The Hufflepuff house’s student bedroom is located on the ground floor like the Slytherin. It is comparable to the Snake House, which is known as the “Slytherin Dungeon.” The residences of the small ones are very comfortable.

At that time, Helga Hufflepuff was a temperamental lazy witch. Not only did he like all kinds of food, but he also paid special attention to the living environment. On the contrary, he did not have much interest in the appearance that other women always pay attention to. Therefore, Helga, who is known for his beauty when he was young, will become a round and sturdy figure in the middle and old age.

Of course, the old things of thousands of years ago are not mentioned for a while. Now, if the Hogwarts four houses have the most comfortable common room and bedroom, then it is none other than the Hufflepuff basement.

The first thing that must be mentioned is naturally the common room of Hufflepuff house. This common room is a round room as a whole. Although it is not too big, it can bring a particularly warm feeling to the students.

Although it is underground, you can see the scenery on the ground through the round window.

In the daytime, it is filled with mild sunshine, and Professor Sprout often places flowers and plants here, and the fragrance of the soil and plants can make people feel like they are in the spring wilderness.

In the evening, the grass and dandelions outside the window will turn into a little bit of fireflies, echoing the distant stars, even if the diligent students pick up the lights and read them at night, they will feel a bit of a taste.

However, what is more worth mentioning is the bedroom where the little ones live.

Around the common room, there is an arched doorway, and after the passage through the doorway, more circular passages will be seen. The passage here can be described as twists and turns. To compare it, the complexity is probably no worse than the Hogwarts movement ladder designed by Ravenclaw.

The only difference is that none of these interconnected channels will move by themselves. They are all non-magic constructs.

It is because the Hufflepuff basement has never been visited by outsiders, and the younger ones are mostly low-key, so that this amazing underground building is still unknown.

To be honest, Marx also explored it many times here, but he did not dare to say that he knew the intricate underground passages. In fact, he also found some unoccupied rooms in the depths of some passages, but unfortunately the inside is basically just filled with worthless gadgets that’s all.

Today, Enns, who is assigned to the Hufflepuff house, lives in the bedroom of one of the channel branches.

“…As far as the book in the book of Potion is concerned, the Fuling agent is a potion that is very difficult to make. So it is impossible to do it yourself… then, go there. Get it?”

The night outside the castle has gradually deepened, but Corns still has difficulty falling asleep. He looked at the slightly bulging pockets on the trousers on the bedside table, and the idea of ​​getting more blessings in his heart was a growing trend.

No way, once he tasted the good taste, he couldn’t help it.

“If it’s Professor Slughorn, there should be…” He huddled in the bed, silently talking to himself, and soon shook his head again. “No, chocolate is sent by others. It’s nothing… but if If you steal it, then…”

However, this sudden thought, after his denial, was lingering in his mind.

“Enough! I am thinking about this -” Ens knocked on his head and then turned over in bed, trying to get rid of the urge to make him feel depressed. “Don’t think about Fuling.” …… Again, the book also states that the Fuling agent can never be taken frequently. Right! Is this the recklessness and arrogance brought by the Fuling agent? Well… it should be right… …”

After a while, Enns, who forced himself to close his eyes, couldn’t stand it anymore, and had to sit up fiercely. After looking around, he decided to put on his clothes and go to the common room to sit down – if you don’t order a fireplace, it would be much cooler than the bedroom, maybe it would make him calmer.

But he did not find that this anxiety and desire were not from the Fuling agent, but from his true heart.

After gently wearing the wizard’s gown, Ens touched the black out of the bedroom, and slowly walked into the common room along the curved circular path.

There is no lighting here, naturally it is quite dim, but the little fluorescence outside the round window still brings a little light to the interior. Ens took a full stomach trouble and chose a window seat. One hand held the cheek and the other hand subconsciously placed on the pocket of the trousers.

