The whole day’s practice, just for a while at lunch, is not theoretical or practical, and not wasting half of the time.

To be honest, these are highly powerful learning and training, both for everyone and for Marx.

In particular, Marx, don’t look at him just coming back outside the yard, and sometimes come up with little partners in need. However, the targeted guidance, which is not a subject alone, is clearly rather costly.

Until the end of the dinner, Marx went upstairs to rest with fatigue after announcing the consolidation of Magical Theory, which everyone learned today.

“Then I’ll try Marx’s arm shield again!” When Marx leaves, Ron stands up and thrives, “Ginny, give me a hand…”

It is clear that he is as tired as he is today, and that, after having been pushed to stone with Neville by Marx in the morning, he has been training on strengthening mental power with stones, in addition to Magical Theory’s study.

Obviously, he really loved that rune armor, because that would make innate talent less powerful, and he put the same amazing magic out.

For Ron, this feeling is addictive!

Looking forward to picking up the arm shield from Ginny and rushing out of the Ron of the living room, the little partners won’t have to come back and look back.

“I went to another man for a while.” Neville ran around and then Ron ran out of the back door.

Perhaps Neville and Rons positively affected others, and soon, most of their small partners left the living room continuously, leaving only Hermione, Luna and Delphini.

“Let’s go and try it again!”

Hermione saw everybody, and he couldn’t stand to let Luna go with Delphini and then study the rules rune. But at this point, Luna next door seems to think about what’s general, pointing at Hermione.

“Go see Harry first!”

“Oh,” Hermione, when it’s nodded, “almost forgot. Let’s go see him.”

Hermione walked upstairs with Luna and Delphini. And in this process, Delphini was the only one that didn’t say anything from the beginning to the end.


moment later, Harry and Ron lived in the room.


Hermione first opened the door and walked in, and then saw Harry in bed watching a note. Although she currently needs more time to rest and is unable to participate in practice, she can still not forget the progress of studies at the theoretical level in her bed.

When they saw Hermione, Harry put the notebook on his hand and was pleased to say hello to three of them.

“How do you feel?” Hermione went up and asked, “Can you go back to practice tomorrow? Oh, by the way, have you had dinner?”

“Well, Harry hearing this, when it was nodded,” it was supposed to be all right by tomorrow… and then, if you mean dinner… “

He said, “It means a table not far away.”

“Marx brought me here, just finished.”

“Well,” Hermione laughed, “you rest early! Don’t look at it tonight. Well, I’ll be relieved if I see you.

She was thinking about going downstairs to the yard, but not yet, but suddenly Luna was interrupted behind her.

“Hermione, there’s something I want to tell you.”


Listen to Luna, Hermione came back a little while and looked at each other.

“Marx,” Luna distorted his head and seemed to be a little confused. “Before Delphini and I said Marx seemed to be different. But today I feel a little weird, too.”

As soon as Marx was mentioned, including Harry in bed, the sight of the room fell on her.

And that’s when Luna looked at Harry again, and then he said:

“Harry, if you say so, it should have been noticed, right? Marx, he seems to be a little anxious?”


Harry was told startled by Luna, and saw him scratching his head and thinking with his eyebrows, which was why he hesitated not to.

“I don’t feel much about what you’re saying, but after you say so, I feel a little less right.”

And he remembered, and said slowly:

“Well, you should also know that today I think Gryffindor’s sword challenge, but it’s a complete failure. Perhaps it is not clear to you that this challenge… was initiated by Marx. If it were Marx’s past sex, I don’t think he’d be so anxious for me to start without a lot of certainty.”

But Hermione is not the head of a slight shook.

“But Marx would be in a hurry, wouldn’t he? Luna, you know, don’t look at Marx’s deliberate time to give us‘ recreation ’, but, in fact, the situation is already quite serious.”

“Well, this I know,” Luna says, “but even so, it’s not like Marx’s style, is it? Although so far he has been only one person, it is indeed inappropriate, but he has changed so suddenly.”

Listen, Luna said here that Delphini on the other side finally couldn’t stop saying:

“Yes, actually, I think so — honestly, I’ve been worried that since Mr. McLorne came back from the sea, he wouldn’t leave us. And you look… he’s so eager to guide us and make us stronger, like…”

“… in preparation for us without his asylum?” Hermione took a consciously conversation and later doubted, “No, how could he… not leave us alone.”

“Of course, in general, he will not,” Delphini, “unless… he wants to do a final battle for our future alone with Herpo. And, in fact, he doesn’t have too much sense to win.”

Honestly, Luna, or Delphini, sounds a little stronger. However, Hermione was unable to find out from their analysis what contradicted reality.

Naturally, she was reluctant to believe, but unfortunately, she was equally unable to deny those possibilities.

“I -” Hermione stood there for a while, and then I couldn’t stop it. “No, I’m going to ask him a question, or I’m afraid I can’t help it.”

Just after that, she turned around and ran out of the room.

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