Lockhart is very depressed now, and the original acting is doing well, even he himself believes that he is not already Gilderoy Lockhart. But who knows, his good play just started, the director tore the script!

At first, because of the stimulation of Marx, Lockhart finally found his way of life after a period of confusion.

Whether it’s starting from scratch, magical knowledge, or rehabilitating Obliviate, it’s all because he wants to have a real adventure story.

In order to have enough time to make up for his strength, he even chose to leave all the false reputations of the past, away from the magic circle, and live quietly in muggle world for more than a year.

To say that Lockhart’s innate talent is actually very good, he is both smart and very good at making plans. However, the vanity that he developed from childhood made him never able to persist and work hard – because he felt that since he is very likely to be unable to do the top one, it is better not to do it.

However, he is eager to get attention.

When he was a student at Hogwarts, he did all sorts of “stupid things” in order to gain attention. For example, he has tried his best to win various awards, although his little means are always seen through; for example, he applied to the headmaster to start a school newspaper, and this is just to let everyone see their name. on newspaper……

After all the ideas didn’t work, he even tried his best to create a curse that projected his own portrait, the Dark Dark Mark, into the sky above Hogwarts.

He is sure that it was his first time investing in something – although that didn’t help.

Now, when he was finally awakened by Marx, and really determined to delve into the magic, many of the curses that he had learned before and then quickly became unsuccessful were picked up by him and firmly imprinted in his mind.

It was a boring exercise over and over again, yes, this feeling… just like the repeated practice in order to use Obliviate.

When Marx sent him a letter inviting him to participate in a plan, he left for Marx without saying anything. In the middle of the road, his mind is a beautiful future.

“I’m Gilderoy Lockhart, are you finally going to be a generation of celebrities? Can you finally write a real adventure story of your own?”

He was so excited about it, and even the dangers were left behind.

He was originally a Ravenclaw, but at the time, he even thought that he was already a brilliant Gryffindor for the blood!

Lockhart also clearly remembers that on the morning of the start of the second task of the Triwizard Tournament, he drank the first Polyjuice Potion that Marx had prepared for him, and then took the breakfast in the auditorium of Hogwarts with ease.

“I am Marx McLorne now… Yes, that McLorne is expressionless all day!” He bet that his acting has broken through the sky, and even the professor of Durmstrang could not detect the problem.

But… this old fellow, what time is he going to be next to him? After a while, Barty Jr., who is dressed as Stinchcombe Crouch, is coming over to find him!

Or maybe, why didn’t the guy come?

He can’t wait to immediately hold the scene in the past, dragging Barty Jr. forcibly!

No, he can’t show an anxious expression, which will make him show his feet, let his wonderful interpretation become a bubble, he wants to be calm, to be calm…

It was as if Merlin had heard his inner call, and it was not long before the singer Professor Orson left, Barty Jr. appeared!

“Hey – this kid’s acting is not bad either!” Lockhart looked at Stinchcombe Crouch, who was acting like him, excitedly thinking, “Next, that’s what… McLorne said before. Come on? Um… mutual acting?”

He pretended not to see the silhouette of Barty Jr., picked up the napkin on the side of the plate with a very natural movement, and then stood up and put the fake tweezers on the table.

“McLorne, the game is about to begin… You should be ready to enter as soon as you are a champion.” Barty Jr. is of course very familiar with his father – it is the appearance of this false positive, not wrong.

“Oh, of course – I am going to go over!” Lockhart held the nodded position. “Mr. Crouch, are you not sick? Is your body okay?”

– Yes, absolutely right! McLorne is this smell when talking!

“Working with your heart, it’s no problem, I have let… um, Weatherby is back.” Barty Jr. tightened his face and spoke with a business official.

– Yes, the old fogey always remembers the name of Percy Weasley. Is he dementia?

“Please! All the champions are already at the rest…”

Barty Jr. finally said one, then turned and walked out of the hall of the auditorium.

– Yes, walk to twist the crotch and treat yourself as a give! Wait… Damn, old fogey If I give it, where did I come from?

The two Xibei goods that also drank Polyjuice Potion, the inner activities are equally rich and colorful. One of them is eager to win the praise of the master, and one is determined to win the honor, so both of them are full of strength and deductive role, and will never slack off.

