High-profile King

Chapter 661: Lay hands

Zhang Jiao has often disappeared since living in Sanhui's apartment. On average, he has to be away from home for at least half of the 7 days a week.

Even if I go home, I will go deep and simple, and I usually don't deal with people easily.

Hu Qingli didn't expect that this time he actually invited him, he agreed, and said in surprise: "Then I will help you cook again.

In our apartment, everyone should prepare a home-cooked dish that they are good at. "

"Really, isn't that some takeaway?" Zhang Jiao scratched his head and said, "I am not very good at cooking."

"It takes at least half an hour to order a takeaway. Don't be so troublesome. I'll help you.

I make things very fast. "Hu Qingli smiled and said: "You can wait here, at most 10 minutes. "

After that, she hurriedly carried the garlic mutton, put it on the rectangular table in the middle of the hall, covered it with a heat-preserving cover, and shouted: "Okay, okay, everyone, stop playing, it's time for dinner. "

These words immediately disturbed the interest of the young people around.

Everyone, please say, "Ah, should I have dinner? It's already past 6 o'clock in the evening. It's over, it's over. I have to hurry up to cook.";

"Don't play with it, after playing this round, let's talk about it after playing this round, don't you usually start eating at 7 o'clock."

I said, "This time Sister Qingli is the first to serve the dishes, and they are still as fragrant as before. Is it the lamb stir-fried with cumin and pepper?";

"What's the matter with so much? Anyway, my stomach is groaning when I smell it. Just now I saw Xiao Su playing the guitar and thought he was very handsome. The more I look at him now, the more he looks like a lamb's thigh. Handsome guy."...

They stopped the game one after another, and soon dispersed to cook, stir-fry or prepare drinks.

Zhang Jiao didn't show off when he saw it. He silently followed Hu Qingli, and went home with her again, intending to beat him.

The layout of the apartment that Hu Qingli rents is very similar to Zhang Jiao, except that the kitchen area is slightly larger, accounting for about half of the living room.

Because the lamb has just been fried, the pot has not yet been cleaned, and the house is full of fat aroma.

Hu Qingli's face blushed after entering the door and explained: "I am not lazy to wash the pot, but I think it saves water to wash the dishes and pots together after dinner."

"Caring for natural resources is a good habit to benefit the country and the people?" Zhang Jiao said dryly: "Especially Yiyuan has a desert geography and climate? Water resources are inherently scarce..."

"Mr. Zhang, I put the tableware together because I wanted to save some water and electricity bills?" Hu Qingli interrupted his tirade softly? "I didn't think about it from the perspective of benefiting the country and the people.

Also, you are helping with cooking at a friend's house and attending a dinner party? You are not giving a speech in Congress. Can you not be so serious? "

"Sorry? Occupational habits? Haha, occupational habits." Zhang Jiao laughed dryly after hearing the words, and continued to follow Hu Qingli into the island-style kitchen in the living room.

He picked up the knife and said, "Miss Hu, please tell me if you have anything to cut."

"How do you feel like a perverted murderer waiting to divide the body?" Hu Qingli suddenly laughed when he saw this? He took a frozen fish out of the refrigerator and said, "Fish meat is the fastest to fry.

You just cut it apart and deboned it? Cut it into pieces.

I'll take care of the condiments and heat the pot by the way. "

"Even as a metaphor for cooking as a corpse, I didn't expect that Miss Hu, you are still a ‘taste-heavy’ person." Zhang Jiao took the fish and said casually.

At the same time, the knife under his hand was like a god, and the ice fish was sliced ​​open on both sides of the chopping board, leaving no trace of meat on the fish bone? Only the huge fish head was attached.

"Hey, your sword skills are very good?" Hu Qingli caught a glimpse of this scene, washing the green onion, **** and garlic from the refrigerator, and said: "I can't see the embryo of a family man.

Don't lose the fish bones and fish heads? I will save the stew for tomorrow. ", reached out and picked up the fish bones in front of Zhang Jiao?.

The area of ​​the kitchen is more than enough for one person? But two people cook together but it seems a bit crowded.

When Hu Qingli was picking up fish bones, his body inevitably came into contact with Zhang Jiao.

The green ribbon swept across his nose with the fragrance of a beautiful young woman, and then put the fish bones into the fresh-keeping bag where the fish was just filled, and put them back in the refrigerator.

He smiled and said, "Actually, my favorite things to watch are all kinds of detectives, movies, and comics.

The more horrible and horrible the better, it doesn't look like it, so it's not easy to look at.

By the way, Mr. Zhang, I watched the news a few days ago, and you seem to have formed an investigation team together with the army general and a general of the military and went to the Qite round market.

It's scary there.

It seemed that the news was blocked some time ago, but there are rumors that Qi Telun killed millions of people. Is it true? "

Zhang Jiao showed a bleak expression when he heard the words. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com hesitated for a while, nodded and said, "Yes, the number of dead in the city of Qi Te Lun is as many as 1.93 million, almost the entire city is completely extinct.

Even if you love watching thrillers and horror movies, I believe you will never want to see that kind of scene. "

While he was talking, he had already cut the fish, and the front of the conversation turned around: "Is there anything else I need to do?"

"No need, just fry for a while." Hu Qingli said with a trembling voice, and then started to heat the pan and pour the oil, but at the same time he brought the topic back to the Qite wheel, "The Qite wheel market really Has a huge supernatural event happened?"

"Miss Hu, your gossip is very well-informed." Zhang Jiao gave Hu Qingli a surprised look. "The "Opinions" jointly investigated by the Central Government, the military and the Congress has been published and will be announced tomorrow at the latest. It's worth keeping a secret.

Yes, according to the joint survey conducted by myself, His Excellency Tan Haoran, the Fifth Secretary of Yiyuan, and General Lu Rongtian, Chief of the Intelligence and Investigation Bureau of the Command of the Three Armed Forces, it has been determined that there have indeed been giant spooky incidents in the Qite Lun City.

This resulted in the deaths of nearly 2 million citizens. "

Anecdotal speculation is one thing, and authoritative certification of official channels is another.

After hearing this, Hu Qingli lost the spatula, covered his mouth with one hand in surprise, and subconsciously held the crescent pendant on his neck with the other hand, and shouted, "Oh my God!"

The fish is tender and easy to fry.

Zhang Jiao hurriedly grabbed the shovel and fry it a few times in the pot, and said in an unclear tone: "Don't worry, Miss Hu, Qi Te Lun City is more than 3,000 kilometers away from Li Ge Dan, and there will be no evil infection.

Moreover, Mohad Ni, the **** of the new moon, is in charge of the power of the moon and the group of beasts, not the bright god.

It is more useful to pray to Ni Qiu, the **** of flames, the **** of flames, or the dawn of my hometown after experiencing a supernatural event. "

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