The architectural style of the Iranian magic circle is largely derived from the ancient aggression-type cottage empire, Persia, which is undoubtedly the most desirable period for local wizards.

For this reason, many traces of the appearances of ancient Egypt, ancient Greece and even Babylon can still be seen in the areas where the Iranian wizards live.

Of course, it was precisely because the Persian wizard at that time interfered too much with the political forces of the Muggle, which completely provoked the dissatisfaction of the neighboring countries’ wizards, which eventually led to the overlapping of the Persian empire’s generations of dynasty.

Although they are treating the subjects of muggle, they are not as cruel as people think.

Anyway, it was a thing of the past. What happened in the past, no one can tell it now.

If you want to evaluate the current Iranian magic circle, you still have to look at it now.

For example, at this time Marx, they are going to go, it is the largest pure residential area in Iran’s magic circle. Just in the middle of the street, all the streets are all yellow stone pillars, round spires and various wall reliefs. A typical Greek-style temple palace is quite eye-catching.

The Iranian magic circle is a magic circle that is rare in today’s magic world and still exists in church organizations.

But unlike the muggle, just like the Druids that were popular in the magic circle, the church of the wizard has no so-called god beliefs, and some are only worships of ancestors or nature.

At this moment, at the deepest part of the palace surrounded by the striped stone pillar, a dry old man wearing a gray white robe and wearing a crown and a cane is sitting on the white stone platform. Micro-closed eyes do not move. If his chest is still slightly undulating, fear that anyone will think he is dead.

On the left and right sides of the stone platform, more than a dozen wizards dressed in uniform gowns stood by, and no one snorted.

Somewhere else, they are the outsiders gathered in this hall. A small part of them are Indian wizards with headscarves and red dotes, and the rest are mostly small people from different countries.

At this moment, the great hall was very dark, and only a few of the braziers on the pillars were burning with flames, and the swaying fire shone the crowds in the temple.

But even though there are so many wizards gathered here, even if they are basically people who have never met, no one speaks from start to finish. Like the believers in the deepest part of the great hall, they kept silent and seemed to be waiting quietly.

Suddenly, the fireballs in the brazier jumped together, causing all the people in the temple to lift their heads. In the ambiguous darkness, nearly two hundred pairs of eyes cast their eyes on the deepest part of the great hall.


On the carved stone platform, the old man suddenly coughed and made his whole person tremble. In the next moment, those flames leaped again, as if something was pulling them at the same time.

It was this moment that the old man’s half-closed eyes slowly opened.

“Sin… sin is pervasive… Many great sins are already in the world… looking for the keys… opening the threshold… looking for… the key…”

The eyelids are faint and ignorant, and the voice is hoarse and distorted, but the sentence is intermittent, but no one dares to ignore it.

Yes, even Marx, standing in the shadow outside the temple, is listening, not even missing a word. He is very fortunate that this prophecy is spoken in ancient Persian, which is the standard phonetic of the Sumerian cuneiform. If the Persian language popularized by the modern Iranian people is said, he will not understand a word…

Just now, Marx explored it all the way. On the way to the great hall, he and Lupin and Sirius naturally passed by many wizard guards.

Right now, the other two are leaving the two wizards who look like little heads and go to the place where no one is outside.

And Marx, all the way to the outside of the palace, I plan to look at the situation first.

“It’s the so-called ‘sin’…” He leaned against the wall and thought quietly. “It looks like the one inside should be like Professor Trelawny. It’s also a guy with a prophecy bloodline… but the key What is the threshold? What does this mean?”

However, the old man in the depths of the great hall is obviously much larger than the reliability of Trelawny. At least he is not like the latter, except for the unstable prophetic ability, there are only flickers left.

Just as Marx secretly chewed those words, there was a coughing sound in the hall, and it was much louder than it was.

Then, the red flame in the brazier beat for the third time.

“… pain… incomparably cold edge… the sharp of the soul… the painful successor! Near… very close… very close!”

