Hogwarts Everything is Three

: Tribute to the heroes, rest in peace

April 4th in the Gregorian calendar, March 12th in the lunar calendar, is the Qingming Festival in the year of Gengzi, and is also a national day of mourning. Thinking of the martyrs who sacrificed in the front line of epidemic prevention and control, at this moment, there is only endless gratitude in my heart. They are what we should A hero to remember for a lifetime.

Since the second day of the Lunar New Year, Tong Tang has also participated in some tasks such as entering data at nucleic acid test sites. Although he is not a frontline doctor or traffic police, he is also deeply tired. I can't imagine the medical staff who guard the hospital day and night. What kind of work intensity and mental pressure the personnel are under! I can't even imagine what kind of pain those martyrs who sacrificed themselves in order to protect most people from being infected with the virus should endure.

Ching Ming Festival in the Gengzi Year, let us pay tribute to the heroes together.

May the dead rest in peace, may the living work hard, and may the motherland prosper!

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