Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1159: The monstrous war will cause a miracle

Time passed by every second, and the banging attacks continued. All the audience in the world stared at Huang Yi's tireless figure. Each of his attacks is shocking. If it is replaced by ordinary people who have died thousands of times, but after Shangmangsheng, he is like a kid who wanders around with a stick. Those violent attacks are So weak, he couldn't even let the saint move.

Huang Yi has never given up, and has been attacking the saints with all his strength, tirelessly, never stop, fighting for an illusion of emptiness.

Ten seconds have passed, and Huang Yi's invincible time is only half left!

After another ten seconds, the Guardian Wings can no longer protect him. As long as the saints casually reach out and attack him, he will be killed directly, there is no possibility of resistance.

The saint stared at Huang Yi's guardian wings, waiting patiently.

Based on his many years of combat experience, of course, he can see that Huang Yi is invincible at this moment, and he can't do any harm to his hand, so he simply allows Huang Yi to attack and waits for the invincible time to pass.

"Wings of Killing!" At this time, Huang Yi, who could not be attacked for a long time, finally used the power of the precious Nefarem to open his trick!

Of the four pairs of demon wings behind, the most powerful ones finally fanned!

After a while, the wings began to turn red, as if there was an illusion of being injected with divine power. The breath of Huang Yi also soared sharply, and the full attribute doubled for one minute.

At this time, even in the entire central continent and all ethnic holy places, it is difficult to find opponents. Only the masters who reach the sky with seven steps or more can fight him within this minute.

However, in the face of Huang Yi, who has doubled his full attributes, Mansheng still looks like a breeze, and his footsteps remain unchanged.

"Wings of Killing!" At this time, Huang Yi once again consumed 10 Nefreem's power and fanned the wings of Killing again.

The color of those wings became a bit redder, and his full attributes doubled again, and were superimposed with the previous increase effect.

But it is still useless. The saint is like a giant that never falls. No matter how Huang Yi storms and storms, he is still standing.

"Wings of Killing!"

"Wings of Killing!"

"Wings of Killing!"


Next, Huang Yi fanned the killing wings again and again, and after fanning it five more times, Mansheng finally frowned, his body trembled slightly, and he almost moved his steps.

Huang Yi at this time is simply an invincible hand under the demigod!

Adding the previous two, Huang Yi has now fanned the killing wings 7 times, and has increased the total attributes by 7 times.

At this time, even the master of nine steps could not resist, but could only choose to avoid.

"Wings of Killing!"

Finally, Huang Yi fanned the killing wings for the eighth time!

His full attributes have been improved eight times!

The wings of killing have become red, like bleeding at any time, Huang Yi's breath has also been raised to the extreme, and the whole person's attack action is 8 times faster. Even the phantom is very ugly and clear, only dense The rain-like attack sounded from the saint.

The anger of killing the gods had been hit too frequently with the body of the saint, and the axe blade had been burned hot and red, and every second there was a sufficient attack to break the body of the saint.

Finally, after Huang Yi's heavy sentence, the saint's body leaned back slightly, lifted his legs, and finally took a step back!

He was stepped back by Huang Yi for the first time.

At that moment, everyone in the world seemed to feel a great victory!

At the stage of Huangyi District's ascension, a master of demigod strength stepped back.

But it was only a step back.

Quite sneer sneered and said, "Yes! I can take me back a step, and I appreciate you more and more. But I will soon fight back. Are you ready to die?" He clenched. With both hands, Qingjin violently rises, holding back his shot, waiting for the end of Huang Yi's invincible time.

At this point, less than two seconds remained between Huang Yi's invincible!

He will soon lose his protection!

Huang Yi's face was still calm, and the action of the figure was so fast that he couldn't even see it clearly. The reporters and audience below could only see a cloud of shadows and couldn't see the expression on his face.

His wrath to kill the gods still danced into a phantom, and raised him over and over by eight times the strength of his full attributes, pouring into the saint-like King Kong body.

"Okay! It's my turn!" At this time, the pretty icon lost his patience and finally no longer waited for Huang Yi's invincible time to end. He waved backhand and hit Huang Yi.

He didn't take any weapons, and with a flesh hand, he hit Huang Yi's high-speed body with no errors!

"Eh!" Even if Huang Yi was still invincible, a violent vibration also penetrated the guardian wings, shaking his internal organs violently.

