“Secrets of the Darkest Art” – This is a book detailing a variety of terrifying dark magic. To talk about the research and analysis of dark magic, this book is still the best in the field.

However, it is probably because its content is too detailed and accurate! As a result, it was not long before the release, it was directly stopped, which made the book a relatively small amount of existence.

That is, the wizard cradle like Hogwarts will survive this book – of course, even here, it is also very carefully stored in the Restricted Section that is not accessible to the average student. Later, it is directly Dumbledore received the headmaster room Study.

But it was this black magic book that made many dark wizards marvel at it. The author, Ole Brock, was a rather famous anti-dark magic scholar at the time. The reason why he wrote this book was to popularize the terrifying of dark magic and to make some of the dark magic’s coping styles public.

Unfortunately, Brock is nothing more than an ideal researcher that’s all, he has underestimated the dark side of people’s hearts from the beginning. If the original wizard council prevented his self-funded publishing behavior in a timely manner, the number of dark wizards today may not even be known.

It’s enough for a Voldemort, isn’t it?

“Hermione, you said… Marx should have studied the dark magic in this book for countless times?”

In the responsive room, Harry carefully looked at some of the crispy yellow pages, and his tone of speech clearly evoked the trembling in fear.

“That’s for sure.” Hermione tapped nodded, and the eyes on the side of the bookshelf were a little bit complicated. “He likes to do research, no matter what magic will make him curious, he started from First Year. Has never changed. And more importantly, he always likes to do it alone…”

While chanting these words, her face gradually showed a trace of memories. But very quickly, when she inadvertently moved towards Luna’s direction, she couldn’t say anything behind.

At this point, Harry was still cautiously looking at the big book, and naturally couldn’t notice the little details of Hermione. Ron, who could have seen the original solution, immediately found Hermione’s fault.

He looked at Hermione, who suddenly closed his mouth, and sneaked a sneak peek at Luna, who was looking at the bookshelf. It seemed to be what it meant, and the eyes turned suddenly.

“Hermione… Could you say that you are skeptical about Marx?”

“How can it be!”

Hermione hearing this, suddenly like the Crookshanks stepped on the tail, suddenly turned over.

“Marx has always done things for us, for Hogwarts, I don’t remember? Voldemort can be defeated so quickly, it’s all his credit. Who knows, who might suspect him?” She shouted Authentic, “I just want to say that he always takes things on his own, and everything is done by himself. Even the big discovery of Horcrux is buried in his heart and he has not disclosed it to others. He… ”

On her side, Ron said that he was always on the verge of pointing his head, as if he was just listening to Hermione’s explanation. But from time to time, he looked at Luna’s side of the line, but it meant that his mind was not placed on what Hermione said.

As far as Ron’s position is concerned, between Marx, Hermione and Luna, he is undoubtedly supporting Hermione. His initiative to give up, more because of Marx, if Marx can accept Hermione, the end may be the biggest salvation for him.

So, compared to Hermione’s scruples because of Luna’s existence, Ron would like to see a Hermione Granger who is still as firm and stubborn as it used to be.

Even if… more of it is just his Ron’s personal wish that’s all.

Perhaps it was because the impulse that Ron provoked at first was slowly receding over time, or perhaps because Luna was also attracted by her words. In short, after hearing a lot about Marx, Hermione finally noticed what he was saying.

“…well, all in all,” Hermione took a sigh of relief and temporarily pressed the distracting thoughts. “I found this book here, and the detailed description of Horcrux’s production method, maybe Voldemort is able to The reason for the resurrection. Although… although Marx did not mention it with us, but since we found it ourselves, why not try it?”

Having said that, she was slightly stopped, and this continued: “It can be seen from the description in the book. This is obviously a very powerful, very evil dark magic. It is for this reason that Marx is always I have never told us. However, I don’t want to be protected by him all the time. It is impossible for Voldemort to come back now. If we don’t work hard now, then when should we work harder? ”

“You’re right,” Harry, who was burying himself in the reading of the book, suddenly raised his head. “I saw this in the section on Horcrux. I split my soul and inject it into the object.” It is possible to create Horcrux. After Horcrux is made, if the maker itself dies, it can retain the soul of the body and wait for the rebirth.”

“…and just try to destroy Horcrux, you can get rid of this evil dark magic!” Hermione answered. “Yes, I didn’t think of it at first, and even the cracking method was written in this book.”

“So, is it the biggest problem to find Horcrux?” Ron said.

“No, the difficulty is not just to find it,” Hermione reached over and flipped the book in front of her eyes a few pages, pointing to one of the lines. “Here, written, to make Horcrux difficult to destroy, the dark wizard usually Cast the spell as strong as possible on it… If it’s Voldemort, the magic on the top is absolutely very powerful!”

“That is, even if you find it, you won’t be able to successfully destroy it?” Harry frowned and thought, suddenly his spirit shook. “No, we can have a Gryffindor sword! Want to ruin it.” It must not be a problem!”

“Oh, good idea!” Hermione nodded said. “So, the key is how to find it…”

Just as Hermione wanted to talk about some of her conjectures, Harry suddenly reached out and motioned her to wait.

“Hermione, have you ever thought about asking Marx directly?” he wondered. “Since Marx already knew it, he must have investigated the Horcrux investigation too-“

“I thought about it!” Hermione interrupted his words, but his expression looked a bit tangled. “But, do we really have to rely on Marx to go forward? Is this really good? I believe you also feel it, before When dealing with Voldemort, Marx was forced to run around World. He had to do it alone. He was too hard!”

When she got here, she and Luna looked at each other and said: “So, after discovering this book, I found time to discuss with Luna. I and she both felt that we should help as much as possible. Marx, can’t let him fight alone!”

With Hermione, Luna followed the nodded and seemed to agree with Hermione.

“Voldemort failed again, no time is safer than it is now.”

“Oh, that sounds good,” Ron scratched his scalp. “We should work harder. Of course, we must do it after the OWLs exam…”

Looking at them quickly reached a consensus, but Harry still felt that it was not appropriate – Marx’s ability was there, and even if he could not find Horcrux, could he find it first?

Perhaps it is because the understanding of the actual situation is still too one-sided, even if it is somewhat hesitant, Harry has never thought about whether Marx will conceal some other things.

After all, as far as the description in the book “Secrets of the Darkest Art” is concerned, almost anything can be considered a raw material for making Horcrux. Just finding it is a big problem. How can they know that there is an unknown in the mountains behind it?

“Well, let’s talk about it first!” Hermione put the book back on the bookshelf, and then turned and said, “We should go to the auditorium. If we don’t go, dinner will be gone…”

“Hey! Just wait for you to say this!” Ron claped. “My stomach is hungry.”

Not long after, Harry took a little doubt and left the room with the other three. Before going out of the door, he went back a little and looked at the deepest bookshelf in the distance.

This research room filled with werewolf stone statues, as faint as you first saw it, squatted at the door, only to see a faint gray.

“Harry, what are you doing? Come over soon~”

He held the doorknob slightly and slammed it. After hearing the call of the good buddy Ron, it slammed the door and closed the door tightly. As he left the bronze doorknob, the threshold of the responsive room was immediately integrated into the wall and disappeared quickly.


Harry turned and took a moment, then opened his legs and chased Hermione and the others, who took the first step, to the auditorium. From the window through which he passed, you can see that the setting sun has set, and there is only a layer of slightly flushed red on the horizon, which is being swallowed up by the coming night.

“…no, maybe it’s because it’s too hard to find! Or, it’s a very dangerous place hidden by Voldemort… um, it’s possible,” he thought as he ran. “I haven’t found it before I vent, this is not what I should do!”

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