For people other than Marx and Delphi, the relationship between them has always been a mystery.

From the beginning, when Delphi was taken to Hogwarts, all the friends and professors around him could see it. She had a sense of closeness to Marx. Although everyone has never seen her before, she can feel that she has known Marx for a long time.

And it is because of this “not the illusion of illusion” that Hermione thinks that Delphi and Marx may be the kind of childhood friendship.

Perhaps it is also due to some preconceived notion! Unconsciously, even Delphi is comparable to Marx’s magic strength, but indirectly has become one of the evidence that she and Marx are old in the eyes of others.

However, it is clear that even if he guessed Hermione, he knew nothing about Delphi’s sudden appearance at Marx. Don’t talk about the actual situation, even trying to guess is completely impossible.

So now, when Marx is ready to leave with Luna, Delphi grabs the inexplicable interaction of his arm, and the big guy looks confused.

Not to mention, the latter is still begging Marx “Don’t go” with the slightly trembling voice.

In the end… what is it with? What happened to them?

However, even if everyone is extremely confused about this, including Hermione, there is no one asking. Some of them are afraid to ask, such as Hermione; and more, even if they ask, they don’t know where to ask.

As for Marx at the moment… facing the poor eyes of Delphi, his hands could not help but stop.

How to do?

Needless to say, Delphi’s concerns are not groundless, no reason. It is because of the occurrence, feelings, pains, and even the secret crying, her feelings become so unbearable.

Obviously, Marx is actually aware of the fact that playing hide-and-seek with the Time-Turner go with rules, no one dares to pack a ticket and say that there is absolutely no risk.

Because of this, every time Delphi questioned and even tried to obstruct him to save Luna, Marx never said a complete denial of her words.

Unfortunately, if you want Marx to give up Luna, it is simply impossible.

After a moment of hesitation, Marx left his left hand on the hand that Delphi grabbed his arm and gently held her hand in the palm of his hand.

“Delfi,” he stared at the swaying scorpion, slow but unquestionable. “I will be careful, okay?”

Father is gentle, gentle to himself, and gentle to others – this is how Delphi is clear.

I remember that in the midst of the war, even if the situation was so dangerous, even if the manpower became more and more scarce, he never canceled the allocation of the rescue team.

And his reason is always a joke-like discourse:

“To save a man means that we will have more than one present; saving a woman means that we will have more for the future – so in order to balance the present and the future, we are best saved in pairs!”

Not to mention the joke-like tone, even if he treats strangers, how can he give up Miss Lovegood who is said to be his beloved?

Of course, because of Delphi’s respect and admiration for Father, what she thinks at the moment is actually a little bit of landscaping. The reason why Marx insists on rescue is mainly to supplement the manpower and cultivate the successor. Otherwise, the rebel army fears that it has long been completely ruined because of the loss of combat!

But in the eyes of Delphi, this is kind and gentle.

Therefore, before returning to this age, Delphi was determined to hide his identity – her purpose, it is best not to be seen by Marx.

The reason why she was exposed to it earlier was basically forced to helpless.

According to the original plan she had considered, she should have been perish with the “core” of the demon summon ceremony.

Feeling the temperature that Marx’s palm passed to the back of his hand, Delphi initially grabbed the arm of his arm and did not have to loosen it.

When Marx noticed it, she simply picked up her hand and grabbed it gently in her palm.

“So!” he said. “You will come with me for a while… I have a few words to say to you.”

After saying this, Marx slowly loosened his palm holding the Dell hand of the right hand and turned around to hug Luna.

As he had when he reported it to the ward, he did not use any magic, but picked her up by hand.

Just such a detail is enough to make Delphi pout and never say anything.

And when Marx was holding Luna in this way, stepping into the doorway in the silent sight of everyone, Hermione, who had been standing near the door from the beginning, hesitated, and then stood silently.

She didn’t dare to go to Luna in Marx’s arms because she knew that she would be embarrassed. And if she really made a fuss about Luna… I’m afraid, even she would look down on herself.

On the other side, after Marx left the hospital bed, Delphi, who was still in the same place, snorted a little, and then walked out silently.

In this way, there were three fewer people in the ward, but everyone did not feel how empty. After all, except for Hermione, Delphi has been sitting in the corner, not occupying a place, and Marx is just coming back soon.

Not only that, but because of the inexplicable atmosphere, the little friends felt that the ward seemed to be more boring.

“Hermione,” Ron asked cautiously. “About Marx and the Miss Fisher… Do you know anything?”

“do not know.”

Hermione almost replied to him without thinking about it, and the tone was quite cold, which made Ron feel like a cold wind blowing and subconsciously shrinking his neck.

Then, when Hermione adjusted her mood slightly, it was powerless:

“Miss Fisher may be a friend of Marx when she was a child, and it should still be a good relationship. When you were sleeping in the night, I went to talk with her for a little while, and learned about some of her and Marx’s past. “”

“What happened before Hogwarts?” Harry said very well when he was on the road. “Hey… can you tell us about it?”

I want to know the people of Marx in the past, obviously there is more than one Harry. Just because Hermione was quite unhappy, everyone didn’t dare to ask questions, only Harry’s thick nerves couldn’t help but ask for an exit.

Fortunately, Hermione does not seem to refuse to speak. When Harry heard it, she immediately went straight to the ground and casually told a few stories he had heard from Delphi.

Those things in her view, naturally there is nothing to say, Marx will definitely not mind if he knows. What’s more, Naxi and the story are still very big, the order is even more chaotic, can only be said to say a few words, let people listen to that’s all.

There is no doubt that Hermione just wants to distract her attention so that she can stop thinking about things that make her feel confused.

However, even if it’s just a rough idea, everyone can’t help but hear that God’s story of a child under the age of 10 living alone at the bottom of society is not really fascinating, let alone in that story. Child is someone somewhere around them.

For a time, everyone heard God, and the lingering voice of Hermione was gradually lingering in the ward.


Of course, Marx didn’t know that the little friends in the ward had started a “story meeting” after he left, and it was all the old things of his first years.

To be honest, the experience of those years was really chaotic. Others listened to thrills, but he knew that there were still many stupid things that even Delphi had never heard.

That kind of broken thing is obviously not suitable for a little girl to be a bedtime story, and most of the future will not be told to her.

Of course, at this moment, even if he knew that the ward was in the opening story conference, he did not have time to pay attention to it.

“Let’s go upstairs.”

After talking to Delphi, who was behind him, Marx took her all the way through the hallway and up the stairs to the rest area on the top floor of St. Mungo’s.

As soon as I get here, I can see that there are not many people here, but there are still a few. So when he first appeared, several lines of sight moved over and landed on the Marx holding Luna.

“Sorry, a few ladies and gentlemen, I need to use this layer next… So, can you bother to leave?”

Since Marx personally opened the door, probably no one in St. Mungo’s would refuse. Sure enough, the few male witches who sat here to relax and relax, quickly left for his nodded smile.

He could see the doubts and curiosity in the eyes of these wizards, but Marx didn’t explain it, and everyone didn’t specifically ask what. When the people left, Marx gently placed Luna on the sofa, then turned his head and seriously looked towards the face of Delphi.

He found that although Delphi had not been awkward at the moment, he did not gaze at him as he had just seen. But the emotions contained in those eyes still make Marx have to sighed softly.


He looked at the other’s refined face and looked at the slightly raised eyebrows, as if this half of the time did not know what to say.

In the end, he gave up some explanations or persuasion words for the time being, but went forward and hugged each other without hesitation.

“I’m sorry.” Marx said solemnly.

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