After a sweeping action, the madman and the black scorpion wizard in downtown London have been wiped out the vast majority. Especially the latter, the result of Marx’s personal responsibility is that the dozens of soul collectors are almost extinct.

However, it is clear that the city has gradually become more peaceful, and there are fewer battles in the streets and lanes. However, the situation seems to have become more serious.

It was the magic power fluctuation that suddenly swept across the city, and Marx had to guess that Herpo had succeeded in summoning the demons.

And, now, in the mirror space, you will always enter the surface of London, bringing unpredictable damage to the city.

To be honest, Marx is really reluctant to think of things so badly. But according to Delphi’s earlier statement, the future disaster is probably from the moment when the summon ceremony is completed!

“Lupin, I have sent my Patronus to the Buckingham Palace to inform me – Kingsley will let Harry and Neville escort the Muggle Queen out of town, and he will immediately communicate with the Muggle Prime Minister. You will be able to meet him in a while. Send the muggle in downtown London as much as possible.”

In Leaky Cauldron, Marx didn’t have time to sit down and talk, but stood directly at the bar and explained to Lupin what to do next.

On the other hand, Lupin in the bar was nodded after listening to it.

“I know,” he first agreed to Marx’s instructions, and then hesitated. “But… is it really bad enough? Just abandon it?”

“No, I will not give up, but I have not thought about it, but it will only become one of the last choices under the last resort. However, even if you don’t consider giving up London for a while, let the civilians withdraw from this right and wrong as soon as possible. It’s necessary. Now, it’s the best time to organize an evacuation, and it’s too late to be late.”

Marx was so serious that even if he didn’t say what was going to happen, Lupin couldn’t help but believe his judgment.

Seeing that Lupin didn’t ask anything more, but was seriously immersed in meditation, Marx immediately reminded:

“In short, arrange it as soon as possible! I can’t say that my guess is that 100% is correct, but the next London will definitely become very dangerous – don’t forget, except for the previous one at St. Mungo’s door, Herpo The guy hasn’t really personally shined yet!”


Lupin hearing this, finally put aside the worry of the heart, and then nodded again at Marx.

Looking at Lupin’s other heads who turned to Diagon Alley to inform the refuge, Marx stopped making more stops and turned away from the gate.

I remember that Charlie and Bill used the Quiddich Museum as the third refuge. They mainly searched and rescued the muggle people. He also had to look at the situation.

Of course, you can also find another way along the way to find out if there is any other way to let him re-enter the mirror space.

After a few moments, Marx walked on the uninhabited street, and all the sights he saw were the fragments left behind after the battle.

It can be seen that there are scratches, breaks and even large and small potholes on the road and on the walls. Some houses collapsed, the bricks were scattered all over the place, but there was no one around.

“But then, why is Herpo still in the mirror space? What the hell is he doing?”



Just as Delphi informed St. Mungo’s and Marx had just left Leaky Cauldron, Herpo was inadvertently hit by the demon.

To be honest, Herpo never thought that the other party could use space to move, and suddenly moved from afar to behind him.

Suddenly, he was shot by the sudden giant force.

“One arm is abolished.”

While being shot out, Herpo was still thinking secretly – fortunately, just because the other party just hit it, if he tried his best, he estimated that he had to take his soul out of the body and re-smash it on the spot. For a self-wandering Remnant Soul.

In the next second, Herpo silently used space to move again, avoiding the chasing of the demon.

Only… When he appeared on the roof of another building, he immediately looked at the other strong silhouette. While seeing the other party continue to chase him, his heart immediately appeared a trace of intolerance.

If this continues, the battle situation will only become more and more unfavorable to him, and sooner or later, the body will be destroyed.

Soon, Herpo glared at his injured shoulder and ignited a black flame in front of him. The next second, I saw him instantly release the black flame.

This is the soul flame, able to ignite the enemy’s soul – will make this hand magic, which means that he has already intended to give up the soul of the other. And even if you have a strong enough body, it is a big gain for him.

Herpo must admit that this plan is all good, that is, he eventually miscalculated the strength of the “devil”. Obviously, he has no way to suppress the other side in the current state.

So… since there is no way to get it all, it’s good to get the part.


When the black flame was thrown by Herpo, the demon that rushed toward it quickly expanded and eventually became a large black sea of ​​fire. At the same time that the other party was completely shrouded, Herpo disappeared from the original place and then appeared in the other direction.

He knows that even the soul flame, it is impossible to burn the other’s soul all at once… No, it is also a problem to be able to work for each other!

So, he is almost certain that the black silhouette will be wrapped in a large flame directly.

Sure enough, Herpo soon saw that in the raging fire of the sea, he rushed out of a silhouette, with a lot of black flames passing the position he had just left at a very fast speed.

But in this case, the demon does not seem to be affected by the slightest, and the action is still as fast as ever.

However, Herpo is not in a hurry. He knows that if there is any effect, he has to take a few more turns to see it. So after glanced at it, I immediately moved to the next place.

Now that you know that the demon can also use space to move, then he has to be more cautious. If the guy directly destroys his body, then nothing can be done.

In a short time, the tall and short two figures continued to flash in this black and white city, and the speed was scary.

What is different from the previous one is that the big man who is dark in the dark has been completely covered by a black flame.

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