Downtown New York City, Woolworth Building.

The skyscraper, built in 1913, is the most prestigious 55 building in the world, and is also home to the Magic Congress of the United States.

As long as you apply the correct spell at its gate, you can enter the space available to the wizards.

It has floors that are at least twice as large as the exterior of the building, and each floor is so busy. Yes, it is very busy here, and recently it has become more busy.

At this moment, there are more 9 points in London time, and New York time is only 4 in the morning. However, the situation is tense, and there is no doubt that not many people still have the mood to go to bed.

On the top floor of the building, in the spacious conference room, the large oval long table is full of people. As for the recent frequent attacks, almost all those who are qualified to speak here have already expressed their opinions.

Zoe is also a staff member of the Magic Congress. In fact, in her position, it is more difficult to speak here than to go to heaven. The reason why she can sit here and listen is entirely because of her duties.

In the end, she is just a copy of the archives department that’s all, and sometimes it will work as a conference recorder in the event of a major event.

She looks like a serious control of quill for the shorthand of the meeting, while not missing any words, obsessively observing everyone here.

Among the wizards sitting around the conference table, there are all kinds of big people. These people’s expressions are different, and their views on this attack are also quite different.

The guy who has harmed his own interests will naturally show multiple enthusiasm and try to dispose of it as soon as possible while ensuring his own money and rights.

And those guys who have nothing to do with their own interests are generally less concerned about developments. They are thinking more about how to take this opportunity to eliminate their opponents.

Of course, there is also a part of the wizard that, like her copywriter, is quite a bit of nothing to do. She is very clear about these people, because they are undoubtedly the guys who have no desire for the promotion of the position.

Well, if you want to ask Zoe if she has thought about promotion, I am afraid she can only smile and smile.

To be honest, she actually has some kind of unique competitive advantage, because she is born with a stronger Legilimens innate talent than other wizards. What can be helpless is that she hates it.

Because she can’t always control her own abilities, she often inadvertently reads the thoughts of others. Even if it is only the surface of the mind, it will cause a lot of trouble for her.

For this reason, she has not found a suitable boyfriend so far.

There is a saying among the chickens that a woman who is too smart is always not easy to capture the true heart of a man. Zoe has been thinking, maybe this sentence is the same in the magic circle?

She stretched out wand and poked quill, letting it go to the ink bottle and licking it again, because the group of “big guys” seemed to have been silent for some time.

Zoe understood the reason why those guys were silent—just now, the President of the National Assembly, Ms. Oprah, questioned everyone and asked everyone to be speechless.

“…so, is it that the last disaster has been going on for too long? You, what did you think of war?”

Zoe can say a fair word to the chairwoman in her heart – she believes that Ms. Oprah is indeed a down-to-earth chairman of the Congress and a rather competent chairman.

But to be honest, it’s useless to be down to earth. Ms. Oprah is usually very aggressive in her usual life, but when it is time to make a decision, she seems to be somewhat unsatisfactory.

She can safely maintain it throughout the entire US magic circle, but by the time she is, she will obviously lose her meaning.

The reason why the big men are silent is not because Ms. Oprah’s question is powerful, but because she doesn’t have any good ideas – everyone’s heart is clear.

After a long time after that, this inexplicably boring meeting was finally over.

Zoe poked quill again with wand, letting it wipe the ink stain on the pen itself, and she waved wand to copy the parchment volume of the meeting record with the copy curse.

After a series of routine preparations, such as turning in, keeping files, issuing, etc., she took a few rolls of parchment and slowly left the Congress Hall.

No one will come to urge her because her work has been completed. Although she has ordered all members of the Congress to refrain from leaving their posts during the contingency plan, she does not care.

In a short period of time, the meeting will not be opened again, and her copywriter will be able to go back to the office and get a good night’s sleep.

