In muggle world, there is a religious story of the death of Judas. The number “13” stands for betrayal and misfortune; in magic circle, whether it is divination, digital magic power or soul science, it also records the negative power of this number. .

Divination Professor Sybill · Trelawny also said a prophecy – “Thirteen people eat together, and the first person who stands up after a meal will die first.”

However, few people know that in the summon technique of the ancient times, the number that symbolizes “ominence” has been used most.

Marx borrowed three books from the Werther family, all of which were literature on the ancient monsum.

Although there is very little content in it, some of the most basic concepts are clear, which makes Marx quite satisfied.

According to the book, summon is roughly divided into two categories, one is the spiritual summon technique, and the other is the demon summon technique.

Judging by Marx, the former summon is a mimetic semi-living body such as a rock giant or a beast, and should be one of the origins of modern transfiguration; while the latter, summon is a demon from hell, I am afraid that it is not small with soul science. Association.

However, although these two types are called summon, they are two different magics. Among the three books in the Werther family, only the latter, the demon summon, is involved.

There is no hell Marx does not know, but the demon summon has a close relationship with the number “13”, which is already clear to the chest.

Looking at the jigsaw puzzle called “The Last Supper” in his hand, especially looking at the “Judas” above the lose one’s head out of fear, Marx’s heart gave a very awkward feeling.

“……Thank you.”

Marx returned the puzzle to the father and daughter, then leaned closer to the porthole and stopped talking to them.

The father and the daughter looked at the puzzle before and after Marx, and they couldn’t figure out what he was thinking.

“Father, what is he thanking?” The female child looked dull.

It was not until the plane arrived at Mother Teresa International Airport in Tirana, the capital of Albania. Marx opened his eyes on time and left the plane with other passengers.

Looking up at the clear blue sky above the airport, Marx couldn’t help but shake his head, then lifted his legs and moved towards a corner of no one.

To be honest, some of the previous speculations made him much less interested in the demon summon technique.

If there is no accident, he believes that this summon technique is very likely to require a soul sacrifice. Like making Horcrux, this evil method can have a mental impact on the operator.

As far as his understanding of the rule rune is concerned, all magic that has a bad influence on the spirit is the anti-rule magic, which is commonly known as the “dark magic” of the magic circle.

Even with the Avada Kedavra curse that has been repeatedly simplified, Marx will use as little as possible to avoid unnecessary burdens on his spirit, not to mention Horcrux and demons.

With the Disillusionment Charm and the flying broom, Marx has long been accustomed to avoiding the sight of the muggle, which is located in a deep forest in the north of Tirana.

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence, whether it’s the ruins of the lakeside palace in Rowena or the tomb of Herpo the Foul that Marx is going to, all in Albania.

The linear distance between the two is even more than ten kilometers.

After a slight pause in the sky above a dense forest, Marx relied on the superiority of the sky to judge the direction of the mountain range. After reconfirming the specific location, he pressed the broom handle and swooped down into the forest.

“hua la”

As the green canopy was crushed by Marx’s curse, he controlled the broom to fall smoothly into this deep, dark jungle.

Voldemort was able to find the old temple at first, because he had been working on the death at the door of the forest for a full decade.

The existence of Horcrux made him unable to die completely, but it was very difficult to resurrect.

In order to prevent himself from being lost in the illusion of life and death, he is often attached to some small animals with weak spiritual power, constantly lingering in this forest.

By chance, he discovered the little old temple hidden deep in the jungle.

However, Marx doesn’t have that many time to try one’s luck.

“Little guys, all come out for a walk!”

Marx swayed the sleeves and swung a wand, and a total of seventeen alienated Acromantula pa ta pa ta hovered around Marx, and at the speed of Marx, they dispersed at a very fast speed.

Or do you say that in the eyes of parents, child is always a child? Even though each of them is now half a body taller than Marx, in the eyes of Marx, this group of “little guys” is always a noisy little spider in an iron box.

After “small one” to “small seven” all went out, Marx began to wander around easily.

