“…well,” Marx put the student list on the desk and smoothed it up, then looked up at the student road in the classroom. “The name ends here… But I need to mention one thing before class. ……”

He paused and continued: “I believe other professors have already said that – in June next year, the OWLs exam will officially begin. I personally hope that everyone can achieve a satisfactory result in the exam!” ”

“Of course, after that, if everyone is still interested in the ancient runes and wants to study more deeply…” Marx smiled. “My NEWTsancient runes class, I welcome you to continue your studies.”

“McLorne…Professor, that-“

A Ravenclaw student who took an ancient runes hesitated and raised his hand. It seems that everyone is not very comfortable with the “professor” of Marx – especially in the change of title.

“Please say.” Marx didn’t hesitate to gesture.

“The one just… um… stealth magic?” The student thought about it and found that he didn’t know how to word it. “I mean… if we choose to continue our studies, can we learn that?”

Marx gave a little nodded, indicating that he sat down first, and then said: “It wasn’t invisible just now – although it would actually produce a stealth-like effect visually, in essence, it was a spiritual homogeneity. Chemical.”

“I believe that in the past, Professor Babbling’s class has said that ancient runes… especially the ancient ones that everyone is learning, such as Niven, are characters that are biased towards ‘meaning’, and behind a lot of symbols, there are complexities. And the symbolic meaning of mystery.”

“So far, the scholars of ancient runes have been studying various ancient literatures, trying to understand the true meaning of ancient wizards and ancient magic.”

“But in fact, the ancient runes that we are exposed to are themselves an ancient magic – including the spells we use now, which are also evolved through the specific application of the ancient runes.”

Having said that, Marx took a part of the small piece of paper placed on the table, discharged it on the desk in a certain order, and pressed one of them with one of his fingers.

Then he took out a prepared feather and gently placed it directly above the piece of paper.

At the moment he took off his hands, the students were surprised to see that the feather was lifted by an invisible force and hung lightly in the unobstructed air.

“…As long as you clearly understand the meaning of each ancient runes and sort the required magic texts in a specific array, we can use magic power to make magic work.” Marx looks around the surprised faces in the classroom. , revealing a slightly satisfied smile.

Originally, he only looked at his own research, but he did not expect that when he could share his research results with others, the sense of accomplishment would be so enriched.

“Ma… Professor McLorne, is this…Levitation charm?” Hermione, who was sitting in the front row, first came back to his senses, and she quickly raised her hand and asked.

Hermione, who had been studying over and over again, found that she had no chance to show her strengths, because what Marx told us was a new discipline that was completely different from the past.

Her question is like a stone, breaking the calm of the entire lake. After him, there was a burst of exclamation and questioning in the classroom.


Marx waved his hand, and the students closed their mouths in an obedient manner, and the noise was almost calmed down in an instant.

“Of course…” he smiled. “Not Levitation charm.”

When it comes to this, Marx waved wand, and the pieces of paper flew up, then slowly fell on the first desk of each column.

At the same time, the feather lost its magic support and settled quietly on the desk.

“It’s just part of the ‘Levitation charm’ – we know that the Levitation charm allows objects to move in accordance with the will of the wizard, not just ‘floating’.” Marx sighs, “And, as you can see, These papers are painted in ancient times like Nirvana…”

“And ancient times, such as Niven, is one of the many ancient runes that are based on the ‘Ancient Phoenician rune’. On the basis of the degree of profound mystery and the difficulty of understanding, it is the ‘simplified version’ that is closest to our time. Text that’s all ……”

In the past, modern wizards’ general cognition of ancient runes was still on the level of “ancient scripts”. Although the wizards have learned through some documents that the ancient runes contain magic power, they are not detailed.

In the magic circle of “Knowledge is Power”, even if the wizard has studied some concrete results, most of them will only be used as an “inheritance” to continue to the future generations.

Because of this, the power of magic will not be as good as one generation. Because even if magic loses inheritance, other wizards have no way of knowing it, and they can only let them rot in silence.

