
This day, it passed in endless learning and training. When Sun, the original glorious, turned into a fantastic gold red, Marx finally shot two hands, announcing this entire day’s busy and reproach.

“Well, take a break, it’s time for dinner. – Everyone’s trying. I’m looking at you. You’re doing great, hard.”

He moved to the little partners outside the hospital, who had been asked to go back to Wizard Tower for a break and would be more efficient after all.

And looking at everyone moving on into the door, Marx just took a look at the last Delphini.

Delphini’s meeting, busy slowing his feet to his side.

“Dinner comes after me.”

Marx slight out of nodded, and after saying so loud with her, she can’t go through with it with a trace and go back to the tower with everybody.

Behind him, Delphini hearing this little startled, and I don’t know what Marx is trying to do.

“Is it about Miss Granger’s breakthrough today?”

After that, she was shaking her head lightly, chasing up with some confusion.

The dinner that day was French sausage soup and a small vegetable salad. To be honest, it is clear that the meals of the last two days have become much simpler than the meals of the first few days.

Of course, the stocks of food were still adequate, and Marx left a lot of time for Blois’s servants to get Pack ready after all. But in view of the fact that so many people may have to live on the island for a long time, the systematic consumption of land at the same time becomes an inevitable option.

At least before access to effective food replenishment is available, it is certainly necessary to save.

And in a hurry, Marx went upstairs, as usual, and did his own things in the room.

When he went up to the stairs, Delphini had a conscious look at his back – she certainly wanted to follow it now, but in view of Marx’s cautious sample, which was unwilling to let others know, she was still temporarily and under stress, and the colour continued to eat as usual.

After a moment, she dropped the food on the plate from the table and walked to the stairs. Before leaving, a greetings with Hermione and Luna were also made.

Recently, her relationship with the two people has become much closer because she is guiding them to learn rules rune every day. It’s just because Delphini’s past – even though that might not be her real experience – often creates a delicate sense of disorder and feelings when she faces these people.

And that makes it possible that she will never be able to look at everyone with a normal eye — yes, except for Marx, who she identified as her father from the beginning.

Delphini thought that way, along the stairs, was on the other side of the road, and there was nothing to do with Sighed.

It must be said that she was all friendly and basically treated as a friend. Unfortunately, when the elders suddenly became their peers, that feeling made her somehow unaware of how to face it.


Stand by in front of Marx’s room, Delphini stretched his hand to the door, and then the door opened itself. She saw her face, and when she pushed the door in, she took it back.

“Coming? Come here!”

Delphini saw that Marx ignored the house’s furniture illusion and sat alone on the central floor of the room. And before him, there were a couple of very strange wizard robes.

She found that two of these sets were very similar to the short wizard robes she was wearing when she first arrived at this age, but that was clearly the ordinary robe type.

“This is…”

“robe with rune charts, mostly defensive magic, can be worn together with a arm shield, and the effect should be good.”

Marx shrugged, but he didn’t explain too much, to see him even pointing to the floor next to himself, and to Delphini.

“Of course, I didn’t come to you this time to show you a new wizard robe — if you don’t mind, sit down and talk to me!”


Delphini sat right next to him, and didn’t ask anything, because she knew that Marx would start talking sooner or later.

But soon, she listened to Marx a little bit.

“Delphini, I think, with your smartness, I should have guessed my plan already.”

“Are you going to? Is that when you’re going to guide people to grow up, you’re leaving here alone?” – This is a problem in Delphini’s heart, but not at all.

Because she’s thinking, if she’s mistaken, maybe Marx will put the real answer back in her heart and not tell her what to listen to.

So Delphini was just a lighter word, and then started waiting for Marx’s explanation.

On the other hand, Marx saw her still sitting there and not talking, nor did helpless shake her head.

“That’s why I said you’re smart…” Okay! I told you, after all, even if I don’t say that you know what’s going to happen later. ”He said,” A little stop, and then, “When Luna touches her first rule rune, I should probably leave here.”

“I knew.”

Delphini heard that she didn’t lift the thin lips, but then she didn’t even show Marx any unhappy face.

No, just because Marx told her on his own initiative.

After a few seconds of silence, she was humbled:

“In fact, when I hear you say you’re going to guide people to enhance their strength, I’ve noticed some mistakes. And after that, I thought, you might want to stop saying good-bye — I said, where you are, where I am, and don’t leave me again, okay?”

Marx hearing this, stretching hands on her hair like a real father. But after that, he once again sighed.

“I don’t want to, either, or I won’t ask you to come. … I am sorry, Delphini, that the rules of the two souls have become increasingly unstable in me in the body, and that the balance between them is likely to be broken at any time, and then the consequences should be known if it were you.”

“The imbalance in the rules of soul?” Delphini, when he listens, shows a surprise on his face, “Then let Blois Uncle put a seal on you!”


this connection, Marx has to be shrugged:

“Previously, it was only a rule, and it was already difficult for him – unfortunately, he couldn’t do it.”

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