When Marx and the others searched for Kingsley all the way, the latter had withdrawn from the battlefield with the Queen’s special Muggle army and returned to the Queen’s Buckingham Palace.

At this point in time, after a series of previous cooperative operations, the loss of the muggle army is not small. Even if Kingsley has been able to avoid the fight, he will not play, and he will have fewer 20% than when he entered the battlefield.

Such sudden civil wars in cities that cannot use most of the heavy attack weapons, plus the enemy is a large group of “singular” wizards, which is far more unfavorable for the muggle army.

“Old Bishop Davidson is now persuading the Queen at Buckingham Palace, asking her to leave London temporarily, and waiting for us to arrive at Buckingham Palace, I will be responsible for escorting her to leave…”

Right now, in front of the marching queue of the muggle army, Kingsley and Marx sat on the roof of a Land Rover guard and talked loudly about some of the subsequent arrangements for the muggle.

“Just,” Kingsley said, but shook his head again. “The Queen himself will not go, the old bishop can not persuade her, this is an unknown.”

To say that in the case of a small number of black scorpion wizards, the muggle army is actually quite effective against the mad wizard, at least not as much as the wizard team.

But now, to be honest, most of the people on both sides have to evacuate the battlefield first, and hand over all the combat missions to the forces like Marx, Delphi, Harry, etc. that can cope with those black wizards.

Otherwise, once the battle is encountered, the casualties are too great.

Correspondingly, the Queen, who is still a good security player, must now stay away from this right and wrong as soon as possible.

“Here after all is London!” Marx quite understands the location of nodded. “I can understand how much the Queen wants to stay here… but there is no way. She really has to withdraw. If not, use some mandatory means.” Let’s go!”

For the wizard side, the Muggle Queen is also indispensable, especially now that the Queen still advocates that the wizard and the muggle can get along with each other. Needless to say, the military strength of the muggle is not to be underestimated. If the relationship is handled well, it is also an important force to deal with Herpo.

Because of this, the Queen of Muggle can’t have an accident, so let her withdraw first when she retreats!

“Right,” Marx thought for a moment, then turned to the road. “When that is the Buckingham Palace, has there been any attack since this time?”

Kingsley hearing this, not by lighting nodded:

“There is nature, but it’s not big, it’s just a sporadic accidental attack… Mr. Longbottom did a good job. He worked with the left-back Auror guard and the muggle guard to destroy those guys.”

“Oh, isn’t it?” Marx laughed after hearing it. “This time as the Queen’s Wizard Guard, he is also a face, I believe I can make a good impression on the Queen.”

Neville was originally a kind of nonsense activist, plus its usual 腼腆character, born with a simple affinity. This time Kingsley and Marx arranged for him to go to the Queen’s side as a temporary guard, naturally not casually assigned.

In fact, after this London battle, there will inevitably be a collision between the wizard and the muggle. Regardless of the outcome, the relationship between the two sides will be broken.

At that time, the magic circle is of course more hopeful that it will be in harmony, even if it can not be integrated, at least not too much friction.

By then, Neville will be the official “friendly” proof of the wizard and muggle.

So when Kingsley heard Marx say it, he immediately agreed:

“Yeah! And I think… as long as our Mr. Longbottom doesn’t have any setbacks, then it will be the time for the ‘Longbottom family’ to re-emerge.”

“Oh no, don’t worry about the family,” Marx said, and he waved his hand. “Neville is willing to think about him, but on the bright side, it is only personal.”

The history and current status of the pure-blood family is a bloody example, and Marx doesn’t want to get a sense of family honor.

After all, even if Neville himself has no desire for greed power, who can guarantee that his descendants will not use the hard work of these ancestors to do anything wrong?

Of course, at the moment, these are just casual conversations between Marx and Kingsley. What they say is far from now!

I only heard the two of you talking in a word and talking casually. Not long after, they saw that the palace in the fog ahead was already far away.

“After a while we go straight to the green meeting room, the queen and the old bishop are there.”

After the words Kingsley said, it was not long before they finally arrived at the vestibule garden of Buckingham Palace. When Kingsley and the officers staying here completed the handover of the team, the entire group went directly through the guard post at the door to the magnificent Buckingham Palace.

“Several people here.”