Searching for a spell does not work, which makes it impossible for him to find a target in the way he is best at. In this way, in addition to being able to perceive magic power fluctuations within a certain range, he has no other advantage in search.

Instead of being busy for a long time, I still have no way to go. It is better to let the group of guys help him find it quickly and easily.

In fact, it is true. It took only half an hour or so, and the “Little Three” and “Little Seven” have already returned to Marx.

“La (it) … garbage (in)…”


Yes, “Small Seven” and “Xiaojiu” have already begun to learn to speak, but the accent does not know who to learn with it. Every time it sounds like it is a monk.

Marx simply rolled over and sat on the little seven, letting them take him all the way to the deeper parts of the forest.

Whenever this time, Marx always has to feel that the suspension effect of the spider mount is truly top-notch, and the eight legs are swaying up and down, and their bodies are only slightly undulating with the shift of the center of gravity. Variety.

“Hey! Are you a monkey? Don’t climb the tree!”

Marx is beautiful! Suddenly I felt that my body was tilting, and I quickly reached out and hooked the big long legs of Xiaoqi…

As the surrounding woods became denser and the trees grew taller, Marx finally saw an ancient temple hidden in the darkness of the jungle.

“Go get your brothers and sisters back, and then wait here for me.”

Marx rolled over and swayed freely, and then walked up the dilapidated old temple with the lit wand.

This is a stone ancient temple full of plant vines and green moss everywhere. The concealment in the forest is very high, even if it is a little farther away, it is easy to ignore it.

Marx stood in the doorway of the ancient temple and looked inside. It seemed that there was nothing else besides the slate ground.

With a little thought, he walked cautiously toward the old temple.


Until he stepped inside, it was discovered that because of the angle, it was difficult to find out in the middle of the broken bricks that there was a deep hole in the middle of the underground.

Judging from the various traces in the vicinity, it is definitely not Voldemort to discover this underground passage, but it is much earlier than that.

“Salazar Slytherin traveled here for a long time, and then brief remarked his grave?” Marx snarled. “I don’t think Slytherin is a magic circle.”

Since it is here, can there still be the reason?

Even if Marx is clear, most of the following are right and wrong, but if he doesn’t want to take a look, he can’t really get it.

Fortunately, there are Salazar Slytherin and Voldemort. There are two good wizards who have been stunned. At least before the monument of incitement, the risk factor of the Earth Palace is much smaller. .

Tightly tightening the wand, Marx took a step and went down to the dark hole…

Just a few steps into the road, Marx followed the light of the wand radiance and saw a lot of broken rune nicks.

Perhaps a long time ago, a lot of defensive magic arrays were engraved here; but now they have lost their magical effect.

After a sloping channel, followed by a 180° corner, Marx sees another down channel.

It seems that the tomb of Herpo the Foul is still deep in the ground, and it is not easy to find the entrance.

Time passed by a little bit. In addition to Marx’s own footsteps, there was no other movement in the passage. This quiet feeling was vaguely revealing a secret, and seemed to reject the arrival of outsiders.

Finally, Marx walked and found that the wall that had been slightly forced to disappear suddenly disappeared. Because the ground was too dark, he didn’t react at all – it was already in the tomb.

Marx reinforces the light clusters on the wand, and the surrounding visible range becomes much larger immediately. You can see some of the stone walls on both sides.

Then, the murals on the stone wall immediately attracted his attention to the past.

“…this is…what is it?”

On the left side of the tomb is a rather tall stone wall with a paint that outlines a lifelike picture.

What’s more worth mentioning is that these murals are not faded and broken due to time, and still maintain quite beautiful colors. They are one after the other, extending all the way to the depths of the tomb.

On the mural in front of Marx, there is a green field, trees, birds, Griffin, Dragon… a variety of ordinary creatures or magical creatures.

It can be seen from these different creatures that the common animals and plants at that time were not different from the present, but the magical creatures did not change much.

Among the murals, the most eye-catching is the huge Giant Giant Dragon!

This Ancient Giant Dragon occupies almost a small half of the picture. It stretches its wings and looks down at all the little creatures on the ground from a height, like a god.

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