High-profile King

Chapter 605: Change of Purgatory

"High-profile king (

The compact battle queue, planed out the mechas, tanks, artillery, missile silos and other weapons settings, 1 square meter can stand just one person.

In this case, in theory, an area of ​​1 square kilometer can accommodate 1 million soldiers, and a battle formation of hundreds of millions of people is only a few hundred square kilometers.

But in fact, people are not machines, and no matter how rigorous military training they have received, it is impossible to gather such a large number of them.

Zhang Jiao was flying in the air, looking down at the Himaru army from a high level, but after pulling out of the camp, it was standing so densely without any noise.

If it weren't for the breathing sound of hundreds of millions of people, it would be as harsh as thunder, it would be like a poor-quality texture made by copying and pasting on a computer.

"Something's wrong, what tricks Toyotomi Hideyoshi's grandson is playing!" Staring at this scene, his premonition of uncertainty in his heart became stronger and stronger, and his eyes murmured.

But at this time the battle is already on the verge of being fought, and it must be fought or not.

In the end Zhang Jiao gritted his teeth and decided to preemptively, and roared, "Killing is a matter of ignorance, if you want to kill, I will do you!"

Blessed with the peerless magical powers derived from the enlightened Taoist, the'boundary mana', and then revealed all the illusions in the Conferred God's Remains, and unreservedly used all his strength to attack the Himaru people. .

Although Himaru stood like a clay sculpture, he was not simply beaten, and his power was comparable to that of a nuclear explosion.

The high-tech energy shield, the supernatural defensive array, the seal, and the spell hedging performed by countless extraordinary men and mecha fighters are still unfolding one by one.

The hard bar lowered the angle of opening with a really full blow, which canceled out most of the terrorist attacks that theoretically could directly wipe Himaru's hundreds of millions of troops from the map.

In the end, nearly a million people died sporadically.

But even so, the scene of Zhang Jiao fighting one country with one man seemed extremely shocking.

Ling was originally here to fight a hard fight, but the Nanyang army who had become the audience first was stunned.

Some soldiers who hadn't seen anything on the market even forgot how to breathe for a while, their faces flushed, and they couldn't believe how they really had such power.

After all, no matter how shocking the scene in the film and television works, everyone knows that it is fake, and the disciplinary film is not necessarily so real. It is far inferior to the shock that was witnessed at the scene.

Suddenly, the morale of the Nanyang Patriotic Forces was greatly shaken, and the General Staff Headquarters issued orders in due course to launch a long-range attack first to cooperate with the Emperor.

Immediately, hundreds of thousands of artillery and chariots rang, missiles flew across the sky, spells cast by the extraordinary and mecha warriors raged horizontally and horizontally, and the battle against Himaru fell.

At this time, Himaruto's army finally had a reaction, and began to fight back while strolling and marching, pressing over the Nanyang army's position.

Even if one round of attack can take away the lives of millions of unavoidable enemy forces, hundreds of millions of enemies can at least last dozens of rounds.

But this is only theoretical data. In actual combat, the general second-line troops will lose 5% of their personnel, and the elite field troops will lose about 15%, and morale will inevitably collapse.

From the terrible machine of war into a lamb to be slaughtered.

The Nimaru people who came in the line seemed to have no fear at all, or even no feelings or perception. Even if the close comrades were blown into pieces by the shells, they still took a regular pace and kept shooting. , Step forward, shoot, step forward...

At this time, the shortcomings of the insufficient number of Nanyang troops were exposed and could not form a truly effective fire suppression.

Fortunately, there are two or three hundred golden jellyfish beasts with open horns, and tens of millions of ordinary golden water beasts as the trump cards.

Seeing that the Himaru army quietly seized the initiative on the battlefield by virtue of its abnormal bravery and fearlessness, these weird silicon-based lives from the Black Continent, combined and transformed into various cutting-edge weapons, successfully delayed Japan. The pace of the pill man.

At this time, the Nanyang Guarding Forces also received the order to stop holding their positions and start fighting and retreating.

Soaring in the air uninterruptedly drove the fantasies that have already surpassed thousands of murders. Seeing this scene, I silently thought: "Is the'scorched earth plan" going to be implemented."

The so-called "scorched earth plan" is to wait until the headquarters of the Nimaru invading army is confirmed, and if conditions permit, try to use nuclear weapons to carry out a round of saturation bombing, to see if it can be finalized.

The cost of doing so is also extremely heavy. First of all, Xiangbei City, the capital of Nanyang Island Country, will be completely abandoned due to radiation pollution.

Secondly, Nanyang was originally the invaded party, but because it first used taboo weapons, it became infamous and gave some hostile forces the righteous handle.

Thirdly, the soldiers of the Nanyang Patriotic Forces who went to war could not have a long enough distance to completely avoid nuclear pollution, which would leave the cause of various cancers in the future and greatly hurt the positive image that the government has finally created.

In the end, the Manichi Maru Army has enough interceptor missiles ~www.NovelMTL.com~ can also make Nanyang's "scorched earth project" futile and bear all kinds of negative effects.

But even so, in the face of Himaru's true raid and the various incomprehensible actions of the indigenous people, Zhang Jiao still resisted all opinions, implemented arbitrary decisions, and nuclear peace.

But I don't know why, when things come, he hesitates more and more in his heart.

At the foot of Zhang Jiao, the blood from the tens of millions of corpses piled up in the boundless wilderness of the sea has stained the land covering hundreds of square kilometers with blood red.

The corpse soaked in blood was trampled by the numb compatriots, turned into a stepping stone for the march of the army, and was crushed bit by bit.

In the sky, the dark clouds that had been dissipated by Zhang Jiao slowly condensed again, turning the day into darker than the night.

The storm that accompanied the Himaru army landed with no raindrops for a long time, but the wind with a strong smell of blood grew stronger and stronger, gradually giving birth to infinite phantoms.

In this purgatory-like environment, it can be said that the hundreds of millions of Himaru army who have fallen into the trap are still advancing and advancing continuously.

However, among the Nanyang troops, which are clearly retreating and gradually gaining the initiative to fight for the country, began to have a small number of soldiers mentally unable to bear the cruel and terrifying scene before them, and their emotions suddenly collapsed.

At this moment, a figure of low stature, wearing extremely luxurious and luxurious gold and silver armor, and wearing a dragon head helmet flew out from Himarumoto.

Obviously there is nothing under him, but it seems to be climbing a tree branch, flying up into the sky.

As if the body did not exist in this world, it directly penetrated the attacks of the sky fantasy and fell in front of Zhang Jiao.

Volley bowed slightly and said, "The Eight Desolate Bodhisattvas.

Lingjiaosang, we finally met again as we were. "

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