"Bang bang bang ~" Man Sheng's counterattack lightly overwhelmed Huang Yi's momentum, a pair of flesh hands frequently attacked, hit Huang Yi over and over again!

Huang Yi's attack rhythm was interrupted, and the strength that has increased eightfold can no longer be exerted, and can only be passively beaten!

The scene turned around at once, from before Huang Yi attacked Man Sheng over and over again, and became Huang Man attacked Huang Yi over and over again.

A demigod's mighty shore power passed through Huang Yi's body continuously through the guardian wings, shaking every inch of his flesh and blood, and even his soul.

If it was not in an invincible state, Huang Yi had been shaken into flesh at this moment, and even his bones had been shaken into dregs.

Huang Yi held his breath and waited, less than the last second between invincible! It's almost over!

But he always held a glimmer of expectation!

He is waiting!

He ignited this monstrous warfare, and persevered in the deadly battle with the saintly saint, just to elicit a miracle!

Because a long time ago, and because of a fierce death battle, a miracle erupted!

Finally, Huang Yi's invincible time is over!

The guardian wings covering him suddenly lost the dazzling milky light and became ordinary.

"嘭 ~" The next attack from Man Sheng directly hit Huang Yi fiercely!

Huang Yi's body flew upside down was very crisp and extremely fast, like a bullet fired, without resistance.

"Hey ~" His body hit the boundary of the Void Battlefield fiercely, spitting a big blood, and falling down!

The corners of the audience's mouth trembled slightly. Huang Yi personally set up this void battlefield, and sentenced the saints to life or death, but he was beaten for a long time, and he was blown away by one stroke of the saints, and he vomited blood!

His attributes that had turned so many times before did not play any role at all!

Tianyu and Shenyu are two insurmountable realms!

However, Huang Yi was not spiked in one shot, and his talent [the death penalty waiver worked, preventing him from being spiked directly. He still had the last trace of blood, but as soon as the saint came over and touched him casually, he was going to die.

The saint seems to be aware that this decisive moment has come, with a smile on his face, walking towards Huang Yi step by step like enjoyment, the heavy footsteps are only in the void, but the clear footsteps are struck, A sound shook the hearts of people all over the world, like a countdown that felt extremely oppressive.

"Savage Saint!" At this moment, Huang Yi suddenly raised his head, staring at the Savior Saint step by step, suddenly relieved, "This tragic battle, you and I cooperated very successfully, I finally waited for that miracle! "

"Dead is imminent, what miracle do you have?" Man Sheng chuckled.

Huang Yi didn't speak, so she stretched out her hand and gently made a call.

That ’s an action that viewers across the world are extremely familiar with. Everyone has done countless moves, and one that is normal again-

Summon pet action!

"Come out! Xiaolong!" Huang Yi uttered this sentence with all expectations!

The next moment, the dim sky obscured by dark clouds, suddenly radiant golden light!

A huge and incomparable dragon instantly appeared in the void battlefield!

Its huge body is almost filled with the sky of the entire void battlefield, each scale is extremely huge, glittering, and the light is overflowing. The muscle lines are strong and the flow lines are perfect, like rolling hills, rolling up and down.

Its dragon head has sharp corners, two dragon eyes emit golden **** light, and a pair of golden wings cover the sky. Each wing bone is like a thick building beam. The dragon tail is strong and powerful.

With each breath, it made a heavy "bang" sound, like a thunderous sound from the sky, a majestic breath spewed out of its nostrils, and Wei's blood transpired on him.

Its noble and elegant temperament, freed from barbarity and brutality, like a god, it is fundamentally different from the creatures of the world ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ 嗷 Howl ~ "At this time, it opened its huge wings on the battlefield Circling around, looking down at the world, a loud dragon chant was issued!

This dragon chant rang through the world, sweeping through every mountain and river valley, every forest and steppe, every urban village, and eventually spread to the entire central continent!

This dragon chant is the most noble soul in the world, proclaiming his identity to all beings!

Those birds and beasts were scared to hide in the den and trembled!

Those indigenous tribes, savages and barbarians have kneeled on the ground, worshipping in the direction of Long Yin!

The half-orc holy land, all the reporters and players are all staring at the dragons circling in the sky!

In the void battlefield, the holy saint's raised footsteps took another step, opened his mouth wide, and stared blankly at the golden holy dragon, enveloped in the shadow under its wings.

Xiaolong finally broke out of the cocoon and was promoted to the golden holy dragon of adulthood! (To be continued.)

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