It was a fairly narrow room with nothing but a small bed and a wall lamp.

The four-walled wallpapers are somewhat peeling off, which makes them look dirty. There are no windows on the wall, just a small vent in a corner.

The entire room looked dim and depressed.

Marx has been in the Ministry of Magic’s detention room for nearly a week, but no one has asked him to assist in the investigation. Even the usual process of recording a confession has not gone.

His premonition seems to be fulfilled.

“Is Lucius Malfoy? Or… Anybody else?” Marx guessed.

He knew that this incident was anxious. At the moment, Dumbledore was definitely helping him arrange these things. And this always takes time.

Although there was some rush this time, everything was still planned.

Another few days passed and finally someone appeared.

They came with two seemingly serious wizards, who brought the Marx over the promenade and into the elevator, and then the elevator continued to go down and down.

When Marx saw the number on the elevator jump to “9”, the telescopic elevator door finally opened.

The two wizards, with one left and one right, sandwiched Marx and walked silently, and soon they reached a dimly lit staircase.

Going down one more layer, Marx found that the walls on either side of the corridor were replaced with rough stone walls, and a torch was inserted at intervals.

On both sides of the corridor, a heavy wooden door is arranged in sequence, with iron latches and shimmering keyholes.

The two brought Marx to the front of the wooden door numbered “7”. One person pulled out a key from the waist and inserted it into the keyhole and screwed it hard.

With the “light”, another person pulled the iron door open and the door opened…

The environment inside is a little dim, probably because of the relationship of Extension Charm, the space is very large, but only by the torch in the lighting, people feel a certain dignified atmosphere.

On all four sides are rows of stepped benches, which are lined up from low to high, and all the seats can clearly see this side.

At the moment, the top is sitting sparingly in a purple-red robe, embroidered with a refined “w” on the chest. Most of them looked solemn and calmly looked at this side.

In the front row of these seats, Marx saw Dumbledore, his expression was very serious, his lips were closed, staring at Marx and looking carefully, as if he was recognizing him again.

Just in front of Marx, in the middle of a square space that is not too big, there is a chained chair fixed to the ground.

There is no doubt that this is the Wizengamot seventh courtroom.

Marx didn’t ask questions about why he was brought here – this behavior is meaningless. Maybe after a while, he will naturally understand.

“The trialee, Marx McLorne brought it!” Beside him, one of the wizards who brought him over shouted.

“Sit down!”

A cold man’s voice kept echoing in the courtroom.

Marx glanced again at the chair in the middle of the room, with the left and right chains on the armrests of the chair. He walked over the rough slate floor and sat down calmly.

When his ass just fell on the cold chair, the surrounding chain suddenly smashed, and he was firmly tied up with a metal ding dding dang dang.

He was owned but did not say anything.

“The second paragraph of Article 9 of the Law on the Juvenile Wizard’s Reasonable Constraints stipulates that underage wizard can be added without a chain when it is judged…” A seemingly old witch suddenly frowned, started talking.

“Yes, that’s right… But the ‘underage wizard’ in front of you is a particularly dangerous subject, and the relevant regulations don’t apply.” The wizard who spoke before was cold and fluent.

“Okay,” he continued, “Ministry of Magic Fudge, please start!”

With a cough, Marx turned his eyes to Cornelius Fudge, who was sitting in front of Dumbledore in the first row.

Fudge is a big fatty, he often wears a dark yellow green dome hat, but today he did not wear it. In addition, the kind of slick smile that always appeared on his face when he spoke, disappeared today.

He stared at Marx, who was trapped by the chain, and said it out loud.

“Very good,” Fudge said. “The accused is finally there. Let’s get started… Are you ready?”

“Of course.” Marx replied indifferently.

His frankness to his situation seemed to spur Fudge, and the other party immediately could not wait to start the pre-trial record reading.

“6 month 24 day trial,” Fudge resonating sound said, and the secretary around him immediately wrote it, “Israel the Hogwarts magic school Third Year Marx McLorne kills Pettigrew Peter.”

“Interrogator: Ministry of Magic Cornelius · Oswald Fudge; Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement Amelia · Susan Bones; Auror Office Director Rufus · Butu Scrimgeour…”

After declaring some of the customary content of the trial, Fudge took his own bow tie and took a piece of material from the table.

