“…Marx…help them…to save them, mix the ball Marx…”

“As long as you can save them back this time, what do you do in the future, I will never bicker with you again…”


In the afternoon, when Marx was listening to all aspects of the event report in the coordinating office of the competition, Lupin and the others of Black’s old house appeared in the doorway.

It was only a little bit strange to him that he had always been lively to some over-represented Leni, but this time he came back with his head down. And her elder sister, Lena, has been holding her for half a moment, and she has never let go.

After the most calm Lupin made things clear, Leni seemed to be unable to suppress her inner apology and pain, and rushed to death and held Marx’s arm and cried.

Her tears have always been like the most precious treasure in her life, and it is never easy to see. And things that are rare like this are often the purest and most crystal clear.

“Marx…help them.”

The children were taken away, and a total of seven children who were left homeless in Black’s old house were taken away except for the less gregarious Isla.

In fact, Lupin found the place very easily. Because there was still a body of alienated Acromantula, a sturdy limb and a rounded torso, and several human figures that had been shattered, revealing a rather intense battle.

As for the result of the battle, it is self-evident.

“I know, Lenny,” Marx patted the head of the little girl who was still crying. “You have worked hard, although I want to say to you, ‘You didn’t do anything wrong’… but we all I know, we did something wrong, didn’t we?”

“But I think, your fault is not to take them away or leave them in an unsafe place. This fault does not belong to you…”

“Hill, their changes Lupin told me during this time, so I understand… you are really growing up, you can be an amazing ‘elder sister’… No, now is Hill They are worried about you, already a great elder sister.”

Having said that, Marx gently separated Leni’s hands holding his arms and looked at her shoulders and looked at her tears.

“Do you know now? Where are you wrong?”

After all, Marx straightened up and pointed nodded at Lupin and Sirius.

“My spider is dead there?” he asked with a slight brow. “Is the body still in place?”

“Ah… um.” Lupin immediately yelled. “Alright, I haven’t had time to start the Pack before I go with them, and we decided to come directly to you.”

“Okay,” Marx thought for a moment, and then said, “You and Sirius immediately contact the outgoing members to go out and explore, without worrying about whether they will be known by the other side – of course, to ensure that their safety is the top priority. As for the place where the incident occurred, let me check it out… Take action!”

“…Hey, Mr. McLorne?”

When Marx was about to go out with Lupin, the assistant wizard, who was assigned to him by the International Wizard Federation, came to him and stopped him a little hard.

“Sorry, I have to leave,” Marx waved. “But I can recommend a person to replace you. You can go to Hogwarts’ Defense Against the Dark Arts, Severus, Professor Snape.” Will help you get the job done.”

Marx said as he walked and went outside the door, and the assistant suddenly turned back.

“Mr. MrLorne,” he hesitated. “So… the two ladies inside?”

“Let them stay inside for a while!” Marx whispered. “Don’t care, they are not strangers to Hogwarts. After they have come out, take them to the castle.”

At this moment, Lenny, who was still standing in the same place, suddenly turned around and plunged into the arms of Elder Sister Lena.

“I’m sorry,” she said loudly in tears. “I always worry you, again and again… really, really sorry… this… this is my fault, my biggest mistake. Like me I’m worried about Hill’s younger sister now… No, you must be more…more…”

Feeling the younger sister in the arms, the emotions conveyed by the body temperature and the intermittent words, Rao is always without any excessive expression, Lena does not disable the lips.


Marx, who abandoned the alchemy event, failed to find any clues where the children were taken away. Well, in fact, this is not accurate, but… there are some clues, but the traces that can be traced are not left behind.

From the beginning, he was designed to escape from the prophet old man. In addition to his use of fake Edward Steward to hold two black robes, he really did not grasp any real clues.

He can feel that the old man is like a muddy slippery hand. And opponents like this are undoubtedly difficult to deal with… In terms of the current dilemma, “waiting for the other party to collide” becomes the most unrealistic, but also the most practical, breakthrough means.

So, Marx simply let go of the Order of the Phoenix members to go out and search.

Because he knows that the other party has chosen to take away the children, it means that the other party’s purpose is probably threats and transactions. Then, he decided to send a signal to the other party with a large-scale search method – he is very urgent and willing to accept this transaction that will obviously become unfair.

Time, in a little bit past, the afternoon schedule quickly came to an end. Under Marx’s previous proposal, the second round was indeed a lot more interesting than yesterday, and Snape, as a temporary agent for Marx, handled many things one by one very efficiently.

The only pity is that Marx, who made a lot of contributions to the competition, only saw a small part of this morning.

In the evening, Marx, who had been busy outside for a whole afternoon, finally returned to Hogwarts.

Of course, he came back this time not for the Alchemy Contest, but for preparing for the meeting request from the other side.

If he didn’t guess the intention of the old man, then the other party would find a way to contact him and force him to trade. And the location of the transaction, naturally it is impossible to be in Hogwarts.

As for what the other person wants, whether it is Nicholas Flamel’s alchemy heritage, or the pain that the handle is not in his hands… No matter what you do, he must prepare it first.

“Marx, do I need someone to help you investigate? Although I can’t walk, I still have some old friends who can help you…”

“No, no more.”

The emergence of Professor McGonagall did not surprise Marx. From the moment he left Leni and Lena sisters at Hogwarts, he knew that Professor McGonagall would know sooner or later.

“Professor, your responsibility is much heavier than mine,” Marx said at his desk, not even lifting his head, because he knew that McGonagall wouldn’t care about the vagrant, “and, this It’s not a question of manpower… If it’s really necessary, I will go find you.”

“Yes?” Professor McGonagall nodded. “Well, I think you already have your own way… but remember, you must be careful, and the power of power is obviously not the only means to achieve your goal.”

McGonagall’s sentence is actually an explanation of the status quo. This incident was a typical unexpected event. If Rita Skeeter accidentally discovered the anomaly and quickly found him, maybe he would wait until someone else came to the door to be aware.

And the strength of the old man itself, as far as the magic power fluctuations he sensed, is far less than his own. Although he felt that the prophet seemed strange, it did not make the other person stronger, or he would not try to carry out the coercion by taking the people around him.

“Professor, I know…” Marx wrote a few more symbols on the parchment, and then he lowered his head and said seriously, “I will pay attention.”

After that, Marx immediately re-entered the intense preparations.

After all, he can’t guess when the other party will contact himself. These pre-existing preparations will naturally be completed as soon as possible.

However, to be honest, he is actually enough time to take care of it, and he has considered a lot of things in such a short period of time. But he still did not think that the other party seems to be more urgent than his side.

Just as Professor McGonagall was still in his office, even when he was still not finished, Filch stumbled and ran from the outside corridor.

“headmaster, Professor McLorne…hu hu…the school gate…the school gate…many…”


Professor McGonagall asked immediately, and Marx couldn’t help but frown and raised his head again.

“I, I don’t know… they are all wearing black robe…” Filch may have felt some alien malice, and said with a mouthful, “There is also a white robe in the middle, very old. … looked like a head, they have a few little guys in their hands…”

“Is it so fast? And even he personally appeared…” After hearing the description of Filch, Marx couldn’t help but feel a bit stunned, and then quickly became dignified. “The last time he escaped, he decided to make a decision. I see, the old man is not like a guy who dares to expose himself to danger… something is wrong!”

Having said that, he suddenly stood up. Behind him, the sky outside the window has gradually darkened, and on the east side of the sky, a few faint stars exude a faint blue light.

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