With regard to the current state of Enns, Marx had previously thought that it would be similar to Malfoy, which had been affected by the force of the original tempted monument.

And it turns out that his guess, though not in the middle, is not far away.

Indeed, the soul of Ence has now been torn apart by Herpo through some of the Horcrux’s methods, but after doing so, he has returned both souls to the body of Ence.

However, it is clear that only two souls will not be helpful to Herpo. So he made a number of transactions with the souls of Evil Thought, while giving more power to the half of them.

Actually, if Marx’s power is still, Herpo’s method is certainly easy to see. Regrettably, today he can only guess with his short contact and communication with that so-called “fauna”, as well as with more intuitions.

But, of course, it’s not that easy to imagine.

“Goddamn it, it’s a little negligent. Almost got ‘him’ in touch with this kid.”

The “Ence”, which had just exchanged with the “other half” itself, floated out of the body and looked up on the top of the body and looked at that very difficult Alexander, seems to be a little upset and worried.

To be honest, if what just happened here was told Marx by Alexander, with each other’s wisdom, it might be possible to infer the truth – in the case of Marx McLorne, whatever Ence, the internal evaluation is rather high.

“But it looks like we have to send this place to Herpo in the morning.”

As if Alexander was still waiting for a new voice, he even mobilized Herpo’s spiritual power to try to transmit a signal at a spiritual level directly to Herpo, in accordance with the methods he learned at the time of his exchange with him.

But when he really tried it, he was stuck for a while, and then again he was angry about cursed.

Because he soon found out that even magic information directly originating at the spiritual level could not be sent out.

“It’s… oh! That Blois magic again!”

Yeah, not only did “that” Enns “eat a loss on Wynie father’s defensive magic, but even half of that kind of cautious thought could avoid the end of eating.

Needless to say, Mr. Blois did, this time, leave a fairly adequate precautionary approach to Ens, as Marx asked.

Otherwise, Wynie’s father, although hunted in the spirit rule because of family inheritance’s summon, has not been too deep.

In his research in this area, he must have learned less about Marx of “arrogant” rune than the Herpo in the swallowing mirror, which is naturally much different.

As a result, he was able to prevent the use of Spirit’s power to send messages to the outside, which was basically limited, to the rest.


What’s next to be done, “Enns”, suddenly finds a situation that makes him feel a little surprised – in a sense of ignorance, with more spiritual power, he was removed from the physical location of the body and moved to the rest of the room.

Since he had just been unable to deliver information at the spiritual level, he thought that he had been confined to the small area around his body, as Herpo had done to another.

But now he realizes that he can move freely after leaving the body.

This is undoubtedly a good news for him.

Even so, he cannot really leave the body for too long or even double the strength of his soul. But then, what he can do seems to be a lot more.


seems that Alexander at the side of the bed is still considering the possibility of hearing the sound before, and “Ence” is no longer hesitant, just like a real ghost.

After a moment, he was searched all the way to the third floor and finally found the room Marx stayed in. When he walked through the door to see Marx’s back, he was scared to jump.

Seriously, what Marx did to him in the medical room in Blois had left a very small shadow in his heart.

However, as soon as Marx did not find another “self-” in the air at that time, he became more comfortable after a minor shock.

“He’s lost his original strength.” Yes, that’s it! So there’s nothing to worry about. ”

At the same time as he comforted himself, he was once again moved towards the central Marx of this room. And then he saw Marx sitting on the floor with a thick handbook, which was filled with letters, symbols and a variety of photographs.

“Ence” cautiously looked at a few eyes, and soon discovered that he had hardly understood anything.

Not long ago, when he felt that he could no longer stay, he could only retreat from this room and go back to his room.

And it was disturbing to him that Alexander, who was still here a while ago, was gone when he returned to his room.


Shortly after the “Enns” left Marx’s room, a slight knock allowed Marx to stop quill and look back with consciousness.

“Come in! No lock.”

Then he shouted, and he put his hand on the side. At the same time, the door was pulled out of the outside, and Alexander silhouette immediately appeared in his eyes.

“Are you asleep so late?” Marx asked.

Alexander hearing this when even shaking the head.

“Can’t sleep,” he said, “and I think I might have to talk to you about something.”

Now, actually, it’s just a little late, and that night, it’s just a start.

“Is it about Enns?” Marx looked forward to Alexander, and after that, it was very direct to the local path. “Then say it! Come on, come here and sit down and say,” Forget those chairs, they’re just magic fantasies, they don’t exist, you can only sit on the ground. “

It’s still a long night.

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