While Marx was having a snack in the ward of St. Mungo’s, Lupin, the principal of the Diagon Alley line of defense, was hosting a group of male witches with special identities.

As Marx had guessed before, this group of wizards did come from the United States. Moreover, they are the support team led by Barlow Stewart, one of the two headmasters of the Ifamoney Magic School, appointed by the President of the Magic Congress of the United States.

Among the teams, there are Quiddich players who are good at air combat, experienced dark wizard strikers, and many American current Aurors.

And to say that these American wizards from all walks of life have something in common, it is natural that they all graduated from the United States, Ifamo.

Yes, it can be said that this large number of teams was actually dispatched on the grounds that Ifamo was friendly to Hogwarts. As far as the origins of the two schools are almost homologous, no one can say nostalgia for this reason.

“Mr. Stewart, I think I have to replace Hogwarts’ McGonagall headmaster to thank you. In this terrifying disaster, Ifamon can stand up for Hogwarts and provide support for our Britain magic circle. This is really A very rare thing.”

On the long table in the middle of Leaky Cauldron, Lupin was grateful to the head of the Efamony across the table. Prior to this, the wizard volunteers from the United States had been taken to Kingsley to fight.

As you can see now, Stewart, sitting next to the long table, is a slightly older thin-aged man. He wore a pair of sleek casual suits, a pair of slightly old shoes on his feet, and a silver framed glasses on his nose.

At first glance, rather than a wizard, it is more like a resounding professor of muggle.

After listening to Lupin’s thanks, Mr. Stewart immediately shook his head and quickly said:

“No, don’t thank us – thank you, but actually we have to say ‘thank you’ on this side. I want to have the righteous Mr. McLorne’s derogatory shot, and that someone will maliciously ‘capture’ Obscurus The crisis of the people has broken the roots from the beginning, and then our American magic circle will probably suffer unreasonably great losses!”

What Stewart said about this thing was originally Marx’s success in dealing with Grindelwald, but there is obviously more significant significance in the US Magic Congress.

Well, who made that culprit, the old man of Grindelwald, was himself from Ifamoni?

“So, this time we are not here to provide any routine humanitarian support, but to give back to Mr. McLorne’s help and give a ‘return’.”

Speaking of this, Stewart’s face, which seems to have been very serious, suddenly showed a bit of smile, and he rushed to Lupin nodded:

“And to be honest, this fog of London is not necessarily a sin of the Britain magic circle. With the Scabbers of the ancient dark wizard Herpo, and the chaos that was previously seen on a global scale, if it is Britain Once London falls, the crisis will spread to the whole world sooner or later.”

“Yes, although the United States is separated from your country by a vast North Atlantic, it cannot but think about the future developments in the future. This is not so much support. I think it is better to kill the disaster in the cradle.” In the future, after the Herpo accumulated more strength, it threatened the daily safety of our American magic circle.”

War is equivalent to loss. No matter the victor or the defeated, in fact, it will suffer a lot of losses, but no country wants to see it.

After Lupin heard Stewart say so, he couldn’t help but nodded.

“Yes,” he said. “In fact, I also think that Herpo’s gaze can never be limited to our Britain magic circle. If he is developed, the consequences may be unimaginable.”

After saying this, the two of them just paused a little, and then Stewart suddenly turned again:

“Right, Mr. Lupin! Actually, I still want to see Mr. McLorne – the private manor of the Obscurus who was there last time. He left it very quickly after he finished doing it, so that when I was In the past, he was not lucky enough to miss him.”

“Oh, see Marx…” When he talked about this, Lupin couldn’t help but show a little sorry. “In fact, we can’t find his place at any time. So I can only say that I don’t know him well.” Where is it… I only know that he will definitely be working somewhere in the city to relieve the crisis.”

Stewart hearing this, suddenly disappointed – he took people along the way so quickly and rushed over, just want to see the young wizard powerhouse that has been very popular recently.

But now it seems that it is not so easy to see.

“Okay!” After a moment, Stewart suddenly stood up and yelled at Lupin. “So, I also went to Mr. Shacklebolt to make a contribution.”

It can be seen that the headmaster of the Ifamoney Magic School has no shelf at all, and doing things is completely a down-to-earth attitude.

And… It seems that it is still a person who is efficient in everything.

Because after the last sentence, he decisively quit with Lupin, then turned and went to the door. As for the current situation in the city of London, he even asked the first time when he first arrived here, and it took almost no effort.

After looking at the other side, Lupin squinted at the bar again – there was an owl standing on it, licking the crumbs scattered on the bar.

That was the messenger that Lupin used to send information to Marx before the group of American widows came. Unexpectedly, this time, even owl could not find Marx.

“Well, let’s send another fact… but those American wizards have come and come, and the content needs to be changed and improved.”

After that, he quickly wandered back to the bar and lifted up to shua shua.


“… No, I am not hungry.”

On the other side, Delphi just refused the bread that Fred had handed to him. Her eyes didn’t fall on the bread, nor on Fred’s body, but Marx, who didn’t go to the bed.

At this moment, everyone didn’t know what happened to her. Only Marx was faintly aware of it – this female child seems to be awkward?

“Miss Fisher, ask me, you still have to eat! If I didn’t guess wrong, you should haven’t eaten all night. How can you not be hungry?”

“In short, it’s not hungry,” Delphi still didn’t look at him, just licking his mouth and stabbing for a while before whispering. “And, I said, I don’t like ‘Fisher’. Last name… I am not a fisherman.”

“Oh…” Marx heard, and had to shrugged, “Okay!”

Before he finished, he saw Fred returning the bread that he had not been able to hand out. He didn’t care to take a sip. Then he listened to him with some vagueness:

“Are you not surnamed Fisher? Then what do we call you?”

Dellfi took a look at Marx and then deliberately said:

“Just call me Mike -“

“cough cough.”

Marx hurriedly coughed and interrupted her inexplicable anger, but there was still a little helpless in her expression. Seriously, this is a big daughter like this out of thin air… It’s really a good thing.

Obviously, although Delphi did not finish the story, he still attracted the attention of almost everyone. Especially Hermione, now wide-eyed, his face full of complexity.

Everyone naturally heard it, and Delphi originally wanted to say “McLorne”. But to know that the followers of others may not be fathers and daughters, but in terms of age, they are more likely to be husband and wife.

What’s more, in fact, Hermione had doubts about her intentions about Marx. Even though Marx might not like her, she mostly liked Marx.

Yes, just like Hermione himself.

“I am afraid of you, let’s go!” Marx waved his hand. “Well, don’t make trouble… In short, you will believe me once and give me the next thing!”

This sentence is obviously for Delphi, although almost nothing is stated, but if Delphi, it is natural to understand the meaning implied in his words.

However, this is not a question of trust or distrust at Delphi. After all, many things have been “facts” that have already happened in her memory.

The “year” of the father, it was indeed seriously injured, so that it did not turn over under Herpo’s hand from beginning to end. At the end of the day, it was so inexplicably evaporating.

However, Delphi also knows Marx very well, and she knows that most of the time she can’t stop her. So after Marx said that, she was still reluctant, but she still closed her mouth silently.

Marx saw it, and this was moved towards Fred. Dean licked his head and motioned him to hand over the bread.

“Hey, this time is raspberry bread, come here?”

Delphi blinked and finally reached out to pick it up – after all, Fred had no enmity with her, and couldn’t ignore other people’s good intentions again and again.

Thinking of it, she bit her mouth openly, as if she had made the piece of bread a Marx who could never hear her.

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