Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1406: Demon Palm


Huang Zhongting was stunned. In today's era, are there many spirits to strengthen the body?

There seem to be only two or three?

And the effect is quite weak, only one tenth of the Red Devil's Tears, not even.

He delved into the Red Devil Tears that he has developed for twenty years, and it can be said that it opened a precedent and reached the point where there was no one before.

However, after swallowing, the body can completely override the martial arts.

I really don't know what Xia Qingchen said a lot.

"Let the adults laugh." Huang Zhongting smiled modestly: "The old decay is limited, I don't know there are other smart strengthening potions."

Xia Qingchen thought about it, took out the pen and ink on the spot, and wrote a Danfang.

Huang Zhongting's old eyes looked down, and he saw the three words of Danfang raise his head, a ray of horror, flickering and missing on the face.

Like him, there are very few outsiders who can't shake their hearts.

However, the Danfang written by Xia Qingchen is exceptional.

Because this Danfang turned out to be one of the three major body-finishing divine pill of the prosperous era of the mainland martial arts thousands of years ago-Hui Zu Dan!

This pill was prosperous for thousands of years ago and became famous, and it has been described in ancient scrolls to this day.

It is a pity that the drastic changes of thousands of years ago led to the fault of Budo, and the refining method of Huizudan disappeared into the dust of history with the decline of Budo.

"It seems that you know Huizudan, in that case, I don't need my explanation." Xia Qingchen stopped writing and said indifferently.

Huang Zhongting looked at Xia Qingchen as if he were in the abyss.

The unpredictable suffocation made Huang Zhongting uncomfortable in his life.

After a long silence, he sighed deeply: "Predecessors Bogutongtongjin, the juniors can not catch up."

Xia Qingchen lightly drew Dan Fang and said: "With the accumulation of your Huang family, it should be able to be refined."

Upon seeing this, Huang Zhongting moved up and said: "Senior, are you going to give Danfang to my Huang family?"

It is self-evident how precious the elixir of immortality before the ages is.

When the other party meets, they are easily given away!

Xia Qingchen said lightly: "At present, my demon should be united as a unit. This Pill will hope you can make good use of it and benefit the world."

Huang Zhongting came to Xia Qingchen in pacing, and bowed deeply from his heart: "The seniors are cherishing the world, and the juniors on behalf of the mainland and the seas of life, thank you."

The knowledge is respectable, but the character is convincing.

Xia Qingchen's mind and demeanor made Huang Zhongting express his heartfelt emotions. Perhaps this is the true style of high man.

"It's cold to die, everyone needs to share the disaster." Xia Qingchen helped him up, saying: "In addition, if the Lord Huang can trust me, can you give me all the blood?"

At that time, the demon **** broke his palm, only a small part of the blood of the gods fell into the hands of the royal family, and most of them were in the Huang family in heaven.

"Senior is planning..." Huang Zhongting hesitated.

The blood of the demon **** is extremely precious, and he surrendered it all.

"If the **** gate can't be closed, it's a battle with the demon." Xia Qingchen slowly stood up, took out a red devil tear, and crushed it.

A trace of magical energy rose up.

Xia Qingchen was one of the best shots, and the magic energy shot sharply, nailed to the wall, and actually corroded the wall into a slap-like deep pit.

"The devil has a strong body and is invulnerable to all things, especially immune to the power of our human martial arts," Xia Qingchen said slowly.

Huang Zhongting agreed.

Twenty years ago, he personally participated in and witnessed the monstrous power of the magic palm.

Most of the martial arts and the power of the moon are attacked on them, and most of them are weakened, making it difficult to cause substantial damage.

At the fierce price of extinction of most of the mainland's top masters, the **** gate was finally blocked.

At that scene, he remembered it fresh.

Therefore, he only concentrated on developing a physique that strengthens his physique, in order to allow mankind to have a physique that is equal to the demon.

"The strength of the devil lies in the long-term quenching of the devil qi of the devil world, but the weakness of the devil also lies in the devil qi!" Xia Qingchen cut countless demons in his life, and he knows a lot about them.

"As long as they attack their magic energy and are stronger than their physical tolerance range, they will be hit hard."

In a word, Huang Zhongting suddenly realized, and muttered to himself: "Like us humans, the moon force can quench the body, but the stronger moon force can destroy our body."

No matter how strong creatures are, there are limits.

As long as the attack exceeds the limit, it can cause damage.

The devil is immune to human martial arts, but not the devil qi.

"I'm going to order people to forge a batch of Cremon nirvana, so that the precautions can't be taken." In case the door of **** can't be closed, it's a life-and-death contest between humans and demons.

Knowing the reason, Huang Zhongting made a decisive decision: "Good!"

As a gift of Xia Qingchen's life-saving gift, he presented the feeling of Danfang.

Second, for the upcoming Battle of Hell Gate.

Yu Qingyu, he can be handed over to Xia Qingchen.


Huang Zhongting took out an ice box that released a strong cold air. It was forged by centuries of Xuan Bing and was extremely cold.

And it does not melt in the event of a fire, and it appears frozen all year round.

Through the ice box, Xia Qingchen saw a black giant palm the size of a washbasin.

The palm texture is rough, and there are dense three-inch black thorns on the back of the palm of the hand, and there are still unknown black stickies on it.

Isolating the ice box, Xia Qingchen can feel a deep mania.

Huang Zhongting's eyes were reddish, his chest undulated violently, his nostrils were panting, and there was a tendency to lose his mind.

"Senior, please put it away immediately, it is too magical, and it is very easy to cause people to go crazy." Huang Zhongting pressed the mania of his heart and reminded him quickly.

At the beginning, the four families of the Huang family in heaven, the night family in the sea, the descendants of Master Ku Rong, and the ancient family took action to take away the palm of the devil left in the world and suppress it.

This is a well-known thing on the mainland.

But what they did not know is that the price of sealing the magic palm inside Xuan Bing is extremely fierce!

During the sealing process, the four masters were all influenced by the magic palm, and were born into the magic, and the magical monsters were fighting each other.

The final result was that the descendants of Master Ku Rong disappeared and the master of the ancient family died tragically. Only the ancestors of Ye Family and his Huang Zhongting barely survived.

However, Huang Zhongting has suffered incurable injuries since then. As a result, Xiu Wei is still going backwards.

Four masters, so much loss, how can you not sigh?

Although the magic palm is now frozen, it can still affect people's psyche, and people with uncertain faith can easily become demons.

Therefore, he reminded Xia Qingchen that he would include the magic palm in the space nirvana as soon as possible.

But Xia Qingchen didn't do that. Instead, his palm lightly stroked on Xuan Bing, and the manic magic was suppressed.

Huang Zhongting's feeling of discomfort receded like tide. He looked at Xia Qingchen's movements, and there was a deep shock on his face.

"Senior, you, can you suppress the palm of the demon god?" Huang Zhongting felt that both body and mind were shaking.

He even wondered whether the teenager in front of him was a certain god! (It's a bit difficult to write, there is a chapter, four-point pass)

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