Chapter 848, I know that I still have it.

Although the song was stolen, Zhou Linna did not recognize it, but she was notorious in China.

On the contrary, Luo Qianqian, because "God City Time" and "You are my starlight" fame, and many people even asked her to debut to create their own singing.

Early in the morning, Luo Qianqian received a call from Qiao Lin, letting her see the lawyers arranged by the company when the time went to the culture.

Luo Qianqian rushed to the company and talked with lawyers about suing Hua Shang Culture and Zhou Linna.

"With the evidence and information we have at hand, we can only sue for "You are my starlight", but because the other party only sang it again and announced the issuance, but it has not been put into production, so the amount that can be claimed is limited. ”

"The style of "Allure" is similar to "You are my starlight", but if the other party does not recognize it, it is difficult for us to sue each other for "City Time"."


After the lawyer talked, he gave sincere opinions.

Luo nodded thousands of times, "I know."

If "City Time" has evidence to sue, they will not set this trap with "You are my starlight."

But even if she can't sue now, Zhou Linna has already paid a heavy price for her actions.

After listening to Joelin, he said.

"Don't be discouraged, we will try our best to get the testimony of Lin Zhou."

"Thank you, but if you can't get it, don't bother too much. The result is now beyond my expectations." Luo Qiang said with gratitude.

When I first discovered it, I had no evidence in my hand. I could only breathe it, watching Zhou Linna preaching that it was her work.

Now, let the public know her true face.

"When things got to this point, Zhou Linna was completely cold, even if Hua Shang Entertainment had the ability to pass the sky, she could not save her." Qiao Lin said.

At least, in the past few years, as long as Zhou Linna has any face-lifting activities, she will be resisted by the public.

If you are smart, let’s go abroad and learn to study your music major.

Luo Qianqian reluctantly sighed, "She still has too many distractions to make music."

Zhou Linna began to be famous in high school, so she wanted to go to the entertainment circle with her heart. Too many thoughts were spent on other things, and she lacked the piety of loving music.

Finally, in order to be famous, she will steal her work.

"Right, after this incident, many people on the Internet are begging you to debut." Qiao Lin said, sincerely asked, "Is there any interest?"

Luo Qianqian's shape is cold and flamboyant, not a good top, but as long as there are good stylists still get the hand.

Plus, I am very talented in my creation, I can hold it up.

Luo Qianchi smiled and shook his head and said.

"I still have the self-knowledge, I am not the piece, my voice condition is not so good."

Moreover, Shiyi Culture already has a creative female singer Xiao Qian, who believes that her voice condition is not as good as Xiao Qian.

So the singer has a bowl of rice, she can't eat it.

Qiao Lin saw that she did not have a willingness to debut, and did not insist on it.

"Well, then you can continue to create with peace of mind."

So many people in this world have sharpened their heads and drilled into this circle. They want to be famous. This kind of opportunity is sent to the hand, and she is not interested.

Luo Qian looked at the time and said.

"If there is nothing else, I will go first. Today, I have a slight birthday and I went to see her at home."

(End of this chapter)

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