Heavenly Martial Art

Chapter 1218: Under the 9 Dragon City

( ) Just as the emperors were worried, He Tan suddenly raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: Hey, he's back. Haha, it seems to be okay. It's okay, it's okay. It's okay, it's okay.

Not long after those words, Yang Chen and Wang Tong rushed back from a distance.

You two are finally back. Emperor Huawu said angrily, with a hint of reprimand in his words.

Of course, it was better to say it was a reprimand than a protection. After all, after his reprimand, Emperor Jinshi and Emperor He Tan could not say anything else.

How could Yang Chen not understand what Emperor Huawu meant, and continued: I have kept several seniors waiting for a long time. It is mainly because some personal matters of the juniors delayed some time, so I delayed returning so late with senior Wang Tong. Everything is the junior’s responsibility and has nothing to do with senior Wang Tong!”

When Wang Tong heard this, he was also secretly grateful. Yang Chen said this, no matter what happens afterwards, at least it means that Yang Chen is serious.

How could Emperor He Tan and Emperor Jinshi say anything on this matter? They all said: It's nothing, just come back. There's still enough time anyway!

Only Emperor Huawu gave a few words of reprimand in the open and made some appearances.

He Tan said: Now that you two have returned, it's time for us to set off. I believe you all should be very clear about the trial conference.

Yes! Yang Chen and Wang Tong agreed one after another.

Qin Xueru and her parents stayed in Jinxing Town. The family reunited after a long separation, so they naturally had to get along well for a while. Yang Chen can understand that he returned alone with Wang Tong.

After returning now, after just a brief discussion, the Northern Sect's team set off in a mighty manner.

It is worth mentioning that the Northern Sect only visited Emperor Huawu and Emperor Hetan, while Emperor Jinshi stayed at home.

On the way there, Yang Chen asked Emperor Huawu about some things about the trial conference.

In fact, even the great emperors don't know about this trial conference, but even if they don't know, they still know much more than Yang Chen.

For this trial meeting, the royal family invited almost all the influential forces in the Zhongdu area, hundreds of them at least, large and small. On weekdays, the royal family is completely closed to its only trial tower, which is made of real ancient trees of creation. Not to mention it is for external use, it must be used by your own people. Only your own people can use it.

It's a good thing this time that so many outsiders are using it. Even a fool knows that the royal family's intentions are not simple.

It's just that the Beijing Sect still couldn't resist the temptation of profit. Regardless of the situation, he still went to Kowloon City.

Most of the other forces cannot bear the benefits.

This was understood when the Northern Territory Sect team came to Kowloon City. Because during this period of time throughout Kowloon City, many forces came one after another.

There were three families who came at the same time as the Northern Territory Sect team.

One of them is the famous Huahai Sect.

The Northern Sect team was riding the Red Phoenix spaceship. The entire Red Phoenix spacecraft was said to be shaped from phoenix feathers. It was a very rare, acquired, high-grade Xuantian treasure, close to the best. It is said that it is He Tan's personal treasure. It is usually used for travel by Beijing Sect teams.

Riding on this red phoenix spaceship, the Northern Sect team is naturally the most honorable, coming and going, they are always on a higher level than other forces.

But this Sea Sect is no less popular than the Northern Sect.

The entire Sea Paddling Sect was riding on waves, and a large number of Sea Paddling Sect teams were in the waves, which was very strange.

This is the Gulang Yunzhou, a treasured travel weapon of the Haizhuo Sect! Wang Tong explained while sitting next to Yang Chen.

Yang Chen nodded.

At this moment, the Huihai Sect and the Beijing Sect collided, and the emperors on both sides stood up.

Two great emperors from the Huahai Sect came with the team, just like the Northern Sect. The great emperors on both sides stepped forward and exchanged greetings.

Is the relationship between the Beijing Sect and the Huahai Sect very good? Yang Chen asked suspiciously when he saw the emperors on both sides smiling.

Wang Tong nodded, and then said without knowing how to start: How should I put it... I can't talk about it, but it is stronger than the Beijing Sect, the Zhenshan Sect, and the Lingnu Sect. I am from the North. The Jing Sect rarely interacts with the outside world, so the relationship with the Zhenshan Sect and the Lingnu Sect has never been harmonious. This means that the Hai Sect is a little closer to my Beijing Sect and has some exchanges and marriages, so the relationship is relatively harmonious, but it is also It's just harmony, Yang Chen, you have to know that there is no absolute alliance between the four sects, everyone is for himself.

How could Yang Chen not understand the reason? For example, if the forty-two counties in the west were in emergency, no force in the entire Zhongdu region came to help, and only the Northern Sect came to help. This shows how serious the internal fighting in the Zhongdu region is.

This is also the reason why he joined the Beijing Sect, because only the Beijing Sect's family is slightly humane, and the other forces are really chilling.

The Huaihaizong traveling this time are Emperor Fenshui and Emperor Linghe. The one on the left is Emperor Fenshui, and the one on the right is Emperor Linghe. Wang Tong said.

Yang Chen nodded, and then listened carefully to the words of several great emperors.

Haha, my Huahai Sect came here just to join in the fun. No matter what, the royal family is the core of my humanity after all. They made an invitation, and our Huahai Sect should be in line. Emperor Fenshui said with a hearty smile.

Naturally, no one would take those hypocritical words seriously.

He Tan also knew that what Emperor Fenshui said was all nonsense, so he didn't take it to heart at all, and said: Okay, let's all go to the city. Even if we want to join in the fun, we have to get to Kowloon City first!

Now both forces are in the sky outside Kowloon City. When these words fell, they all fell into the sky.

If the gatekeepers of Kowloon Town saw other forces, it would be fine, but if they saw the Huahai Sect and the Beijing Sect, they would not dare to be too big.

A general-level expert immediately appeared and came to the top of the city wall.

Yang Chen took a closer look and saw that the general-level masters were wearing black armor. They were clearly Wang Tong, and they had all reached the peak of the Tianwu Realm.

What a powerful master. How can a gatekeeper be so powerful? Yang Chen couldn't help but secretly sigh at the strength of the royal family.

Junior Fu Chong, who guards the East City of Kowloon City, has the honor to receive the Huahai Sect and the Beijing Sect. I have met the two great emperors. Fu Chong spoke in a polite manner, without any intention of making any mistakes.

Although the royal family supports him, he is facing several great emperors. If one of them cannot handle it well and several great emperors want to kill him, no one in the royal family will stand up and speak for him.

Well, Fu Chong, we are going to Kowloon City to participate in the trial meeting held by the royal family. I believe you should know something about this. Emperor Fenshui said loudly. (To be continued.)

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