No matter how much inside Helen is hidden behind, this is not the most important thing at the moment. Marx took that time and energy, and even paid a certain price, which succeeded in making himself appear at this point in time. He didn’t come to listen to Helen’s story.

At the moment, he still has something to wait for him to complete, and to be satisfied with the final outcome, he must refocus his attention and turn the rules rune notes of the enchanted monument into his own knowledge.

After a short break, he stopped paying attention to Helen’s questioning and rushed to the pages of the notes.

And during the time he was immersed in research, Dumbledore鈥檚 public funeral was approaching again and again. Hogwarts and the Hogsmeade village not far from the castle have gradually welcomed a group of guests, and everyone is seeing people.

Funeral is always a heart-rending group activity. Even if the people who come are not necessarily for the sake of chasing afterwards, once they are placed on such occasions, they will be infected with light or heavy because of the change of atmosphere.

For example, in recent years, the increasingly low-key Malfoy Young Master is one of the most typical ones.

The world often said that the family atmosphere often brings changes to the child, and the parental nature often affects the child’s way of doing things in a subtle way.

But this is based on the premise that the child’s view of the world has not yet been formed, and the ability to judge independently is still insufficient.

In the past, Draco was indeed influenced by his parents, especially his old man, Lucius. He is usually a self-interested person and is a full-fledged speculator.

Perhaps many people in the magic circle think that Lucius Malfoy stood on Voldemort because he supported the pure bloodline supremacy theory. In fact, he is not concerned with the benefits of pure blood, but only the interests of his Malfoy Family that’s all.

However, whether it was the original Dumbledore and Voldemort, or later Marx and Voldemort, where is the place between their confrontations so good?

There is such a lack of ability, but the heart is not small father, Draco’s pressure can be really small.

But things like stress can sometimes crush people, and sometimes they can grow.

When Voldemort forced Lucius to stand on his side, Malfoy’s family had never been peaceful. With the recent fierce battle between Order of the Phoenix and Death Eater, as Voldemort’s manpower has been reduced, Lucius has to stand up to the front line of the Order of the Phoenix.

Yes, it is true that it is “resistance”.

Voldemort’s several defeats to Marx’s plan have led to his murderous name, and his original power is not enough. He has been somewhat stretched. And he is not willing to send the Black Deaths easily. After all, if there is no Black Death, he is really afraid to appear in front of Marx.

For this reason, Lucius, who was originally a man who has contributed more money, has recently been forced to go to the streets and walk around.

Can a character like Lucius, Voldemort, whose mind is not confused, rest assured? So, Draco and his mother Narcissa became a hostage.

For example, this Christmas holiday, Draco can see the crazy woman Bellatrix as soon as she returns home. The woman not only consistently characterized the fierceness of the character, but also has a good magic strength, the last time it was almost to use Cruciatus Curse on him!

Occasionally, only occasionally that’s all, occasionally Voldemort will also go to Malfoy’s house for a day or two. Voldemort looked handsome, even when he saw him. But Draco is not a fool. Where do you not know this seemingly kind guy, but in fact it is a Dark Lord who kills people without blinking?

In this environment, Draco quickly gave the ability to observe the skills to the teacher, and normally became more low-key. Of course, he can’t go back as much as he can.

Not long after Christmas, he picked up his luggage and tried to sneak back to Hogwarts… No, Hogwarts and the McLorne, he better not.

It鈥檚 sorrow to think about it, it鈥檚 because of his old shackles for a while, so that now his Malfoy family is not human. At school, the students in the other three houses would not give him a good look; at home, Voldemort and Bellatrix made him worry all day.

This kind of day is really bad!

However, just as he sneaked open his door, he heard a voice suddenly appearing behind him, scaring him to froze.

“Draco, just after Christmas, the holiday is still growing! Where are you going?”

Listen to the sound and know that it is the old woman of Bellatrix, Voldemort’s most loyal follower!