Old man The dumb voice is getting bigger and bigger, getting higher and higher, and even in the end it is almost ashamed, just as if you want to smash your own nephew.

Then, his eyes suddenly recovered, and then he suddenly slammed his long stick on the floor tiles under the stone platform.

“The successor of the painful…just outside the temple!”

As mentioned earlier, the old prophet now said that Marx did not understand at all. But as the voice fell, there was a mess of footsteps in the great hall, making it impossible for him to understand.

Because those footsteps are obviously coming in the direction of the door!

“Found me?” Marx wasn’t too nervous. He just glimpsed a little and jumped forward quickly. “The ‘painful successor is very close’… Does it mean me?”

When he jumped to the open space in front of the temple, he suddenly turned back, but saw that the door of the great hall had been opened. And just as he looked at the past, a black shadow flew out between the cracks of the door, so fast that people could not see the specific appearance.

Marx clearly senses that it is also a wizard and has been hidden in the shadow behind the stone pillar on the left.

After a silhouette, it was another, the same fast and dexterous, one after another, immersed in a position beyond his sight. It seems that these guys seem to be trying to completely surround him.

At the same time, the main entrance of the great hall has been completely pushed away. A large number of wizards came out from the inside, standing next to each other and standing in the doorway, and all the sights piled up on Marx.

But Marx didn’t care so much, he was still thinking about it. Because there is a trace of memory in his mind faintly discernible, accompanied by the previous share of the deja vu, constantly stimulating his nerves.

“Oh, it was that time…” He slammed his eyes. “Yes, the dagger that once buried my emotions… The environment of the assassination night is exactly the same as today.”

That’s certainly not the same place, Marx still knows that, but that feeling is very similar to that’s all.

And the memory of his section that was almost left behind in the heart is the six black robe wizards that just rushed out of the great hall. They are so fast and they are so fast that Marx is very familiar.

“Prophet, don’t you come out and explain to me?”

Marx ignored the atmosphere that was suddenly tightened around him. While manipulating the opening of the ancient Persian language, his eyes pierced the darkest part of the temple. On the carved stone platform, the old man’s body shape fell on it and it was half-hidden.

“The successor, returning the pain to me to teach…”

The voice of the old man echoed in the empty great hall, and it became blurred when it passed outside the door, but Marx still barely understood it.

It’s just that, inexplicably, he said that he is the successor, and then he does not say that he has to surrender his pain.

He already guessed what the “painfulness” was. – Don’t say that he really didn’t, even if the dagger is really in his hands, will he hand over it?

“Are you not going to come out?” Marx nodded. “Oh, then I will come in.”

Today, I can hear the two predictions just now, and I can already say that I have earned it. But if you can get some explanation from the prophet, he doesn’t mind paying more.

When the words were exported, he had a staff in his hand.

I have to say that since the events of Voldemort and Grindelwald have passed, he rarely uses this. In the usual life, the long stick is really inconvenient. Maybe it can be used as a cane when you are old, but now it is obviously not necessary.

And when his staff appeared, the six black robes hiding in the corner immediately moved!

Their speed is really fast, but Marx will not be slower than them. After the quick ability was turned on, even a total of seven silhouettes were intertwined in a moment, and several cold streams of light were now hidden, and the sound of almost a piece of crisp percussion sounded.

That is the blade! It is the remnant of the six-handed sharp blade bathed in the moonlight!

Modern wizards rarely use weapons other than wand. But in ancient times, when the knowledge of the Goblin race to create a magical blade was not lost, various weapons also became popular among the wizards. Even at the time, there were several inheritances in the wizard that were good at making magic weapons.

Of course, to this day, perhaps the tradition of using weapons and the sporadic wizard group can be vaguely remembered, but the magic blade has become an extremely rare treasure.

Marx is very convinced that the six-handed sharp blades are all ordinary daggers. At best, that’s all that the forging process is better. Because the short sword that first came into contact with his staff was broken.

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