“Mr. Crouch, I think… some things we have to talk about first…”

– The show is about to begin! What about the soundtrack? Where is my exclusive bgm?

“…Yes, about this ‘riot’.” Lockhart tried to make his voice line magnetic, gloomy and unique.

“What are you talking about? What’s the ‘riots’?” Barty Jr. Looking back, frowning and showing a puzzled look, as if he really didn’t understand.

“Don’t play, no one hears here – we have to talk about it so as not to get setback!” Lockhart learned the horrible way of talking to Marx and Barty Jr. that night, impatiently, “I understand?”

“I don’t know what you are talking about…” Barty Jr. The brow wrinkled more tightly, pretending to be inexplicable.

Correct! It’s now! just now! – Lockhart screamed in his heart and quickly pulled out the wand in his sleeve and reached Barth Jr.’s abdomen.

“I don’t know what I’m talking about? Don’t use me to help you recall, huh?” Lockhart licked his neck and squinted at the other side. “Small bus -“

“Enough! OK!” Barty Jr. suddenly lowered his shoulder and lowered his voice. “Don’t call me here! Ok, let’s talk about it, talk about it… here… …”

–liquid! Successful! I am the movie king of magic circle! I am the winner of the best actor award in the Bavaria Magic Circle!

After a year and a half in the colorful muggle world, Lockhart is a real muggle with a wizard skin.

Along the way, avoiding the occasional passing of students, Lockhart followed Barty Jr. to the rose garden on the side of the castle.

“Okay, then I will make a long story short–” Barty Jr. leaned around Lockhart and whispered. “The guest in the maze, I have already done my hands and feet according to the owner, and after you enter, Just find Harry Potter as soon as possible, then find a way to take him there!”

“When the timing is almost up, you use that spell to provoke the curse on the Myra, and then…”

Barty Jr. speaks very fast, and Lockhart’s many years of exercise are not slow.


I saw a sudden flash of fire between the two people who were very close, and Barty Jr.’s words were immediately interrupted. Then, he was so wide-eyed, unbelievably stumbled on the ground and unconsciously passed.

“Get it!”

Lockhart happily clap his hands and habitually opened his mouth, revealing a neat white tooth.

But he still seems to be not at ease. In order to be foolproof, he extended the wand to add a Stunning Spell to Barty Jr., and then took the other person to the Forbidden Forest…

When Lockhart was at school, Forbidden Forest was a place where students were not allowed to enter at will. Now, although he is a lot bolder – he even dares to do something with Death Eater, but once he puts aside vanity, he is still a little timid.

Lockhart didn’t go too far, stayed on the edge of Forbidden Forest and calmed down to wait for Marx to appear.

An hour passed, two hours passed, and three hours passed… Yes, the game should be over? So, is McLorne coming?

However, time passed by, and soon it was dark, but there was no movement in the woods.

“Where did he go? Why didn’t he come?”

The night is still very cold, and the dense canopy can’t cover the whistling of the cold wind. Soon, Lockhart was frozen and his teeth trembled and shivered.

He rubbed his arms, and from time to time he also added a Stunning Spell to Barty Jr. – Merlin is on! For the first time, he really felt what it was like to be “cold and hungry.”

In his “writer” career, he used this word more than once, but until now, he realized the true feeling of this vocabulary!

“Maybe… is this a must-have for adventure stories?” Lockhart sneezed and shrank his head, then gnashing teeth and gave Barty Jr. again, “Stupefy!”

If this is the case, then hold on! In order to make the future works more exciting, this kind of material is also necessary!

“Auntie–” He sneezed again and then leaned against the trunk. “The hero is not so good!”


“Later?” After Marx’s simple yet vivid explanation, Sirius seemed to be interested. “Speak more specifically…”

“If it’s more specific, Harry should wait impatiently…” Marx laughed. “In short, I went to Forbidden Forest and solved Barty Jr.. After all, he followed this death with Voldemort. Eater is always a scourge.”

Note 1: bafta (britishacademyfilmawards), the Britain Film House Award, is a film award from the Britain Film and Television Art House, first awarded in 1948, and is often regarded as the Academy Award for Britain.

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