The “magic literature” that once flourished in ancient times has evolved into the current “ancient runes”.

“It can be seen that Rowena was once a researcher in magic literature, and the research has been quite deep. However, why didn’t Hogwarts leave any knowledge about magic literature?”

Marx has long had doubts about this issue. Perhaps the warning in The Book of Sin is correct. If Rowena is not as “great” as described in the record, isn’t it normal to a sentimental attachment?

However, there is still a lot of doubt about this issue, and Marx can’t figure out a clue.

“… In short, the mystery of ancient runes is far beyond our imagination.” The explanation was just over, and Marx turned the subject again. “Next, we started from the ancients that are most easy to understand, such as Niven. Slowly uncover the mystery of the ancient runes…”

Marx’s Study of Ancient Runes made the young wizards feel a different kind of novelty.

If the past Study of Ancient Runes is as drowsy as the A History of Magic class, then the current Study of Ancient Runes really has the real feeling that “this is also a magic.”

Although in the specific study, you still can’t avoid the boring “reciting” – in fact, there are more things to remember than in the past – but everyone’s interest has been shown by Marx from time to time. The application is hooked up.

Perhaps, when the current Second Year students rise to Third Year, the number of students taking this course will have a breakthrough increase…

In the surprise of Professor Flitwick behind the classroom, Marx’s first lesson ended quietly.

However, in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class after ten minutes, the mood of Gryffindor and Slytherin’s Fifth Year students has fallen to the bottom.


In the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom on the second floor of the castle, the new professor Umbridge is sitting behind the desk, and the face that looks like a smile yet not a smile is filled with a disgusting hypocrisy.

On the blackboard in front of the classroom, there are so few lines of words:


Course targets

l. Understand the basic principles of “magic defense.”

2, learn to distinguish the specific circumstances of the legal use of “magic defense.”

3, assessing the practical application efficiency of “magic defense”.


In the classroom, all the students need to do is to “read”, “copy” and “recite” the “Defensive Magical Theory” specified by Umbridge, and that’s it.

The content of this book is quite boring, and this course should be a lively and interesting course. Under the teaching of Umbridge, instead of the Study of Ancient Runes, it became a tasteless course comparable to the A History of Magic.

Most people feel that their attention is diminishing in the 1 point for a second.

Soon, everyone became a bad state of “following a line of text and repeating reading, but only understand the first few words.”

Ten minutes passed, and the whole classroom looked extremely dull.

Harry was secretly watching, and on his left, Ron was always staring at the same position in the book, and the quill in his hand had already lost nearly half of his feathers.

Harry turned his gaze to the right again, and then the numbness in his heart was swept away.

There, Hermione was holding the right hand high, and a pair of sly eyes were nailed straight to Umbridge’s face. The book on her desk seems to have been turned over.

Harry couldn’t help but shake the quill in his hand and cast a look at her.

Hermione didn’t talk, she just shook her head a little, then looked at Professor Umbridge, who was sitting behind the desk and smirking.

However, Umbridge’s gaze is equally steadfast in ignoring Hermione’s high-handed right hand.

After a little while, I noticed that Hermione’s students were more than just Harry.

The “Defensive Magical Theory” was so boring that the students turned their heads one after another, looking at Hermione curiously, trying to see how she “silently forced Umbridge to respond.”

Obviously, this is much more fun than a boring textbook.

Slowly, there are more and more sights moving back and forth between Hermione and Umbridge. When this number exceeds half of the number, Umbridge can no longer adhere to her principle of “I didn’t see it”.

“Dear, do you have any questions about the contents of this chapter?” She put on more false smiles on her face and pretended to be a pair of women who just saw her raise her hand.

“Yes professor,” Hermione stood up and stared at Umbridge’s eyes, solemnly saying, “You let us read the chapter on “Getting Started Basics”, I personally think…”

At this point, the students’ faces have already appeared to look good, but…

“…I personally think that it is very Pukwudgie color!”

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