“…McLorne, what do you think?”

Regarding “Harry should know the status quo”, Sirius was very cunning to hand over the words to Marx.

For Marx, almost everyone in Order of the Phoenix is ​​convinced, and no one can treat him as a normal Hogwarts student.

Since Marx regained Philosopher’s Stone from Qurerell, who was possessed by Voldemort, every encounter between him and Voldemort was admirable. He was the head of the Order of the Phoenix and was personally commissioned by Dumbledore.

And his own strength even almost obscured the fact that “Voldemort’s current strength is far beyond that of the year.”

There is no doubt that Marx, who is at the forefront of Voldemort, as Harry’s peers, is the best person to decide whether Harry should know the status quo.

Moreover, it was Marx who originally decided to conceal Harry. It’s just that almost everyone thinks his reason is similar to Mrs. Weasley, so that he ignores the fact that he actually “has not explained anything”.

What Marx really thinks – under the reminder of Sirius, everyone can’t help but have a bit of curiosity.

“Harry,” Marx thought. He put down his custard cake and put his smile on him calmly. “…what do you want to know?”

Marx’s tone was easy, as if to ask Harry what to eat tomorrow morning. I don’t know why, Harry, who had previously felt a little sullen, was silent at the moment.

“…I want to know… Where is Voldemort? And… why did he let the dementor attack me…”

Harry spoke very slowly, and the hesitation in his heart was obvious.

Although Marx is as calm as ever, as long as Marx is standing in front of him, he can’t bring courage to face everything. Is he really qualified to face Voldemort?

“If you know where Voldemort is, what are you going to do?” Marx asked again.

“Of course it is to knock him down!” Harry bit his root. “It was he who killed my parents and killed so many innocent people!”

“What do you want to do to knock him down?” Marx continued to ask calmly.

“I–” Harry’s breathing was getting heavier and heavier his head, and the bangs on his forehead almost covered his eyes. “I don’t know.”

“Then you still want to know where he is?”

After Marx’s questioning one after the other, Harry couldn’t help but recall what Hermione had mentioned, the phrase from Marx:

“Harry isn’t in a good state right now. He needs to get rid of the shadows in the top three, or he won’t be able to get involved.”

It was another repressed silence. Harry clasped his hands, and after thinking for a long time, he raised his head sharply.

“Think!” He paused and looked at Marx firmly. “If you don’t understand him, you never know how to use it to defeat him?”

“That’s right!” Sirius’s face flashed a satisfying smile.

Marx also nodded: “Since you are willing to use your brain, it will not be a bad thing to know more about some things… Mrs. Weasley, sometimes it is more dangerous to know nothing, I believe you understand this.”

“Harry has already been involved in this whirlpool. If he doesn’t swim on his own, if we try harder, we may not be able to push him out of the whirlpool, isn’t it?”

“Well,” Mrs. Weasley took a deep breath, and she glanced around the table. “Okay, okay! It seems that my opinion has been rejected… I just want to say: at least some For those who are dangerous and uncertain, it is best not to let Harry know that I am a person who cares about Harry’s immediate interests -“

“He is not your son,” Sirius said softly.

“But it’s about the same as my son.” Mrs. Weasley said angrily. “Who else?”

“He has me!”

“Yeah,” Mrs. Weasley grinned. “The problem is that you are locked up in Azkaban and it is difficult to take care of him, isn’t it?”

Sirius couldn’t help but jump from the chair.

“Molly, there are more than one person on this table who cares about Harry.” Lupin said seriously, “Sirius, sit down.”

Both Mrs. Weasley and Sirius licked their lips and slowly sat back in the chair.

“As Marx just did, I think it’s best to respect Harry’s opinion,” Lupin continued. “He’s not too young, he can decide for himself.”

“Yes, I want to know!” Harry said immediately.

He didn’t look at Mrs. Weasley – just now Mrs. Weasley said he was like her own son, he was very touched. But at the same time, he was also a headache for Mrs. Weasley’s overdoting.

He agrees with Sirius that he is not a small child.

“Very good—” Mrs. Weasley’s voice was dumb, “Ginny!Ron!Hermione!Fred! George! I want you to leave this kitchen, right away!”

