The Marx was invited to the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic in France, representing Hogwarts, but also represented himself. In order to maintain an image in front of those decent French fans, Marx deliberately dressed up and wrapped himself into a handsome and handsome young image.

Ok! As far as his height does not go up, and the appearance that is always smaller than the actual age, it can only be called “juvenile”!

In order to highlight his personal attention to Hogwarts, he also specially selected a Thestral carriage as the basis for the debut. The Hogwarts badge on the carriage that has been applied to the magic looks golden light, and the four animals representing the four big houses are more gestures. Bright and lifelike, it is more eye-catching.

What he is most afraid of now is to sway, because this time he used to be Beauxbatons, saying that he was involved in the discussion, in fact, it was to face-to-face negotiations to compete for interests. He puts this shelf out first, and at least when he gets an advantage, at least the disadvantage will definitely decrease.

The magic circle is the most important person to be present. In addition to the old steward of Madam Maxime and Flamel, there will probably be a meeting of the president of the International Wizard Federation and the famous wizards from all over the world. Just imagine that you can guess that the scene will be quite confusing.

On the surface and the color of the face, but under the surface of the water, he defeated the name of the Dark Lord, and may not let him easily take the lead.

Of course, before going to Beauxbatons, he had to prepare some time in advance to visit a person in Paris.


To put it bluntly, the beautifully decorated Thestral carriage is just a fascinating decoration that’s all, Marx naturally does not need it to travel. After bringing the carriage to the French border with portkey, he sat in the carriage of the Disillusionment Charm and flew all the way to Blois Fort.

This huge royal castle is a long-lost violation of Marx, and the patchwork of castle complexes are put together, but they belong to different architectural styles. Walking in the meantime, as if the time is changing, the Marx can’t help but recall the scenes when I first came here.

Because of the particularity of the barriers that are isolated from the muggle world, the wizards that visit the Blois Fort must be walked on, the entrance is only on one staircase, and the rest of the castle can’t reach the real fort.

Marx followed the path in memory slowly, and soon he saw the spiral up stairs. The ladder is covered with exquisite red carpet, which makes the white marble stone itself more like gold.

He stood around the stairway and sensed it, then reached out directly and patted it on the armrest. Suddenly, the entire spiral-up step began to crystallize and disappeared to the top of the stairs.

After the staircase was completely changed, another slight magic power wave swayed around him. Marx knows that this muggle World and the real interior of Blois Fort are finally connected.

He no longer waited, stepping on the step that became translucent, and while he felt his magic power resonate with it, he gradually began to blur. The space behind this is a wizard field that the muggle will never reach.

As he walked up gradually, he came to a gate shortly. The door was open at the moment, and a maid who seemed to be not too old was standing on the inside of the gate, and immediately took a gentle ceremony when he saw him.

“Hello! Sir, do you have any appointments here?” The other party asked in a soft voice in French.

“Can you speak English?” Marx smiled politely at her. “I am Marx McLorne of Hogwarts, um… is it an old friend of your Master?”

“Please… please wait a moment.”

The maid blinked and immediately turned around after another ceremony. Marx watched her leave, saying that she was mostly looking for someone, but he didn’t know if the other person understood his own words.

He remembers that the old steward of the Blois family is fluent in English. As for these maids, that may not be very proficient.

The servants of the Blois family were all very efficient, and it didn’t take long for the maidservant to invite the old steward without any accident. Speaking of it, this is also an old acquaintance, and both of them are very happy to meet each other.

“Mr. Mr. MrLorne, come on, please come in -” old steward greeted with enthusiasm. “The owner already knows your visit. He is now at Study, and I will take you there!”

“Wynie…What about your lady? How is she?” Marx asked as he followed the foot of the old steward.

“Miss is very good, that is, after returning home last time, the owner has been reluctant to let her go out.” Old steward shook his head gently. “I can see that Miss is hoping to return to Hogwarts to continue her.” Academic.”

“Mr. Blois is doing the right thing. The duration of the Duration magic circle was not very safe. It wasn’t that she wasn’t allowed to go.” Marx nodded. “But so, Wynie should be fine…”

In the latter sentence, he said to himself.

