“Professor, are you here… Is it a lot cleaner than before?”

In the headmaster office, Marx, who had bid farewell to Hermione, immediately found a difference as soon as he entered the door.

“In fact, it used to be very clean. It was too messy. I sorted it out recently…” Dumbledore smiled and stood up from the back of the desk and greeted him.

“At least Sorting Hat is definitely clean,” Marx picked up the top hat on the shelf. “I told it at the separate house ceremony—it should have taken a shower!”

“Hey? Little nephew, don’t flip me over with your claws. I’m a new hat now!” Sorting Hat immediately twisted and shouted.

“Is there a patch for the new hat?” Marx rolled his eyes.

Sorting Hat was quite unconvinced, and once again, Marx’s hand was blocked with a brim, and the head was sharp and straight.

“This is fashion! Do you understand fashion? Don’t talk if you don’t understand!”

“Well, you are the most fashionable…”

Marx didn’t know whether or not to put him back on the shelf, and then turned back in Sorting Hat, but saw Dumbledore smiling at them.

“Professor, what do you want to give me?” he asked curiously.

“Well, that one is not in a hurry…” Dumbledore greeted him. “Would you like to sit down and have a cup of tea? Sunbathe, relax?”

“Oh–” Marx thought, “Well… I mean, why not?”

The two sat face to face at the small round table vacated by the window. Dumbledore pulled out the wand and pointed to the table. Two tea cups with cups and saucers and a steaming teapot appeared immediately above.

And as he tapped again, a plate of jelly cookies appeared.

“Try it! Honeydukes’ new product – Wishing Cookies.”

Dumbledore said that he took the lead and then he pointed his mouth at the depression in the middle of the cookie filled with jelly. The word was round and said: “Lemon flavor!”

The voice did not fall, the original red jelly immediately turned into yellow.

“Oh! That’s it…” He showed Marx a look at his treasure, then took a bite out of his mouth. “Advertising on the ad paper, what wishes can be promised! But I tried it after dinner last night, ‘Troll Snot tastes ‘I found out that the taste doesn’t seem like much…”

“’Troll Snot tastes?’” Marx snorted. “The next time you take the snacks to the boys’ room in the basement, you don’t have to make a wish…”

“Is it?” Dumbledore curiously. “I haven’t been there for a while… you know, Hogwarts Castle is really big!”

“The bathroom was blocked too – not by Myrtle, it was really blocked!” Marx spread his hand, “but there is basically no one there.”

He said that he also picked up a cookie and learned Dumbledore’s appearance with his mouth pointed at the depression.

“Well… moonlight chrysanthemum honey?” Marx tentatively said one.

However, the jelly on the cookie did not change at all, or the default red – it was probably a strawberry flavor.

“This is no good, the request is too high!” Dumbledore smiled and waved.

Marx shrugged, compromised: “Cream pudding flavor.”

The old one was sitting opposite, and after pondering this cookie for a while, it focused on other topics.

“I recently heard about Potion from Severus. What happened to Kingsley?” Dumbledore asked for a tea with a cup of tea.

“Oh, the antidote has been researched. I just gave it to Kingsley yesterday… His symptoms have gone deeper and it seems that he has taken a few more pills,” Marx replied. “But the danger should be gone.” “”

“That’s good…” Dumbledore was nodded.

“That… Professor, I heard about it from Hermione, and Professor Trelawny made a new prediction.” This change was asked by Marx, “What do you think of that prophecy?”

“Don’t worry too much, although it doesn’t look too good on the surface, but it shouldn’t be a big problem,” Dumbledore said casually. “As for the details, you can think about it yourself…”

“Oh–Is it?” Marx hesitated.

“Don’t worry! Just do what you want -” Dumbledore said easily. “You can be alone now. I can’t help you… maybe I will ask you to help me!”

“‘Request’ what, don’t say that…” Marx shook his head immediately. “What do I need to do, just say it!”

“Of course, if there is anything you need to help, I will definitely say it.” Dumbledore looked at Marx quite a bit.

Listening to Dumbledore, Marx has some flaws in his heart. Although it is not a burden, he knows that Dumbledore will not be targeted.