Immediately, the room was like a bomb.

“We are grown up!” Fred and George shouted at the same time.

“Harry can know why I can’t?” Ron yelled.

“mother, I want to hear too!” Ginny screamed.

“No!” Mrs. Weasley loudly roared, standing up, his eyes rolling round, “I definitely don’t allow -“

“Molly, you can’t stop Fred and George,” Mr. Weasley said tiredly. “They are grown up.”

“They are still at school.”

“But they are legal adults.” Mr. Weasley said in the tired voice.

“I–oh, well, Fred and George can stay,” Mrs. Weasley’s face rose red. “But Ron and Hermione! You know enough recently!”

“Harry will tell us everything you said anyway!” Ron said indignantly. “You–will?”

He greeted Harry’s gaze and asked one with no confidence.

In an instant, Harry wanted to tell Ron that he wouldn’t tell him a word, and let him taste the taste in the drums and see how it hurts.

But when the two eyes looked at each other, his kind of careful impulse suddenly disappeared.

“Of course I will,” Harry said.

Ron and Hermione suddenly beamed.

“Very good!” Mrs. Weasley shouted loudly, “Very good! Ginny – go to bed!”

Ginny is not leaving.

When they heard her go upstairs, she yelled at her mother and shouted. In the foyer, Mrs. Black made a deafening scream, making the noise more unbearable.

Lupin rushed out and he had to calm the portrait again, or he couldn’t keep talking.

At this time, Marx also stood up and said, “Then you continue to talk, I have to go to bed first.”


That night, everyone finally disclosed some of the real situation in front of the children. Although Hermione and Ron knew some things in advance, many of them did not know.

For example, some changes in the Ministry of Magic and some of the latest actions Voldemort has taken.

To be honest, the situation is actually very complicated, especially on the Ministry of Magic. Mr. Weasley and Tonks, Kingsley and the others who work in the Ministry of Magic are not clear about the situation.

They only know that someone is putting pressure on Daily Prophet to prevent them from reporting any news about Voldemort, which is undoubtedly a dangerous sign.

Fortunately, the audition before Marx will be very effective. It not only sets up the image of Lockhart, but also reminds the magic circle of the wizards that Voldemort has returned. This is an unchangeable fact.

“So, the news that Voldemort is back is already out, isn’t it?” Harry frowned. “So why should he still have to cover it?”

“Voldemort didn’t sway to the door of someone else’s door, peng peng knocked on their door, Harry,” Sirius said. “He applied magic to them, chanting curses, coercion and temptation… He has a very good set of secret activities. “”

“In any case, snare followers are just one of the things he is interested in. He has other plans, he can top secretly implement the plan, for which he needs to be as low-key as possible to drive down the bad effects.”

“What else does he want in addition to the followers?” Harry asked responsively.

He seemed to see Sirius and Lupin exchange their eyes quickly, and Sirius answered.

“A thing that only gets sneaky to get.” Seeing Harry still confused, Sirius said again, “…such as a weapon – something he didn’t have last time.”

“When was he in the past?”


“What kind of weapon?” Harry said. “Is it even better than the Avada Kedavra curse?”

“Enough!” Mrs. Weasley stood in the shadow of the door loudly said.

Harry just listened too carefully. He didn’t even notice that Mrs. Weasley sent Ginny upstairs and was back.

She held her arms and her face was angry.

“I hope that you will go to bed quickly, everyone will go!” she added, squinting at Fred, George, Ron and Hermione.

“You told Harry that there was enough…” Mrs. Weasley said to Sirius again. “Go ahead, you can immediately recruit him to join the Order of the Phoenix!”

“Why not?” – This sentence turned around Harry’s mouth and was swallowed back by him.

He thought of Marx, although Marx was not here at the moment, but he still remembered him – Harry understood that he was not qualified enough to join the Order of the Phoenix, at least not now.

“I think Molly is right,” Lupin said calmly. “Sirius, we have enough.”

Sirius was slightly shrugged, but didn’t say anything more.

Mrs. Weasley greeted her few sons and Hermione arrogantly, and they stood up one by one, and Harry had to stand up and reluctantly.

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