“Luna, I have already completed the architecture here, you can connect the 2nd-layer too… Yes, that card… Oh, I really don’t know why Marx can make this kind of effect comparable to the slate magic card. It is too convenient to arrange…”

“And it’s very easy to get on.”

Just after Hermione finished, Luna added.

At the same time, Delphi is using the Marx formula to blend the special inks used to draw the magic text, because there will definitely be more magic cards to add.

As for the thing she just went to Study, she didn’t mention it with other people here, just just looking for a head to hide the past.

After all, even if she doesn’t actually agree with Marx’s decision, she won’t deliberately do something that goes against Marx’s wishes.

And just as the three female children are busy working together to complete the Marx confession, the rest of the friends who are not good at the ancient runes can only look at it.

To be honest, it was at this time that people like Hannah who had lectured with Hermione and Luna in Marx’s ancient runes class were even more annoyed that they didn’t learn well at the beginning.

“Harry, do you think we should find something to do… just look at Hermione and they are too busy to work!”

Seeing Ron feel a little guilty, Harry can only shuffled helplessly.

“I want to help too! But I think that even if we have to intervene, it will only become a mess that’s all. So, we’d better wait here honestly.”

“Oh!” Ron listened to him saying that he couldn’t help but sighed. “I went outside to see… even if I just used the Levitation charm to help move things, it was better than standing here.”

Since Marx is ready to let all the people in Blois Fort have been withdrawn, they are now waiting for the last time to sort out some necessities, or things that must not be left to the enemy.

And as Ron hurried out of the side door, Harry looked at Neville, who even shook his head.

“I bet he will be back in a few moments – I can see for myself how well the people of the Blois family are trained in these days.” Neville said, can’t help but turn to Wynie Tao, “Miss Blois, your father is really a very good leader!”

However, for his compliment from the heart, Wynie unexpectedly did not respond.

In fact, since this time, everyone has deeply realized the great changes she has made with Hogwarts. Even if she didn’t know what made her such a big change, the little friends felt that this white-haired young girl, who is smiling and laughing, is a really flattering girl.

Until now, almost everyone has forgotten her taciturn and weak sense of existence.

But from now on, somehow, Wynie’s look became a bit strange. Looking at her self-defeating look, she didn’t know what she was thinking.


Perhaps Neville and Harry both fell on their own, and Wynie finally noticed, and looked at the two with some doubts.

Then, her face appeared again and there was a bright smile that people became more familiar with these days.

“Oh, sorry, I seem to be in a daze… Have you said anything?”

“Ah! No, it’s no big deal,” Neville listened to her, and waved her hand. “It’s just a chat.”


Hermione’s three sets of magical maps obviously take more time. As mentioned earlier, during this time, the Blois family is also busy preparing for the evacuation.

Among them, it includes bringing together some of the family wizards that are outside.

Right now, the fog in the territory of Britain has been stagnant in the sea on the Dover Strait. The team that had been camping around the fog area has naturally stopped working on the periphery.

“Mr. Taung, come over! We should go…”

In the logistics camp, Ens, who had been left here because of Marx’s serious injury, could finally go back with the part of the Blois family’s wizard. However, because the news of Marx’s injury did not come here, he still thought that Marx would bring him away in person sooner or later. At this time, he felt hesitant.

After all, his current situation is indeed embarrassing – even after being released by Herpo, even he himself has been worried about whether the other side has left a dangerous magic on him with some hidden means.

“Ms. I think I should stay here and wait for Mr. McLorne to be better.”

“No, no, Mr. Steward said that I want to bring you back… Mr. Taung, you also saw that even the fog has moved to the surface of the sea, Mr. McLorne is probably not going to come here again. It is.”

Hearing the other person said, Ens just wanted to continue to speak, but suddenly felt that something was wrong. At this moment, a black shadow appeared beside the family wizard of the Blois fort, and when they picked up their arms, they saw them like a pair of rag dolls, with no difficulty sweeping out.

At this moment, Ens was able to see the silhouette of the torch by the light of the torch in the camp.


To be honest, although he has seen each other in the near future, he is not sure at this moment whether he is the same person.

It seems that the half-black body, the twisted left arm, and the slanting facial features on the face are really creepy.

But as Enssed his face back halfway, the horrible silhouette noticed the instinctive kicking of his heel and slammed his head and stared at him.

“Oh… is it you? Child, we met again.”

Herpo’s originally hoarse silhouette, this time has become a lot more blurred, just like something is blocking his eyes and his eyes are generally stuffy.

When Ens heard it, he couldn’t help but numb the scalp—not because of Herpo’s strange voice, but because he had quickly felt the other kind of instigating emotion hidden under the calm words.

Is it anger? Still irritated? Ens can’t say it… He only knows that if he wants to live longer, he must stay away from each other as much as possible.

But will the other party let him go so simple?

“child… I am so rare that you let me slip out. I thought you could bring me some surprises… But why are you here? You… I am too disappointed.”

Herpo stared at him, saying so.

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