“I… I want to go to Diagon Alley, look for Mr. Ollivander to check wand…” Draco forced himself to calm down and pressed his right hand with the right hand on the box. “Since the last time I practiced the spell, it It鈥檚 not always right.鈥?/p>

Unfortunately, he is now trembled with both hands, no matter which hand pressure is used, it can’t be suppressed.

“Oh? I don’t think that’s a problem with Cruciatus Curse,” Bellatrix is 鈥嬧€媎ancing, swaying to Draco’s side. “Or, in fact, your wand prefers Imperius Curse?”

The experience of being locked up in Azkaban for a long time makes this crazy witch become more unconventional, and often makes some exaggerated moves. In her own words, this is the dance of the glory of the master, but what to look at is a sign of mental disorder.

“No, it’s not a curse… I think… the curse will be even more wonderful.”

With their dark wizards together, I understood the words for a long time. With this in mind, Bellatrix seems to feel more comfortable 鈥?at least Draco thinks so.

Sure enough, the mad woman laughed for a while, and the laughter saw the corpse like a vulture in the wilderness, but with a strange joy in the sharp and sharp ears.

After Draco had echoed the Bellatrix and smiled for a while, he tightened his suitcase and put a little bit of the so-called smile.

“…that, Miss Black… can I go now?” Draco knew that calling her with Bellatrix’s family name would sometimes make her happier, such as when her husband was not present, “wait for me. For a more powerful wand, you can see a more painful expression of others… that… that feeling must be very sweet.”


Bellatrix looked at him up and down with a look that “you kid is finally open”, and even laughed louder.

“Yes! Hahaha… Yes, when we saw the enemy lying in pain at our feet, it was the moment we enjoyed the most! Sweet, really sweet! Ahhaha…”

Seeing this crazy woman can’t stop laughing, Draco secretly looked around and tried to move a step toward the door. The mad woman apparently saw it, but it didn’t stop it – it seems that today’s escape is hopeful!

But who knows, just when he turned and wanted to go, another voice made him stop again, and he didn’t dare to move.

“What happened to wand?” The gentle voice softly said, “No better than going to Ollivander… maybe I can help you, Draco.”

It is Voldemort! Oh no…should be…Dark Lord!


In an instant, he realized who the owner of the voice was. At the same time, a chill came from the bottom of his soles and slammed his back, and he continued to drill his scalp along the spine.

For a time, he couldn’t even say the excuses he had prepared.

“Draco, is it really going to Diagon Alley?” Voldemort slowly walked out of the hallway next to the foyer and gently asked, “Since it is to Diagon Alley, why not use a fireplace?”

When Draco heard it, his heart suddenly trembled. Yes! Why don’t he use floo powder? Even if the line connecting their home to Hogsmeade village has been disconnected, he can go to Diagon Alley first and go there?

Now that he is running straight out, isn鈥檛 it clear that people are suspicious?

Draco, who is regretting his own stupidity, will not say a word.

“Do you want to go back to Hogwarts?” Voldemort stepped forward to Draco’s body and looked at him calmly. The eyes with hidden black flames stared straight at Draco’s eyes. “Now it’s rare. Christmas holiday… You are gone, your mother will be very sad?”

Listening to Voldemort’s words, Draco slammed his lips and lowered his eyes.

His mother Narcissa Malfoy is arrogant in normally, but when he is with this son, he is full of love. To be honest, she may not be a qualified mother, but she is still a mother who deeply loves her child.

Just a few days ago, when Bellatrix wanted to give Draco a “Christmas gift,” Narcissa prevented it from happening. Otherwise, a Cruciatus Curse goes down, that tastes… I鈥檓 afraid Draco can鈥檛 forget this Christmas this year.

“Dark Lord, you are right… I don’t go anywhere.” Draco lowered his head slightly and was dull.

However, Voldemort looked at him for a moment, and made Draco’s heart lift again. Seeing that the Dark Lord did not speak, he was obviously more flustered, for fear that he would lose this life if he did not pay attention.

Just staying at home for a few days, he has witnessed several moments of death. It is already not easy for him to stand here now.

“No, you can go…” Just then, Voldemort suddenly said, “You don’t just have to go, but you must also show up at Dumbledore’s funeral, understand?”

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