Undoubtedly, the former Royal Square of the Palace of Norway suddenly outnumbered many men and women wearing black robes, ranked in full ranks and silently placed themselves on both sides.

And between these two formations, a trail goes straight to the gates of the palace.

It is clear that the people around this strange picture are curious, but the Norwegian Crown also sent security guards to build human walls outside the square and to keep all muggle people away.

At this juncture, the palace door is still closed, and the number of people on the square is still a quiet one, as if what major event is waiting for.

But after a few minutes, the door was finally slowly opened, and four silhouette walked out with his shoulders slowly.

As you can see, the one who walked on the left is all known — that’s the Crown Prince of Norway today, the future heir of Crown Norway.

As for the other three…

Two of them were wearing a red uniform, and the lower body was a black red pair of pants, and while the sword in the waist was left with a sword, it still did not diminish the original posture of two.

And the man on the right, he was wearing a black robed robed man almost the same thing in the square. Unlike other black robed man, he was wearing a mask on his face, which made it look more mysterious.


four people come out of the palace, the Crown Prince, who led three people out of the palace, is a little static and opens his voice.

“Three, please wait here for a moment, and I’ve sent someone to inform you that someone will be here in a minute.”


One of the Royal Guard leaders came back to the Palace, even if they hit the other side’s nodded point.

When Crown Prince Norway reappeared into the door, the two leaders looked at each other, and then saw the black robe masked by the two very silent movtowards them.

However, that mask was inactive. After the Crown Prince returned to the palace, it was like a wooden man standing there and not moving.

The two people looked at each other and found out that they had no intention of talking at all, and that was why they had a low voice:

“For a while… by me?”

It is clear that these two men, who were uniformed by the Royal British Guard, were the two who had previously engaged in a dialogue on the NAM deck. And they came here to Norway, and it seemed that the queen had left their lives alone.

When one of them had courageously wrapped his life in the past, another leader seemed hesitant and then lightly nodded.

“Well, then give it to you.”

It seems that the last thing Her Majesty gave them is not a good thing.

After reconfirming again, it seems that the two people have finally finalized the next task. They put the burden in their hearts temporarily on the side, and then the two black robed man sides of the front square with consciousness moved towards the past.

The Royal Square is wide, and while the black robed man is very large, it is not enough to fill the entire square.

However, as far as they are concerned, the pattern of discipline and discipline is clear, there is still a considerable atmosphere that can be felt.

In the light of the performance of the two leaders, they are clearly aware of the history of the black robed man, but they are still not well adapted to the existence of the group.

Shortly as the two people looked at these black robed man and were standing by the mask, apparently black robed man, waiting for silence at the palace door, the crowd outside the square suddenly moved a little bit.


Two people thought so, and saw a few black limo parked on the outside road, and then two familiar silhouette walked out of the middle car under the escort of a team of security guards.

That’s their Highness Prince, and the old Bishop of Prince’s shift, Silhouette, who was already unaware of it.

After the car, the two people, under the protection of the Guard, set up the crowd and walked to the Palace Gate with a confused face.

One of the leaders wanted to come forward with consciousness, but was stopped by their companions in the next second.

“Wait a minute.”

Seeing their companions slight down, he realized that both of them had a mandate at this moment, so that they finally had a little bit of nodded and had taken the step forward.

On the other hand, Prince and the Archbishop appeared to have been surprised by this famous battle on the square – they had not yet wanted to understand what was going on, and were led by the Norwegian Royal Guard to the front of those three.

When the guard completed their escort duties and ran to the side of the squad to determine, Prince looked at the past in a strong doubt about moved towards that two Royal Guard leaders who were not stranger to him.

“Who can explain to me what’s going on?”

Prince after all is Prince, even less than his Majesty Prince Mother, but in this case he is still able to maintain his temperature and temperature as Prince.

“Your Highness…”

The captain who just wanted to meet was used to asking him, not to open his mouth with consciousness, but would soon have been given an explanation from his mouth.

“I’m sorry, Your Highness – you’ll know.”

tone barely fell, where only one listened to the opening of the Palace’s doors was finally reopened, and then the Crown Prince, who had just come out with his father, Norway’s current King, came out of a crowd of guards.

Prince, knowing that this does not seem to be the time to continue questioning, has to be put back to his heart temporarily and with the Archbishop, waiting for King Norway to be removed.

A moment later, the Norwegian royal crowd stopped following those two leaders and the black robe mask, which was replaced by the Crown side Prince opened the mouth and said:

“I think the two must be confused about the current situation, but it’s okay, and I will give you a detailed explanation as soon as possible. Before that, however, I hope that the two of you will know – this time the Royal Guard leader of your two countries is actually coming with an important task entrusted to you by your Majesty.”


The more you hear each other, the more the Prince and the Archbishop have a bad feeling. When Crown Prince Norway stopped a little while ago, two people looked at each other’s leader and Prince narrowed his eyebrows:

“What mission?”

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