“Oh, wait a moment.”

Marx said to the helper who was preparing to lead the way, then turned around and headed to the United States Ifamoney headmaster who accompanied him:

“Mr. Stewart, sorry… Next we will meet with the Queen of Britain, and there will be some conversations about the Ministry Ministry of Magic and the Britain Mug King. It may not be convenient for you to be there…”

“Well, of course,” Stewart listened to him and immediately nodded. “I won’t follow up.”

Obviously, if Marx didn’t mention this, the one would probably go straight to the side and listen. But fortunately, when Marx took such a brief mention, he immediately took the initiative to take a step back.

“Thank you for your understanding.”

Marx smiled and smiled at him, then he signaled that the muggle guards continued to lead the way, and Stewart really stayed at the door silently, letting another guard take the restroom.

“Marx, I want to go too?” Harry, who had been following him, couldn’t help but ask.

“If you don’t want to go, you can’t go,” Marx shrugged. “But Neville is there right now… don’t you want to see him?”

“Ah!” Harry hearing this, and then nodded, “Okay! I will go.”


The interior of Buckingham Palace is very eye-catching – the pilasters of the sheet metal are separated by walls, and the ceiling is adorned with luxurious crystal chandeliers, refined and beautifully decorated with various famous paintings on the walls, making the surroundings look extraordinarily brilliant.

Marx and the others followed the guard all the way, and soon everyone came to the door of the green meeting room. When the soldiers advanced to report to the arrival of Marx and the others.

“Miss ladies, please come in.”

The next moment, including Thomas and Harry, a group of five people stepped into the living room that had a slight difference from the outside lobby.

It can be found that this living room is obviously different from the outside lobby. The furnishings here are more concise and clear, and even a little waste of space because there are too many empty places. However, such a luxury room, which is as extravagant as the ordinary person, is obviously much simpler than other rooms outside.

“Hello, mauggle, Her Majesty… Of course, there is Mr. Davidson, we haven’t seen it for a while.”

When Harry was still greeting Neville, who was sitting on the sidelines, Marx and Kingsley went straight to the Queen and said hello politely.

“Hello, Mr. McLorne.”

The Queen has not spoken yet, but the old bishop is the first to speak.

“This time is also a happy thanks. You arrange someone to come and guarantee the safety of Her Majesty. Two of the previous enemies have already rushed to the gates of Buckingham Palace. If there is Mr. Longbottom, the consequences will be disastrous.”

Although the old bishop used to be a wizard, he was quite out of the ordinary, but his magic strength has never been strong. To thank Neville for his help in defending, it was really sincere, because Neville also protected his own safety.

The voice did not fall, the queen sitting in the middle could not help but followed the nodded praise, showing the accuracy of the previous Marx guess.

After listening to the other party’s gratitude, he went to the Neville modestly and then said:

“Mr. Davidson, Her Majesty, there is something I want to ask first – I don’t know, has your plan to evacuate London been confirmed?”

“Oh, this -“

When Davidson heard it, he couldn’t help but turn his head and look at the Queen. Then, he shook his head slightly helplessly, lowering the voice:

“The Queen is not willing to leave here.”

The old bishop’s judgment on the external situation is still quite accurate, and it is clear that he really wants the queen to leave the ghost place, lest the situation be worse and even an accident.

But unfortunately, with his face, it seems that he has not been able to persuade the dignified muggle queen.

“I have to say that I personally admire the Queen of the Queen who wants to stay and appease the affected people. However, her safety is also related to the people’s hearts and minds! It is a pity -“

The old bishop’s initial voice was also deliberately low, but the voice was a little louder, apparently deliberately told the Queen.

When Marx saw it, he had to shrugged and matched the other side:

“Yes! In the unlikely event of the Queen’s Majesty… Well, in short, in the case of the outside, Her Majesty really needs to take a moment to avoid it. Now the situation in London has deteriorated, and no one knows what will happen next time. … staying here is too risky.”

At the same time, Harry obviously didn’t care about the Queen. He was asking Neville about the situation here. Listening to Neville talking about the previous process of protecting the Queen, Harry couldn’t help but tell about some of his own combat experiences.

On the other hand, the Queen of the Muggle turned his attention and stayed more in their conversation.

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