“The accused has the following crimes: the defendant involved in the Hommeade village murder case on the 6 month 1 Day, and the Ministry of Magic law enforcement officers rounded up the suspect, arbitrarily intervened in the search, round-up, and killed the suspect on the spot in the chaos. According to Auror The Ministry found that the suspect was not the real murderer of the murder case, and the accused confirmed that he was intentionally murdered…”

“Three days ago, the identity of the suspect was identified as 1981 11 13 Day, Sirius Black destroying the Muggle Street, killing the Muggle in the case of Pettigrew Peter -“

When this sentence came out, the members of the Wizengamot review team on the scene suddenly became confused, and almost everyone whispered to each other.

“Silence!” The cold-blooded wizard suddenly said, the scene immediately calmed down.

At this point, Fudge looked up and looked at Marx and asked: “You are the Hogwarts magic school Third Year, Marx McLorne?”

“Yes,” replied Marx nodded.

“In the village of Hogsmeade that day, did you really intervene in the Surround of the suspects by the Ministry of Magic’s Auror and the striker?”

Marx grinned, but still nodded, “Yes.”

“So, did you finally kill Pettigrew Peter?”

“I didn’t know that it was Pettigrew Peter. He was filled with black air at the time -” Marx calmly said. “I only know that he had endangered my life and I had to resist self-protection.”

“However, according to the confession of the law enforcement officers present at the time, there was nothing black at the time! Moreover, law enforcement officers had stopped you at the time, but you did not stop immediately!”

Not far from the left side of Fudge, a grim, sharp-eyed wizard with a long brown hair suddenly spoke.

“Excuse me, are you?” Marx looked at him and looked at him with impunity.

“I am Rufus Scrimgeour, the current director of the Auror office.” The wizard answered his question seriously.

“As far as I know, isolated confessions do not have evidence,” Marx said calmly. “Please provide relevant evidence to support your narrative.”

“The defendant’s relevant requirements are valid, please provide specific evidence of effectiveness.” The cold male voice reappeared.

Scrimgeour nodded, Lang said: “I apply for a witness to enter.”


After a while, the wooden door was opened again, and a wizard that Marx didn’t know was brought in.

“Witness name?”

“My name is Edmund George Wells.” The wizard looked a little scared and he replied with timidity.

“Do you have any testimony that you want to confess?”

“Oh…yes,” Wells narrowed his neck. “There was a lot of dementor patrols in Hogsmeade village that night, and there was a team of Auror coming back and forth. Our family couldn’t sleep… It was 11 at night. Around the point, I read a book by the window of the bedroom, and then I heard a fierce fight outside….”

He trembling with fear to say the situation at the time, in fact, most of them are correct, but when he explained the situation after Peter’s flame was extinguished, he was quite sure that Peter had no black entanglement.

Moreover, he also mentioned the situation in which law enforcement officers blocked.

He said chop nails and sever Iron, it seems to be the same.

“Does the defendant disagree with the witness’s narrative?”

“…” Marx was silent for a moment and looked up. “I ask the witness, how was the flame on his body extinguished?”

“Oh…just, is it a gust of wind?” Wells said, even he felt a little bit inadequate, and then added nervously, “a big wind! I saw it far away.”

As he spoke, Marx’s eyes twitched constantly on the faces of the members of the review team.

“I didn’t want to ask.” He regained his gaze and suddenly ended his question.

“Then confess your sins!” Fudge asked loudly.

“I don’t admit the crime of intentional murder because I don’t recognize Pettigrew Peter’s appearance.” Marx calmly replied, “Pettigrew Peter is a character who was active more than a decade ago, when I was just born; and over the years, as A little-known wizard, I can’t know him.”

“Maybe you happen to know it from elsewhere?” Fudge couldn’t help but cried.

“Please provide relevant evidence.” Marx looked at him.

Fudge opened his mouth and looked at Scrimgeour, director of the Auror office, but saw each other shook his head slightly.

“That… you did kill someone, is that right?” Fudge had to take a step back.

Marx paused, he looked at Dumbledore, who was always silent, and then nodded replied: “Yes.”

It was not long before Marx was convicted of negligent murder after a referee’s vote, and was finally punished by 5 imprisonment and halving of minors.

As for the place of torture, it is naturally Azkaban Prison.

“The law of magic circle is really more imperfect than the muggle world…” Marx, who was taken back to the detention room, still has a mood to ponder this trivial matter.

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