Through the faint light of the window, you can see his unclear facial contours. Although it is difficult to recognize the expression at the moment, the lips that are tightly picked up have already revealed his mood.

The air in the common room is still mixed with the aroma of the new mud. Occasionally, it may make people feel involuntarily calm down, but if they smell much, they will not play a big role in calming their minds. However, the temperature here is indeed lower than that of the bedroom, and Ensna’s gradually warming mind has cooled down a bit.

“Can’t think about the Fuling agent anymore… No, it’s chocolate, it’s best not to eat it for a while.” He rubbed the slender and soft black hair, deeply took a deep breath, “Well… Would you like to go to the kitchen to get something to eat? Maybe it’s because the dinner didn’t eat enough to think about it here…”

He sat on the back seat for a while, and then he just found a reason and forced his thoughts to go elsewhere.

Hogwarts’ kitchen is not far from the entrance to the Hufflepuff common room, which is where the little ones take the initiative to take a turn. Because the distance between the two is too close, even if I was hungry at night, I was not afraid to be caught by the patrolling Filch.

By the way, the kitchen is where the old Hufflepuff house students often mention when they warn new students. At that time, Marx was once picked up by Charlotte.

As for Ens, this little trait is not very obvious Hufflepuff new student, but I have been there for a while.

Not long after, when the pile of iron hoops deep in the castle’s underground corridor quietly opened the entrance door, a sneaky silhouette immediately drilled out, and then turned around and walked a few steps along the corridor. When he stood in front of the fruit painting, swiftly and accurately scratched the pear in the painting, with a few slight smirks, the pear became a yellow door handle.


The sound of this portrait being opened is actually a little bigger than the laughter of the pear. Fortunately, this corridor in the underground of the castle has several corners. As long as it is not too close to it, it is not heard.

Just a flash, Ens quickly plunged into the exposed hole in the portrait, and the portrait was closed again in a blink of an eye.

The kitchen at Hogwarts Castle is large and there are hundreds of house elfs. In the center of the kitchen, the most conspicuous are the four long dinning tables that are exactly the same as the auditorium. When the three meals a day are served, the rich and delicious food is set by the elves one after another, and then transferred from here.

Of course, in general, the food for each meal is impossible to eat all. So after the headmaster removes the food from the auditorium, they will return to it and hand it over to the house elf.


Just as Ens had hurried into the kitchen, with a slight but continuous sound of explosion, each and everyone half-awake house elf appeared in front of him. That’s right, although the sounds of the previous ones are basically not heard by Filch or the patrol professor, it is impossible to get rid of these particularly eclectic house elf.


When an elf yawned and screamed, the dimly lit kitchen immediately ignited a torch and took a lighter look.

“Oh… Dear young wizard, come to the simple kitchen so late, is there any place for the elves to help you?”

These are standing in front of Ens, the house elf that lived in Hogwarts Castle for generations, not the liberals brought back by Marx.

Although they live better than the house elf in other pure-blood family houses, they don’t get rid of the narrow idea of ​​serving the loyalty of the wizard, and they are also wearing all kinds of ragged clothes – I mean, If these pillowcases and broken sheets can also be called “clothing”.

“Help me to eat hot –” Ens pointed out casually to the dinning table. “Just pick out some of the remaining dinners on the table.”

The house elf has a special feature, that is, what should not be said will never be said everywhere. The Hogwarts students are also treated as Masters, so even if they clearly remember Enns, they will not report to the professors without any other “owner” inquiries.

After the elves had diligently heated the food for Ens and sent them to him in a respectful manner, he did not want to take the food and take it away, but left it in the kitchen and had a good time.

But when he ate some, he realized that he didn’t seem to be hungry. Even though the elf gave him less food, he still couldn’t finish it.

However, his purpose has been achieved – at the moment, he has already felt the embarrassing rush. Unfortunately, he just ran from the kitchen to the outside corridor, but a regular footstep was to dispel the sleepiness he had finally waited for…

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