In each of our days, the sunrise is always wonderful and short-lived. It symbolizes the vigorous vitality, and people can’t help but want to pick up the energy and face a new day.

Correspondingly, naturally it is a very long and sloppy sunset. Compared to the day that will speed up the pace of life for you, the sunset and sunset will be like an 佝偻old man, and you will realize the whole day’s aftertaste with the gloom of the gloom.

When Hogwarts’ young wizards rushed through this chaotic day, the part that remained in the Hogsmeade village was bathed in the golden sunset, laughing and walking back to school.

Logically speaking, among these people should be students who do not see Fifth Year and Seventh Year. Because they will soon face a major exam that can be said to be a lifetime, there is not much time to waste.

However, there is no absolute thing in the world. At this time, there are really a few Hogwarts Fifth Year students in the Hogsmeade.

Harry, of course, is one of them.

In his mind at the moment, accompanying Ginny to enjoy this beautiful evening time is the first priority. In order to have enough confidence to stay at Hogsmeade, he spent the boss’s strength to complete the homework in advance. Oh, yes, it’s just half the time. If you go back later, it’s too late. I’m afraid I will stay up late tonight.

“Harry, this sunset is so beautiful.” Ginny walked gently on Harry’s side, letting him hold his hand and feel the warmth of his palms. “To tell the truth, a few times at Voldemort.” At the time, I thought that I could not enjoy such a beautiful sunset in my life!”

Harry turned his head and stared blankly at Ginny’s side. Under the soft eve of the sun, the slender hair on her face reflected the rays of light, and her side was outlined in a golden outline.

“Yeah!” Harry looked at her. “The so-called Dark Lord is indeed very terrifying. At the time we were convinced that we could beat him, but I also believed that it would be a fierce confrontation. Don’t say us, Even the people of Order of the Phoenix are rebellious with the determination to die, who can think of the final victory actually came so suddenly…”

The two chatted casually, strolling through the streets of Hogsmeade village, and realizing the last warmth of today’s sunshine.

“Harry… you said, Neville, is he still okay?”


Neville, okay, Harry is definitely not sure.

Just in the early afternoon, Mr. Longbottom, who was blamed by Lavender, uttered a big truth that was buried in his heart, and at the same time stimulated the hearts of two female children. The phrase “I like Hannah” not only caused Lavender’s self-esteem to be hit hard, but also made Ms. Hannah Abbott, who stood by and watched silently, trembled.

In fact, Hannah and Neville are actually very similar – they are all kind of people who are not good at words, shy, timid and forgetful, just like a pair of long-lost twins. From this point of view, it may not be such an incredible thing that Neville would like Hannah.

The key is here. After all, Neville never reveals his love for Hannah. Now it is forced out by Lavender, and the pair of male and female children naturally become more and more embarrassed.

After that, no matter what Lavender said, Neville never answered a word. He just looked down and didn’t dare to lift it up. For fear of seeing the possible disappointment on Hannah’s face.

And Hannah, it is even more embarrassing.

I saw her little face hidden in the long hair, and the whole face rose red, so it seemed to be bleeding. A pair of delicate hands overlapped, and after a while, they clung to the chest, and then they licked most of their faces. It seems that it is not good to escape on the spot.

In the end, the harassment of Neville’s Lavender seemed to be tossed, and she said that she had finally given up the perseverance, and pulled the good sister Parvati and left the Three Broomsticks Inn bar.

When Harry and Ginny also left there, they remembered that there were only Neville and Hannah left. As for the two stagflies, will there be any further development in the end, fearing that Neville will be able to renew his courage – at least Harry thinks so.

Of course, if the future will be interpreted without any deviation according to one’s expectations, then it is not a “future”, but a “past” of another person.

Well, probably this is the time! Right now, at the Three Broomsticks Inn H bar, Hermione and Luna are walking down the stairs and down the second floor. The content they have talked about today has not been heard by anyone; as for the results obtained in the conversation, no one knows.

