“That night, the star of wisdom, Métis, shines on scarlet’s rays of light. She tells me that wisdom is also a sin… and maybe it’s the ‘initial sin’; at the same time, the fate of Samsung is bleak. Light, they are whispering, we are on an unfortunate path…”

“Mr. Mr. MrLorne, these two revelations I can’t read, because I am not the person they want to talk to… So I will tell you about it, maybe you can read this suggestion from the stars.”

The young Centaur patriarch is obviously not as sacred as the previous Old Patriarch, and he has quite understood the information he has received from the stars.

It is a pity that it is precisely because he is still young and his interpretation of fate only stays on the surface level, so even if the revelation is clearly stated, he is actually only half-baked.

After he had finished the revelation, Marx heard him turn again:

“…In fact, the old Delphiros once told me that Mr. McLorne is the one chosen by Rowena Meura. I believe that if it is you, you will understand the true meaning of these two revelations.”

Marx listened to the Centaur patriarch, which still looks weak, and said that he couldn’t help but frown over the so-called “revelation” that the other party just said. However, after thinking for a while, he could not think of anything more precise.

“‘Destiny Samsung’… refers to the three stars that symbolize the fate of Goddess Croto, Laxis and Atelos? So what is it called ‘We are on the path of misfortune’? ”

When considering this, Marx seems to be catching something, but when I think about it, I still can’t figure it out.

As for “wisdom is also a sin”, it seems to be more subtle in Marx’s view.

However, he thought that Delphiros had already explained what he wanted to say to him. Unexpectedly, after a short break, the other party was forced to climb the pillar and stood up.

When Marx saw it, he was slightly embarrassed. He just wanted to use the magic to pick him up, but he was gently rejected by the other party.

“Mr. Mr. MrLorne, there is one more thing I need to give you here… um, or it can be said, it is ‘re-” returned to you.

When the voice didn’t fall, Marx looked at the other side and walked to the corner of the room with a bit of difficulty. He put the big box in the corner and opened the lid.

And by the time the next moment, Marx finally saw the other person pulling out of the box and making him feel familiar.

“This sword -“

“This is the sword of Delphiros that our tribes have passed down from generation to generation… It is very embarrassing. I have lost the sword technique of my ancestors. This sword, which once accompanied the ancestors, has been completely smashed. A commemorative ornament, but perhaps you still remember that it is not just a weapon, it is a ‘key’!”

Marx certainly remembers that when the old Delphiros took him to Centaur forbidden, the giant dragon nest, he started a rune stone array for him.

At that time, the old Delphiros used to start the stone array, it is this sword with four fingers wide hand broad sword.

“Before I waited before I moved, I went to the forbidden place and took it out… and now, I will entrust it to you again, because this is the last thing that old Delphiros did before the death. I believe its significance is significant.”

The young Centaur patriarch dragged the heavy long sword and walked over to Marx, then slammed it up and handed it to Marx.

Marx paused, immediately reached out and took the long sword and smashed it. It really made him want to throw it on the ground. If it had other effects, Marx would have guessed it would never want it.

After all, in addition to some mysterious engravings left in the sword, it is actually a fairly ordinary medieval two-handed sword that’s all. The same sword, can not be associated with the Gryffindor sword.

“Speak up,” Marx slammed the tip of the sword off the ground to remove most of the weight, which he recalled, secretly whispering in his heart, “The rule rune that was shown on the stone array was—”

He was thinking, and suddenly he saw the weak Centaur patriarch in front of him, and he quickly asked each other. But fortunately, the other side is obviously only a little force off, and the physical situation is not worse.

After re-attaching it to the original animal skin cushion, Marx also put the heavy long sword on the ground, and then he finally sat opposite the Centaur patriarch.

“Maybe, I probably got some understanding… I will go back to Forbidden Forest in Hogwarts later. So, what else do you want to tell me?”


The Centaur patriarch apparently hasn’t slowed down yet, breathing a little bit of heavy breathing, and then started talking again:

“The most important thing is already finished… just, to be honest, this disaster is the catastrophe of all living beings. This is not completely evaded by the migration of tribal sites. Or the old Delphiros’s words – Please help my family to unravel the bad luck and get through this difficult time!”

Marx hearing this, can not help but look down at his long sword on the ground, and then shrugged.

“Don’t you say it yourself? This is a common disaster for all living beings. So in fact, you don’t have to ask, what you should do, I will always do it – of course, I don’t want to call it me. ‘Destiny’ because it may be more like a ‘selfish responsibility’.”

Marx will deal with Herpo, not for the safety of most people in the world – so heavy responsibility he is unwilling to bear.

However, if you are trying to protect the person you want to protect, and you save others, you don’t seem to mind it.

“Since you have already said what you said, then I think… I should go.”

Marx stood up with the handle of the long sword and couldn’t help but slightly pause. Followed by, he saw him licking at the waist, and then pulled out a potion bottle and placed it on the low table between him and the Centaur patriarch.

“I just looked at you. If you hurt your soul, use this to nourish it! Although it can’t cure you right away, it can at least speed up the recovery of your soul.”

After this was said, Marx did not continue to delay, and he slammed the dead long sword and turned to go to the door.

Behind him, Centaur patriarch looked at his back and suddenly opened his mouth, but he finally didn’t say anything else – since Marx had said that, he felt that he should not continue to squat.

All he can do now is to believe in the wizard chosen by the Star of Destiny, and that’s it.

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