best!"


However, unlike the curiosity and appetite that most people are aroused at this time, the expression of Lun, who has been in the pig's head bar before, is not so good. Thinking of the Anna III who made Aberforth cry, no The prepared Lun couldn't help but retched half of the time, but he was forcibly suppressed immediately; Penello heard Helga and Allen talking about Luna, which made her a little bit irritable; as for the female schoolmaster Hermione, she was still under the shock that she thought she and Alan were both culinary scumbags but suddenly realized that she was the only one. This made the three wizards a little confused and followed the others into the more traditionally decorated restaurant. seat.


However, Ellen in front of the cart was a little pleased to see Luna’s explanations concealed. He waved his arms confidently. All the lids and the dinner plates floated in the sky under the action of the clever Levitation Curse and landed accurately. On this long mahogany table in the restaurant, only a few covers with dipping sauces are left on the cart.


Seeing Allen's confident appearance, the Harris leaned forward expectantly, leaning close to the dish cover facing him on the table~www.ltnovel.com~ Allen turned his head confidently to the already floating Maggie on the side of the gramophone nodded for a moment. Maggie ordered to move the stylus on the phonograph to the vinyl disc on top. The restaurant sounded very magnificent music, with a strong antiquity charm. The feeling of grand scene. (Author's note: The BGM of this chapter is the classic song "The Great Wall of Ten Thousand Miles" written by Michihiko Ota in the cartoon "The Little Master of China".)


Then, all the lids flew up in the air under the control of Allen, and instantly dazzling golden light burst out from these silver dinner plates, and the whole group of golden lights gathered upwards like a fast shuttle of light, and finally became a confluence. The huge circular beam of light touched the ceiling and spread out, and then the whole room was enveloped by the strong light. (Author's note: The magic technique here is the special effect of the cartoon "The Little Head of China" when the little head opened the golden fried rice at the beginning.)


   "Ah! I'm blind!" Owen and his sons wailed, covering their eyes.


   "My eyes!" Morgan Le Fay and the girls instantly flushed with tears.


   "Cack!" Phoenix Anka fell directly from its dining table. This dazzling light than its flame made it cover its bird face with its wings before falling to the ground.


   The music from the phonograph also stopped-the house elf Maggie had just set her up under the bright light temporarily blind.


   "Don't panic! Sorry!" Allen himself was flashed a little dizzy, "I used magic to add too many special effects! I only tested the effect of a single plate, but I didn't expect so many to gather together into a Muggle flash bomb..."

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