A few days later, on the last day of the week, Hogsmeade Day also arrived on schedule.

Because of the decision of Professor McGonagall, the Hogsmeade Day, which was very likely to be cancelled, was opened normally. The young wizards, which are being pressed by the boringly discernible atmosphere of the school, are quite uncomfortable. Many of them decided to take advantage of this opportunity to relax.

Because of this, Hogsmeade Village has ushered in the most lively day ever.

Of course, on the surface this purely wizard village is no different from usual, just a little more. In those places where they are not too eye-catching, the professors personally acted as a guard for the students.

Hermione, Ron and Luna went out of school and walked along the road on the left hand side. The bright sunshine is shining on them, but it still can’t offset the coldness caused by the cold wind.

The winds that change from time to time make the hair of the two female children a bit messy – of course, Hermione’s unkempt brown hair has always been like this.

“Are we supposed to go with the secret passage with Harry?”

This year, Harry didn’t get Sirius’ signature, so he had to use the secret passage in the school to go to Hogsmeade. It seems that I am a little sorry to let my friend drill the secret passage. Ron suddenly said.

“The number of people who walk the secret passage is of course as small as possible,” Hermione pressed hard against the wind-blown hair so as not to cover her sight. “We have to let people see normal whereabouts so that they don’t let the people Suspicion.”

“‘Caring people’? Who?” Ron was surprised. “Hermione, have you found someone tracking us?”

“Don’t look around!” Hermione didn’t feel good. “I didn’t find anything, but that doesn’t mean we haven’t noticed it, don’t we?”

“…caution is an excellent quality, it can make people not easy to make mistakes.” Luna let the light golden hair grow in the wind, eyes blurred.

“Well, I think you are right… then,” Ron asked. “We set the location of the collection at Hog’s Head. Is this really good? It’s too remote…”

“I originally wanted to be in ‘Three Broomsticks Inn 帚’, and the place with lots of people was even more inconspicuous…” Hermione whispered. “But now, there must be other students, maybe there are professors… Our plan will also be agreed by Marx. It will be replaced by other professors and will definitely stop us.”

“If you are Hog’s Head, everyone will not go, so at least it will not be overheard by people in the school.”

They continued along the road, and when they approached the magic what a joke store, they did not accidentally meet Fred and George, and their buddy Lee Jordan.

After that, they passed the owl post office and turned into the path on the right hand.

On this way, Hermione greeted the students who were passing by on the road. Although it is a guy who has almost never been to the normal, the courtesy and enthusiasm of the enthusiasm will not be rejected.

Not long after, they saw a small old bar on the right side near the end of the path.

It’s still old, and the smashed wooden signboard hangs under the rust-covered bracket above the threshold, and a wild boar head that has been preserved is nailed to the top.

Dirty blood stained into the planks and had already turned into dusty gray black.

The recent winds have been very large, and when they approached, the sign was blown by the wind.

“This place, how do you think it is suspicious…” Ron stepped subconsciously. “I don’t know if Harry is there yet – he should be faster than us.”

“Should… nothing?” Hermione was a little hesitant. “After all, this is at the Hogsmeade, the village of the village that students often visit…”

Both of them seem to be hesitant.

“…Marx and I mentioned that the Butterbeer tastes good.” Luna suddenly popped up with such a sentence that both Hermione and Ron looked at her.

“Marx, have he been here?” Hermione seemed to be relaxed. “That should be fine! Go, let’s go in, maybe Harry is already waiting for us!”

She took the lead and the three men pushed open the broken wooden doors of the bar and walked inwards.

As soon as they entered the door, they had not had time to see the environment inside, and they immediately smelled an unusually strong smell of sheep.

This place is exactly the same as the ‘Three Broomsticks Inn 帚’ of the same bar.

There is no bright bar that has been cleaned, no spices, a warm incense candlestick, and no female Boss.

Here, there is only one dark and narrow, and there are dusty and dirty cabins everywhere.

The windows on the side walls were so dirty that they barely penetrated into the light. The uneven wooden table was lit with some inferior candles, and behind the bar stood a tall tall and thin, gray beard old man.