In the future, or soon after, Dumbledore will open the mouth with him. It’s just that he will say “requests” again, Marx will not know.

After Dumbledore’s words, the two men sipped the sun with the fragrant black tea. Occasionally, there is a wind blowing over the neck, which will bring a little warmth.

Once upon a time, Marx had been living in such a comfortable life; but now, he only feels so laid-back, it is a bit too luxurious.

“Professor, this time, tell me what is going on, should I say it?” Marx couldn’t help but ask again. “When things are solved, we can have a lot of opportunities to have tea and chat together.”

Dumbledore took his eyes off the window and smiled and said, “Well, since you are so anxious, let’s talk about today’s business…”

“Well… it’s a ‘business’, it’s actually a small thing…”

As he spoke, he took the wand at his hand quite casually and turned the handle to Marx.

“The last time I heard from Garrick… He said that you can use what wand can be used?” Dumbledore curiously said, “That’s not as good… try this too?”

“Hey… are you talking about Mr. Garrick Ollivander of the wand shop?” Marx snorted, but did not reach out immediately. “Professor, do you want me to try Elder Wand?”

“en? Do you know it?” Dumbledore didn’t care about the nodded, “Yeah! Try it… see if it’s amazing or you are amazing?”


Marx really wants to take a look at it, but Dumbledore’s wand’s origins are out of the ordinary, and its characteristics are quite clear. He really can’t dare to reach out.

“Get it up,” Dumbledore said. “You should know that the phrase ‘wand chooses wizard’ has always been the truth that Garrick believes in. And your presence can keep him annoyed!”

As Dumbledore said, the change in wand that year began when Garrick Ollivander officially took over the wand shop of the Steward family.

Until then, the purchase of wand by the wizards was a matter of order.

They will go to the wand shop with their various rod cores, and use some of the magical materials of the inheritance, family beliefs, or their own feelings as the core of the rod.

It was Garrick Ollivander who proposed the concept of “wand chooses wizard” and thus led the trend of an era.

Of course, in fact, about this concept, he is also excavated from a book of ancient books.

In fact, Marx himself does not believe anything like “wand chooses wizard”. This is not only related to his own situation, but the main reason is that wand is a tool created for the convenience of use spell.

Marx admits that Ollivander’s approach was correct.

After all, the knowledge of wand is too broad, and it is more time-consuming and difficult to get started. In addition, the knowledge inheritance is incomplete, so that it is difficult to make wand even if you choose wand.

Therefore, the use of a large number of wand to match the wizard is indeed much better than the wizard’s own core material.

The correct approach does not mean that the concept proposed by Ollivander is correct.

As stated in the ancient book in the Rowena Chamber of Secrets, at the time, knowledgeable wizards made their own wand.

As Goblin, who is good at creating magical props, insists that the ownership of magic props should always be in the hands of the maker.

It’s just that now, not only is the inheritance of the wizard becoming thinner, but the persistence of the Goblins has already changed.

Marx told Dumbledore his opinion, which really provoked some of Dumbledore’s interest.

“…To be honest, I am not very familiar with wand, but…” Dumbledore was interested in “Do you make wand yourself? It sounds really good…”

“The weird wand you used is what you do yourself – the back of the dementor’s spinal cord?”

“Yeah!” Marx spread his hand. “Unfortunately, I lost it recently…”

“Isn’t that just right?” Dumbledore smiled and handed over wand again. “This is what I want to give you.”

“But why suddenly -” Marx was puzzled.

“You need it more than I do, don’t you?” Dumbledore said naturally. “The main danger now is you… and I, as long as I am responsible for keeping Hogwarts!”

While speaking this, Dumbledore looked unusually brisk.

“Speaking, I still have to thank you! It is you who allowed me to let go of my baggage and embark on a more ‘selfish’ magic journey.”

Marx couldn’t help but touch – the old wizard, who devoted most of his life to the magic circle, seems to have finally emerged from the self-imposed nicknamed “ideal”.

“Oh…” Marx paused, a little sly, “Although it is…but…”

A little bit, Marx still didn’t pick up Elder Wand, but stretched his hand to his waist…

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