The cruel reality tells Marx that boating is a very tiring thing.

Not long after his undeveloped body, he put down the paddles and let the escape boat float on the sea, drifting along the waves a little bit.

In areas closer to the coast, the waves always rush perpendicular to the shore, so you don’t have to worry about drifting somewhere else.

When the rising sun blew the first rays of light away from the darkness of the night, it seemed that everything became clear–they could see the distant land far away…

When Marx was down to earth, his efficient action once again played a role.

After discussing it with Sarah and asking for some unfavorable benefits, sending her back is the only thing to do – destroying the business of the dealer, and asking for some remuneration, which he does not often do. But this is not the first time.

All the way to ask the location, plan the route, and then change the dress… Under the convenience of “having money and doing things”, they returned to Sarah’s home in the fastest way and the most popular way.

An abducted little girl was saved by another, smaller male child – this is rare, but for the child’s parents, their daughter can return home safely, this is Nothing better.

Marx revealed the news of Alger to Sarah’s father, and the rest of the matter has nothing to do with him.

When he bid farewell to Sarah and her family and leave Sarah’s big house, he inadvertently turned back, but saw a owl far from Accio passing by the door of Sarah’s house…

“owl? Is there anything like Harry Potter…” He made a joke subconsciously.

However, Marx, who didn’t care much about it and was about to leave, suddenly stopped. He looked back again, staring at the direction in which the owl left, and seemed to feel that something was wrong.

After a while, Marx came back to his senses and walked straight to the door of Sarah’s house.

“dong dong dong ”

The door was opened, and the servant of Sarah looked at him strangely.

“Mr. Mr. MrLorne, is there anything else?”

“Is there a letter to Miss Sarah just now?” Marx asked bluntly.

“Oh–” the servant turned sideways and looked at the built-in mailbox at the door, and found that there was a strange envelope lying quietly inside.

“…there is really a…well, weird letter…” He looked over and looked over puzzledly.

“Can you look at the envelope? Just look at the envelope!” Marx asked.

“Oh, I think… Of course, there is nothing wrong with the light envelope.” The servant handed the letter to Marx.

Just above the envelope, a shield crest consisting of lions, lyrics, eagle and snake, and the uppercase “h” was clearly printed on top of it, confusing Marx’s mind.

The inexplicable familiarity and dissatisfaction that woke up in the attic once again made him feel anxious.

Marx looked at the envelope in his hand again, then looked up and looked around all around, trying to find a source that made him feel uneasy.

However, he stayed on the line for a long time, but did not get any gains.

“What happened? This feeling… as if I have forgotten something important…”

“What?” The servant looked at him with a look of doubt.

“Oh…no, nothing,” Marx handed the envelope back to him. “When the postman came over, I saw this letter–I thought I knew the sender, but it seemed that I looked wrong. ”

He explained a few words casually and left again.

But this time, he changed his original plan – he felt that he had to go to London.


It turns out that even a muggle has had some guesses about the existence of wizard World, but it is still very difficult to find them.

Fortunately, Marx is not a pure muggle – he had had a magic power runaway in the car accident a few years ago.

To put it bluntly, Marx within the body’s magic power has long since awakened, and the expulsion of the muggle spell has been ineffective for him.

However, it is still a very time consuming task to find a broken bar in the vast London that does not know the specific location or even the existence of it.

When Marx wandered around London for a few days, he finally found a small, broken suspicious bar on Charing Cross Road, a big bookstore and a record store in Westminster.


Marx, who stepped into the bar, could no longer hide his surprise. He half-mouthed, looking at the dirty arrangements in the bar, and the customers wearing strange costumes, surprised one’s feelings in one’s speech.

“…is surprised?” Just as he watched the things in the bar shocked, a voice suddenly popped out of his back.

Marx suddenly turned back, but saw an old man with a lot of silver white hair and beard, and a long eagle hook nose looking at him curiously.

Hidden behind the half-moon lens of the old man is a pair of wise blue eyes.

“Deng, Dumbledore?” Marx exclaimed.

“Yes, that’s right,” Dumbledore nodded, but he kept staring at Marx. “To be honest, I might be more surprised than you…”

He said, suddenly put his slightly thin, but slender hand on Marx’s shoulder.

Suddenly, Marx felt dizzy. When he re-came back to his senses, he found himself sitting on the ground at the door of the seventh greenhouse, and Dumbledore was kneeling beside him, his hand resting on the same steady He is on his shoulders.

“Oh – thanks to Merlin –” Professor Sprout took a happy shot and said, “You finally woke up!”

Marx looked at Dumbledore and Sprout slyly, and it took a while to calm down his messy mind.

“…It’s really a terrifying plant,” Marx murmured. “Can you immerse yourself in the world of memories…?”

At this time, Dumbledore was laughed at him.

“It’s just that you are special…” He calmly said, “This flower should have been completely extinct. Yes, it’s called ‘Mystery Crystal’, which is very rare in Ancient Era.”

“They generally only make the ordinary wizard’s head blank. Only the soul-powerful creature will enter the world of a combination of memories and subconsciousness like you.”

Having said that, Dumbledore looked at Marx curiously. “It seems that your soul is special.”

Marx hearing this, but shook his head a little.

“Professor, how did you do it…” Halfway, Marx subconsciously said, “Oh! Is it some way of applying Legilimens?”

“Oh… in fact, a little bit different,” Dumbledore said calmly. “Of course, it’s not far behind. – By the way, Occlumency has a little effect on that flower.”

“…well, then, when is it now?”

“It will take a few minutes.” Dumbledore used his slender fingers to point his head. “For Spirit World, time is meaningless.”

As he spoke, he waved at Marx, “Marx, take two steps with me, how?”

On the breezy lawn, Dumbledore and Marx walked freely. Dumbledore talks about life chores from time to time, and occasionally talks about his favorite desserts and drinks.

It’s like, he really just wants to take a walk with Marx.

“…Speaking, since I was a headmaster, time has not been enough.” He was slightly shrugged and playful. “In the past, when I was only a teacher, I was always enthusiastic about my work – until now I I feel that sometimes, talking to students frequently about learning and thinking about something is actually not as useful as taking a walk…”

“In this case, both sides will be more relaxed, isn’t it?”

“…to treat different people, maybe the method will change accordingly.” Marx said casually.

“People are complex, no one can make choices for others, and I am the same.” Dumbledore shook his head. “Because, when we don’t know the answer, we may always choose the wrong option.”

Marx points out nodded if he knows.

“We should go back… You see, headmaster’s work is still very busy.” Dumbledore spread his hands. “If you like, let’s go back next time!”

Marx looked at Dumbledore’s back to the castle and sincerely admired the greatest white wizard of today.

Just now, in the so-called “spiritual World”, Dumbledore has already seen some clues – Marx knew the existence of the wizard before receiving the Hogwarts admission notice.

But Dumbledore didn’t ask much, even if he was already surprised.

After teaching a student like Voldemort, the wise white wizard has changed his educational philosophy. He does not interfere too much with each of his students, but observes, guides, and guards silently. And pay for each step they go out.

This is not something that ordinary good people can do, at least Marx feels that he can’t do this in his life.

The flowers in the greenhouse, called “mystery”, have been separated by Professor Sprout. Before the problem was solved, the label “Prohibited Proximity” posted there would not be removed, and Professor Sprout had been busy for a long time.

As for Marx, his previous experience gave him a lot of insights. More importantly, he seems to feel that he can feel some mood fluctuations.

Even if that feeling is still vague, at least there is hope for resolution, this is the biggest gain.

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