Hermione licked her feet, but found that her feet did not seem to be the expected mud, but it was the “old age” that had accumulated on the stone floor for centuries.

I remember that Hagrid mentioned this bar several times before, and said that there are many fun and interesting guys here. The Dragon egg was won by a hooded stranger in the bar.

At that time, everyone might have wondered how to deal with a hidden-headed guy. How could Hagrid not be alert?

Today, when they came here personally, they found that hiding their faces at Hog’s Head seemed to be a default popular habit.

There was a wizard sitting there at the bar – it was not clear whether it was a man or a woman, because all the visible parts of the man were wrapped in gray bandages.

Even so, it is still possible to pour some kind of smoked, burning wine into the gap of the bandage through the mouth.

On the side of the window, the two cloak-like silhouettes sat face to face, chatting in the mouth of a thick Yorkshire accent.

But if you don’t talk, it is estimated that many people will treat them as dementor at a glance!

Next to the fierce fireplace, a witch shrinks into the dark corners of the fire, and the thick black shawl hangs from the tip of the nose to the instep, causing people to think of the exotic people on the back of a camel.

Harry didn’t seem to be here yet, and the three carefully walked past the table and headed for the bar.

“Hermione, blame what you just said about tracking…” Ron lowered his voice. “Now I don’t see anyone like a good guy…”

“No, it doesn’t matter,” Hermione whispered. “Because these people don’t look like good people – they don’t do anything wrong, who would dress themselves like this?”

“Although you made a lot of sense, but…” Ron’s eyes swayed on the people, and he squinted at the witch wrapped in black crepe. “I still don’t think so.” Right – look at that, will it be the old man of Umbridge?”

Hermione hearing this, the line of sight swept over there, but saw that the other party seemed to notice this, his head turned slightly.

She immediately removed her sight again.

“Umbridge definitely didn’t have that witch high,” Hermione whispered. “Moreover, she should still report on disgusting people at the Ministry of Magic! And the school has no regulations prohibiting students from entering Hog’s Head – I’ve asked before Professor Flitwick.”

She paused, and it seems to add a little bit: “…but the professor is very serious to suggest me, if you want to go, remember to bring your own cup!”

“It doesn’t have to be so quiet, I can hear it!” The gray beard old man behind the bar suddenly stopped the action of wiping the glass and shouted with a rag. “Which bastard has instilled in my bar the bad things about this bar? My cup here is very clean!

Hermione was shocked, but when she turned her eyes to the violent old man, she inexplicably noticed a kind of familiarity.

“Yes, sorry…” Hermione hurriedly apologized.

“…forget it, sigh with your little donkey,” he muttered. “What?”

“Butterbeer!” Luna rushed and said, “The one you want here!”

“Hey?” Old man glanced at her, his face flashing a trace of doubts, “I have a face? I have remembered it – who introduced you?”

“Marx and I said.” Luna squinted.

Upon hearing the name, the old man immediately raised his gray eyebrows.

“Ha!” He sneered with a sullen face. “It turned out to be the kid…”

Old man didn’t ask Hermione and Ron, but bent down and pulled out three dusty dirty wine bottles from under the counter, and they were heavily in front of the three.

“Six West.” He said in an impatient tone.

“I will pay.”

A voice came from behind, and all three looked back, but it was Harry who arrived.

Bar Boss’s gaze swept past Harry’s forehead, and his hands kept moving, throwing Harry’s Silver Coin into the money chest under the bar.

“You are coming, Harry!” Ron happily touched his arm.

“Not just me, I see other people behind me–” Harry gestured to the door.

The voice did not fall, the door of the bar was opened again, and a large group of people rushed in and out.

In front of Neville and Ernie, there are many people behind, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and every house except Slytherin.

Of course, there was Ginny, but she was followed by a tall and thin yellow-haired male child, and Harry and Ron both looked at him subconsciously.

At the end of the day were the Weasley brothers and Lee Jordan who they had met before, and all three were holding a big paper bag. Needless to say, it is sure to be filled with the mischievous merchandise of the magazine’s magic what a joke store.

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