Let’s not talk about what they said about the female children who stood together and have some sense of disobedience. What is most worth mentioning now is Neville and Hannah who are sitting on the sides of a small round table.

Their expressions looked strange: one put his hands on his knees, his neck narrowed and stared at the table, like a piece of wood on the table; the other holds a hot drink, a cup The heat in the air has already dissipated, but it has not been drunk even if it is a bite.

If you don’t know what’s going on between them, it’s really hard to understand why they are so silent.

“Neville? And Miss Hannah Abbott of Hufflepuff house?”

At this time, the Three Broomsticks Inn was a lot empty, and Hermione, who had just come down the stairs, took a look at the store and found the two students who looked surprisingly similar.

“What are they doing? Is it longer than who doesn’t talk?” Luna next to him is curious.

Hermione shook her head silently.

“Hermione, let’s go! I want to join them too-“

Luna said, grabbing Hermione’s arm and pulling her together, but Hermione, who was suddenly reacting, stunned.

“Oh, don’t go over!” She whispered. “I think they must have something to do, and we don’t have to mess up.”

Innocent Luna may not be able to see the wonderful atmosphere over there, but Hermione is so smart, naturally it is soon to be aware of some situations.

“Hey?” Luna said with a sigh of relief. “How do you know? Maybe someone who wins will have a small gift… can’t you really go?”

“No!” Hermione glared at Luna’s wrist and walked straight to the door. “Don’t make trouble, time is almost up, we should go back.”

However, perhaps because the movement on their side is still too big, so Neville and Hannah quickly noticed their appearance.


Hannah’s face suddenly turned red again, and she quickly glanced at Neville, and then stood up and ran to the door. It seems that she still wants to escape here before Hermione and Luna.

Hermione saw it wrong, and her mind was flashing through her mind. The next moment she ran away with the slightest hesitation.

“Wait, Miss Aibo!”

Hannah is actually a member of RA, and it is for this reason that Neville has the opportunity to have her feelings. But it is a character like Hannah. In the previous training of RA, there is really not much sense of existence, so even Hermione does not have a deep relationship with her.

Even if the relationship is still shallow, even if the situation is not well understood, this idle thing Hermione also wants to manage it. A female child who will even take care of her house elf, she has multiple senses of responsibility. It is obvious, how can she let the situation change because of her own appearance?

Yes, because of her and Luna’s appearance, Hannah lifted her legs and ran – she could still see it.

“Oh! I… Grid, Miss Granger, please… please let me go…”

Hermione’s movements are very fast, and in terms of distance, she is closer to the bar door and can intercept Hannah’s footsteps as it should be by rights.

“Sorry, I don’t think I can still put it–” Hermione looked at her face and said seriously, “Miss Aibo, if I bothered you, please let me say no…”

“No, no…no interruptions.” Hannah immediately interrupted her words with a red face. “You don’t have to apologize, we don’t… nothing happened.”

After listening to Hermione, she blinked her eyes and then glanced at Neville casually.

Not as she expected, Neville was still standing next to his chair. He looked at it from afar, his face was full of embarrassment and anxiety, but he refused to move half a step.

About Neville’s temper, it’s clear that Hermione, who just got together, is clear. As a result, she has made more guesses about what happened between Neville and Hannah.

“Miss Aibo, if you like, we can talk alone.” Hermione regained her gaze, lowered her head slightly and whispered to Hannah, who was a little shorter than herself. “Come on, come here.” —Luna, trouble you waiting here.”

“Oh… okay?” Luna’s nightmare nodded, but the attention has already slipped to the kitten lying on the window.

On the other side, Neville saw Hannah and finally walked out of the bar with Hermione, and she was relieved when she arrived. He threw himself back and threw himself back into the chair and slammed it weakly.

“Ah, sorry, Ron…” He put his face on the cool table and muttered ruthlessly. “What you asked for was messed up by me, really… really sorry.”

Neville knows that what he really wants to say is not really sorry. But even in his self-talk, he still has no courage to complain about his feelings for Hannah, but he can only hide them deeper and deeper.

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