She was not worried about this attack. Her grandfather had already passed away, and the grandmother who always liked her had just happened to go abroad to visit relatives. As for her parents…the two are not all day long. The old man, who is too serious, went to a certain eastern country to find Tibetan snow people on the day she just graduated!

If she had to worry about something, she might even be more worried about the irresponsible couple who died in the snow forest in the mountains without paying attention!

All the way to pass by other colleagues who knew or did not know, Zoe boarded the magic elevator and familiar back to her office.

There are a total of five colleagues in her office. Unlike her, the other four are obviously more motivated than her. At this critical moment, most of them are running around outside, redouble their efforts for their dying career.

Because of this, there is only one person in the office at this time.

She placed the things in her arms in the basket of documents to be processed, and then walked straight to the staff lounge area in the corner of the office, and leisurely boiled the hot eggnog.

Of course, the wine is definitely not allowed in the office, but who cares so much like Zoe’s leisurely position?

While cooking something, she sat down on the side of the chair and squinted with her eyes. After all, how to say it, it is also early in the morning, and it is too boring to record the meeting, she feels a little soft.

Sitting in a chair and smelling the smell of milk mixed with cream, she unknowingly recalled the day she just graduated.

In fact, it didn’t take long before, almost a year and a half ago.

In fact, Zoe did not have any enthusiasm for the workplace from the beginning. At the beginning, like other newcomers, she secretly hid the work of the American Magic Congress.

Not long after, she found that she was disgusted with the workplace struggles without smoke.

Because of her special abilities, she is extremely sensitive to the minds of others. What kind of population is not right, and who is hiding the evil, she is very incomprehensible.

When she found out that she couldn’t find one around her and could be a heart-to-heart colleague like a student friend in the school, she became interested.

Zoe is a beautiful female child, and she is very popular from small to large. No need to ask, even after she joined the job, there are still many handsome and funny men looking for her to talk.

However, she only feels that she wants to vomit…

Just as she became a little confused in the rich milk, suddenly she heard that Sasso’s light sound woke her up.

“You…who are you?”

Her eyes opened, and she immediately saw the wizard who was walking to the center of the office.


The other party, brew remark, stared at her for a while, and suddenly there was a terrifying black mist that suddenly rushed toward Zoe.

Zoe knows that this time she was saved by her own innate talent. Although she is quite bored with this annoying innate talent, she is now grateful for it.

Just a second before the opponent turned into a black fog, Zoe struggled to avoid this horrible blow.


Zoe hurriedly climbed up as he slammed into the wall of the rest area, and ran to the door as he stepped open. As she ran, she did not forget to look back at the bulging black fog at the same time, keeping her only vigilant.

Because she found that even if the other party is a black mist, she can sense the voice of the other side.

Since there is this unique advantage, where can she easily let go? The black fog was too fast, and soon she gave up the idea of ​​countering with a spell. She only has one idea now, that is running!

As long as you can run out of the office, it may be safe.

However, just as her fingertips were about to touch the doorknob, she still looked back at the other side. She immediately looked towards the left side and slammed it on the left side, then threw it down on the long file next to it.

Then she heard a loud noise coming from behind.

Zoe ignored the pain in his ribs, and violently turned over and looked at the back, only to find that the black mist had directly smashed the door of the office and rushed to the outside corridor.

“Alright…” she thought, “Whether I am going out, or he is going out – in short, someone will go out and be right!”

What comes with it, but another question: How did the guy get in?

There is no doubt that it is an attacker in this series of dangerous incidents.

She doesn’t care about how the power of the inexplicable power of the other party comes from. Compared with this, she cares more about how the other party enters the heavily guarded parliament building.

Just as Zoe fell in the long-term case, the Obscurus in the infiltrate Woolworth building ran rampage in the hallway and finally slammed into the window and flew out of the building.

At this point, Marx, who had just arrived at the entrance to Jackson Square, looked back and looked at the roaring fire that suddenly appeared in the night.

Under the thick moonlight, that scene is particularly clear.

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