Without Delphi, who never traced back to this age, it was impossible for Marx to save Luna. On the other hand, if he wants to save Luna, it seems that he must let the future Delphi return to the present.

The two words that come upside down are exactly one way Marx realizes how he should put everything together in a chapter.

In this plan, to say that the Time-Turner is a string of words from the beginning and end of all events, the name he wrote on the edge of Time-Turner’s golden ring is probably the last one he made. “Knot knot”.

“Delfi, do you know? About half an hour ago, I just put this converter with your name in the hands of ‘you’…”

On the top of the building, Marx looked at Delphi, who was staring at Time-Turner and seemed to be a bit stunned.

“Yes, that’s the one who just turned one year old in this era. To be honest, at the time, you seem to really like this slightly late birthday present.”

“But this is what Kathy gave me before her death -“

“Well, yeah!” Marx nodded and calmly said, “For you now, this is the case. But in fact, I think Cathy should not die… well, no, I don’t know. But I have to say that it is indeed what I left for you, and the nick of the name is the best proof…”

“Just when you were lying on the sofa and being conscious, I personally engraved it.”

Delphi touched the letters on the edge of the golden ring, and the subtle touch made her feel more and more confused.

“I am sorry.”

This is the third time Marx has said sorry to her.

“I have left an Obliviate on Time-Turner’s nick, and a false memory that I have crafted. Once the magic on the nick starts, it will lead you to use Time-Turner. Come to me.”

“Sorry, I don’t really want it either – but if you want to keep you alive, I have to do it.”

Turning your own expectations into reality, and even affecting someone in the future, is definitely something that can be done with all kinds of coincidences. But under the circumstance of Time Rule, letting Delphi leave the erased fate, it seems to be the only one after another.

Obviously, rather than saying that Marx is “thinking of such a plan”, it might be better to say “It is Time Rule that is forcing him to follow this path”.

Perhaps this is one of the convergence effects of Time Rule?

“father, I am willing to believe what you say, but…”

After listening to Marx’s explanation, she felt that her hands were shaking slightly and could not stop.

“But,” she said, “if what you said is true, then isn’t that just saying… everything that I experienced in my memory is actually fake? I have not hated you, nor Loved you, and spent the hardest and most memorable time in your care, care and companionship?”


Having said that, Delphi’s voice line is faintly a bit crying.

“How come I have been in my life for more than ten years?”

If one day, when you know that you have experienced a lot of hardships, you are suddenly told by some of the most trusted people that everything you have been false is false.

Then, will you suddenly have a fear that is difficult to suppress?

What is your own past? What have you experienced, what you have, and what have you lost? So, who is it?

Is she really Delphi McLorne? Or maybe… maybe because of something wrong during the period, so that she was just someone else who happened to get Time-Turner by chance?

Delphi is undoubtedly smart, but for this reason, she is more likely to fall into this state of self-cognition disorder.

However, this confusion of Delphi, in fact, Marx has already experienced it a long time ago.

When he first came to this world, the feeling of awakening in a dream also made him fall into the infinite loop of thinking. In the last life, and in this life, which one is the real one? Which one is just a dream.

Or, in fact, which one is not yourself?

Even in the early years of his childhood, he thought he might be in an extremely realistic “lucid dream”, so that he almost bit his own tongue and tried to return to reality.

Therefore, Marx, who had similar experience, suddenly held Dalfi in his arms with open arms.

“You are Delphi – ‘Delphi McLorne’, my daughter of Marx McLorne. Just remember this, the other is not important… What’s more, if you really care, there is time for you in the future. Go to witness yourself, isn’t it?”

Not like himself, I am afraid that it is impossible to confirm who he is in this life. And like him, all he can do is to completely forget the messy ideas.

Therefore, he can always look forward and never look back at the roads that he has left behind.

Marx gently stroked Delphi’s hair as if to appease a frightened kitten, let her calm down in her arms.

At the same time, Marx himself was still thinking about the “future” scene that Delphi had told him.

In fact, according to the theory of the timeline, the so-called “false memory” is also very likely to be real. It’s just Marx’s entire plan, making it an illusory future.

Yes, to this day, the stone ball at the top of Marx’s staff has not been broken by the intervention of Time Rule, and Herpo’s demonic monmon ceremony has not been destroyed yet!

If this continues, there may be some minor changes in the future, but I am afraid there will not be much deviation in the general direction.

If you really want to make that bad future completely impossible, then Marx must stop Herpo’s conspiracy and jump to the “other” branch line!

“Delfi, is it better?”

Thinking about it, Marx pushed her gently to her in front of her shoulder and looked down at her face. Seeing a path of fluorescent tears on the cheek, Marx couldn’t help but wipe her for a moment.

“If you still feel uncomfortable, then stop me!”

Marx doesn’t know what the future will be, but he will definitely treat himself as a daughter who is one year older than him. And this, perhaps, is the source of the impression of the “very good for yourself” in Delphi’s memory?

After all, when Marx made that memory, he really thought so. As for whether this is a kind of compensation, or for other reasons, Marx himself has some unclear.

“Well,” Dellfi slightly reddish his face and felt a little embarrassed about what he had just been ugly. “I’m fine… then, can I call you ‘father’?”

“Oh, of course!”

Marx patted her head and smiled:

“In any case, you are my daughter – memory may lie, but what you learn, but you can’t fool people! My ability is not big enough, it can be based on the nick of a name. Put so many abilities to let you learn directly.”

While speaking, the ice crystal giant bird from Delphi’s summon seems to want to prove it all, and bowed his head to get to the side of Delphi.

“Yes,” Delphi touched the ice bird’s forehead and felt the coldness and whispered. “This is what I learned myself. It took a lot of effort and failed to learn many times… even if I can’t remember That must be like this.”

“I can figure it out,” Marx nodded, and then waved. “Let’s go! We have been swearing for a long time… Hey, father and daughter teamed up, and all the guys that Herpo screamed out were wiped out! One didn’t give him stay!”

“Yes, father and daughter join hands, one does not stay!”

Delphi grabbed Marx’s arm and dragged him to the back of the ice bird. He even greeted the giant bird to fan the wings again, and the city below moved toward it swooped away.

Yes! What else is terrifying? It was Father who gave her a reason to completely get rid of the fate of “nothing but still will die.”

What “death determination”, no matter how determined, it is impossible to really die. If she can stay with Father like this, how can she be willing to die?

“Father, you said…what should I let my mother be?”

“cough cough cough…”

In midair, Marx couldn’t hold back and almost coughed up the lungs.


“Mr Potter, be careful!”

When Marx and Delphi were leaving the tall building and rushing straight down the streets of the criss-crossed, the battle between Harry and Thomas was getting more and more depressed.

Just two or three black 瞳wizard words, in fact, still barely able to cope, even if you are willing to fight, you can take the opportunity to take the opportunity to kill one.

Like the previous one, Thomas relied on the absolute superiority of strength, braving the risk of being blackened by the black thorns and asking Harry to find out.

After that, those guys with a pair of black-eyed beads actually appeared at the same time, and a total of four enemies forced the two to temporarily retreat.

However, it is not so easy to escape the pursuit of the black wizard.

Harry can fly with Thomas on the broomstick, but the opponent can not only fly, but even the props are not used, but the speed is not slower than the two.

Right now, Thomas, who was glaring at Harry’s waist, screamed loudly, and Harry immediately slammed his broomstick to sink.

The next moment, a sharp black thorn was suddenly “hu” slammed and swept over their heads.

It is conceivable that if it was shot just now, it is estimated that he would be able to string him into a humanoid kebab!

“Harry, be careful, and!”

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