Angry is not crazy, because anger is a purposeful release, and insanity is just crazy.

So far, while Marx has at the same time held two branches of the rules of soul, his own character is not in line with both.

But Harry, unlike Marx, has a high degree of compassion between him and “anger” rune. If he continued to go deep, he would even have had a great chance to regain Godric Gryffindor’s style that year.

Of course, his awareness of the rules is much more time-consuming and more difficult than Marx, who came from purely theory.

“Come on, don’t be swallowed by the flame of anger without its willpower… to understand what it is doing.”

Marx can clearly feel that he is being tested by the “anger” rule at this moment when he looks at Harrys who bite the teeth off and the muscles are tight.

Like “arrogance”, “colour“ of the cursed blood, and even “trauma” of the swallowed mirror, this impact is a direct shock to the soul of the human being – whether it is the temptation of hot water to boil frogs or the manipulation of atrocities – a test of the patient’s spiritual willpower.

To be honest, Marx is actually worried that Harry will not be able to carry it, and after all, he’s been through it, and he knows exactly how much that’s going to be.

But how can he take control of this force if he can’t even go through this step?

Time, passes at a point.

Suddenly, those who have magic power sensitivity at the site find some kind of manifold magic power fluctuations that have erupted from Harry before Marx.

It can be felt that that fluctuation is embedded in a residual willpower to be developed. This makes Harry now look like a flare bomb that makes people feel free to go away from his place.

At a time when Mr. Blois and Luna were all conscious to turn their heads in this direction, Marx also stood up and became more serious.

“Will it still not work?” He felt Harry in the body’s growing magic power, beneath mutters, “speaking of that, last time the first Step of the test could not be passed, and this time it would have been great. As for the second test, is it too hard for him?”

Look at Harrys’ spiritual power is becoming increasingly unstable, spiritual willpower is almost to be swallowed by the rage burned by bear bears, and Marx, after a little bit of doubt, will not be able to withstand the tightening of his shoulders.

If this goes on, Harrys’ spirit will collapse – Marx wants him to grow stronger by taking control of Gryffindor’s sword, not to turn him into a maniac under the control of the sword!

However, when Marx intends to impose its own two souls rule rune on Harry in the body, thereby suspending the test, it suddenly appears that a gracious, bold hand has appeared without prediction, taking his wrist lightly.

And it was that instant, the shaking branches stopped moving, the slowing of the crawling insects stopped, and the actions of the small partners were sticking around the brakes, and the sound of the wind, birds and the remote waves shooting at the beach disappeared.

In Marx’s vision, the world as a whole was so qualified as Harry had previously felt.


Marx looks at the hand of his wrist and keeps up with that strong arm, and finally puts the sight on the face of the other side.

“Hello, young man.”

Gryffindor’s voice is very strong, and with a single word of steel, it makes sense that there is a unique atmosphere.

When Marx was hesitating to say something and so on, he was able to listen to each other and then:

“Did you force him to start this test? Honestly, this is bad — this child has not yet found the most pure courage.”

Gryffindor’s words are understandable, Marx. True courage, which would allow Harry to be angry and not mad, remains the first and destination, regardless of the setbacks encountered.

“Yes, so I’ve been planning to interrupt this test… I admit, I’m still in a bit of a hurry.”

Marx this said, and then he looked at Gryffindor’s hand in his wrist, as if he was asking the other side in silence why he had to stop himself.

Otherwise, Gryffindor then shook the head.

“Failure is a shortcut to success, and if he is able to survive in this failure, he will surely have a great gain.”

“Ha?” Marx hearing this, when it’s an eyebrowing, “what if he can’t fight?”

But who knows that Gryffindor continues to be freshy about it, as if he was to be by the right-hand lane:

“The consequences of failure, of course, are for him to shoulder himself – although you are also responsible for forcing him to start the test, it is for him who agrees to perform the test. What about being a human being if he doesn’t take it?”


Actually! Marx is also unable to understand Gryffindor’s argument that, after all, he has learned a lot about each other, and he knows that this guy does.


can be said that Godric Gryffindor has lived almost all his life in challenges beyond the limits, and life and death have never been in his test.

It may also be because of this courage and anger that transcends the common sense that he has created such a well-deserved wizard powerhouse.

Without others, even Herpo, who was in the full period of the year, was unable to defeat him positively, and the strength of his repeated breakthrough adversity was evident.

But no one can have a life like him!

“Yes! If you’re not a human being, then you’re a man?” Marx’s eyebrowing, “Harrys thinks it’s under today’s crisis, and it’s a challenge to yourself. And my burden is to open this test for him when he needs it – and, if necessary, to end it.”

And Marx no longer bumped with each other, 37738, and Jr.

As for Gryffindor’s opinion, it is clear that Marx is never the kind of person who likes to be persuaded, even if the other person is Godric Gryffindor, he will also categorically reject it in contravention of his concept.

Yeah, just like he did in the past away from Rowena Ravenclaws’ test.

“Don’t bother me!”

The voices are still unabated, and “arrogant” and “colour” souls rune from Marx, and even Gryffindor’s face shows an astonished one.

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