Wynie, the underground vault at the Dark Spirit Pavilion, unleashed the seal and released the inexplicable curse power to unlock a battle against Marx. After that, her father took her directly back to the fort to try to re-apply the seal. It is said that the probability of success is still unknown.

Of course, in terms of the bizarre bloodline curse effect of the Blois family, even if it is not possible to apply a seal again, Wynie has no life worry. On the contrary, the curse is actually more like an uncontrollable killing, because the people who are dead under the curse must be the people around her.

If you want to compare it, now Marx can’t help but think that it might be more like the type of effect of the ancient mirror. And seeing its large-scale disasters that act on the soul, it can make people unconsciously kill each other, the end is formidable power infinity.

“Mr. Mr. McLorne is active, like our family who don’t go out very much in France. Although it may not be safe before, but now, the Britain magic circle has obviously been eliminated. When seeing these news, the owner also Can’t help but praise your magic strength…” Old steward sighed, “I know, my Patriarch people rarely praise others.”

Listening to old steward, Marx immediately recalled the battle with Wynie’s father.

Although he played in the fight, he couldn’t help but shrink, and he finally couldn’t get it. But for this powerful Blois Castle Lord, he is quite admired.

The guy not only practiced the ancient seal magic of the family, but also suspected of mastering the ancient summon technique. If it is to talk about the real big scene group battle, the opponent’s deterrence is definitely much larger than the Marx, which is more inclined to a single duel.

Some ancient books have recorded that the ancient magic is mostly rude and powerful, and the play on the battlefield is surprisingly amazing. That is really not wrong.

Marx casually chatted with the old steward, and followed him to the left and left in the big castle. It took him more than ten minutes to find himself in a rather spacious study.

Just this study, there is enough 3-Layer. From the bottom up, there are stairs and unilateral corridors on both sides. Except for the desk at the bottom of the Marx, there is a desk, and the rest of the space is occupied by the bookshelf.

For the wizard, the most important thing is knowledge. Most of the carriers of knowledge are all kinds of book papers of different thicknesses. In a deep-rooted family of wizards, the biggest place is usually Study, unless the family has long abandoned the accumulation of magic and changed to other directions.

Just across the door that Marx came in, I could see Mr. Blois sitting behind the desk and looking at him calmly.

“Hello, Mr. Blois.” Marx said that after all, it was Junior, and it was not too much to say hello.

“McLorne… Well, Mr. McLorne,” I don’t know why, Blois hesitated, but changed his mouth. “You can come to Blois Fort, I am very welcome – come over! Please sit!”

In Marx’s impression, Wynie’s father is a rather conceited feeling. Probably no one except the baby daughter can make him show his graceful look.

But now, in the words and deeds of the other party, he feels the enthusiasm of a child.

“It’s my pleasure to be your guest.” Even if I’m so curious, it’s not good to show off the rude behavior in front of Wynie’s father. Marx is still politely going forward and then sitting next to each other’s words. Aside from the round table, “Mr. Blois, I have a business trip this time. I will visit Wynie by the way. I haven’t been able to find the time since I was last time. I am very sorry!”

“No, Mr. McLorne, you don’t have to be so polite.” Mr. Blois sat behind the desk and smiled gently. “What you did in the Britain magic circle, I still know something about it – can kill the Voldemort guy, I I am also very happy. Seriously, if I am not worried about the little girl, I have already dealt with him!”

“Mr. Blois didn’t come in person, but you’ve got some influence on the Death Eater. I’ve heard it,” Marx said with a smile. “With your help, we can clarify the potential in the water so quickly. The dark wizard forces below allow me to extract more power to focus on the Death Eater stronghold.”

In fact, with the Order of the Phoenix and some of the underlying wizards as Marx for intelligence gathering, it’s as simple as “sounding”. Some forces have even penetrated the Britain Ministry of Magic, and behind it, there may be influence from the forces launched by Blois Fort.

To be honest, the power circle of the magic circle is really unclear for a while.

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