Gryffindor’s sword can be acquired and used only by wizard, who has a true character of Godric Gryffindor – a secret that Hogwarts has passed over to the headmaster’s generation.

However, as a result of a series of or passive or proactive observations and studies by Marx to date, it has been found that the title of the magic sword created by Gryffindor’s personal visit to Goblin, commissioned by King Goblin, is in fact never from Goblin’s hands.

Yes, no matter what Goblin race’s ancestors can do, at least not be King Goblin Ragnuk the First Hand of that year – after all, I’m sorry.

However, Gryffindor’s sword, which is hidden in the guilt of “anger”, is one of the most documented and up-to-date in comparison with the rest of the more mysterious pathways of disaster of the whole sequence of events.

It is clear that Marx has been wondering, in fact, what is the experience of these powerful but devastating sources of disaster?

And it is worth mentioning that shortly ago, Herpo appeared unintentionally to have given the “real name” of the Gryffindor sword for the first time.

“‘The reckless sword’ is not the sword of courage, but the sword of ‘reckless’? It is true that these disastrous things don’t have a good name!”

Marx crawled Harrys’ shoulders so loud in his heart, and then even in his ear:

“Here we go! And remember what I said before — throw away all that is inside, and be not confused by any image to face up to my own anger. Remember what I said… as long as I have sufficient confidence in myself, then sometimes reckless things are not bad. But the premise is, you have to know what you’re doing.”

On the occasion of Marx’s point of reference, Harry, who broke his legs with a sword, felt only a familiar sense of pulling from the sword. Then he only saw a black eye, and when he opened his eyes again, he found that, while there had been no change in everything around him, the whole world was like that brainstorming that had been qualified to open his eyes.

Yeah, even after Marx!

That’s right. He actually met, just as he first tried to challenge Gryffindor’s sword. It was just then that he was just alone in the requisite room, so it was not so obvious.

And he remembers that then Godric Gryffindor appeared before him, but today it seems not to be at all.

As the last Gryffindor’s willpower himself said, he should be gone now, too, just because of insufficient energy, he had to stay asleep in order to wait until the real heir appeared.

And this time, Gryffindor’s apparition did not wake up because Harrys came here, naturally because Harry did not come in entirely conventional ways this time – and if Marx did not have the power to help him “smuggle” with dual spiritual rules, he would at least be able to come back and challenge the sword for a few years.

“Mr. Gryffindor?”

Harry tried to scream, but after a little while, he found that not at all responded.

But at the next moment, a silhouette came out of the front of him — that terrible development, that bright green, even the scar on the top of the forehead was clear.

Harry knew once that he needed to win, and it was him himself.

“You’re coming again.”

Just as Harry stayed tight, the other one was on the other side.

“Why do you want to do this nonsense? You know what’s going on. – You’re not ready now, are you?”

The “Harry Potter” over there, unlike his own self not at all. If there are any differences to say, then it may be the other side’s attitude to its own weaknesses that is nothing to hide.

In the face of that man, Harry felt like he was taking pictures of the mirror that would only be telling the truth, and in one word, exposing everything inside him.

“I’m not ready… yes, maybe that’s right.” Harry’s whispering, which slows down the tunnel. “But it’s too many accidents in the world, and it’s impossible to leave me enough time to cope. If anything is ready to do, I think I can only do nothing in my life.”

Harry, this is really beautiful, or another one on the other, doesn’t seem to care about the word “own”.

Just to see each other staring directly over this side, and after a slight stopping, he shakes his head:

“Anyone can say that, but do you really think so in your own mind? But don’t forget, I’m you. – What are you thinking, I know! Harry Potter, don’t bully yourself! If you leave Marx, would you dare say that you have confidence in meeting this challenge in the present state of affairs?”


answer is “no”, Harry actually understands that he does not have that confidence. Otherwise, with his character, it was feared that it would be long overdue to start studying how to open the second challenge in advance.


“This is no longer a question of ‘confidence’,” Harry bites the back of the toothhole, “and now Herpo is still out there, and we don’t even know what extent he has done… and, at the same time, even Marx suffered serious injuries.”

Speaking of this, he has to gradually raise his voice and speak loud:

“Marx needs help! He himself said he needed help — even if he didn’t say anything else, I’d be willing to use everything I could to buy a force that would help him! So, not ‘no confidence’, but I have to have ‘self-confidence’! ‘

Harry grabbed the sword under his control, and then stretched to each other.

“You’re me, then you should know, and now I’m angry — I hate that I can’t even control a sword, and I’m not able to protect people like Marx and protect the power of this world!”

But the one opposite, he just watched this side quietly and remained inactive.

“How can it be used to manage Gryffindor’s sword? Think about it! It’s never gonna recognize a false willpower like you. – Admit it! You’re a weak man.”


Harry was rushed to the opposite side with a sword. But he hasn’t been waiting for him to lift his feet, and that Marx’s hand on his shoulder, and he’s dead and taken his shoulder.

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