Pansy’s home is located next to a straight and towering yellow cedar forest.

According to Pansy, the wood was planted by one of her ancestors and has lived for more than a hundred years. Needless to say, her ancestors must have hoped that their Parkinson Family will grow like a yellow cedar, year after year, and last forever.

And if the light is on the surface, the Parkinson manor seems to be so glamorous and so luxurious, as if the whole family has been as brilliant and embarrassing as the Peak period.

It is a pity that even if Pansy’s parents and family try to maintain this prosperous scene, the reality is always indifferent.

In order to make the surface look more glamorous, the daily use of their home is even worse than the slightly better ordinary family.

Pansy still remembers that the big brother used to complain about eating too much. But that’s because Mother is careful, and has to take some of the daily meal costs, just to meet the afternoon tea party at least once a week.

Yes, in fact, Pansy also understands that it is indeed very important to have a good relationship with the son-in-law of other families. As the female master of Parkinson’s family, mother did this in order not to shame the father.

Sometimes you can walk around at home. When you see a lot of places where no one is going, it seems to be incomparably empty, you will inevitably have a feeling of sadness.

Now, when Pansy came to this seemingly dazzling mansion with Marx, her heart suddenly gave birth to an impulse to crush it.

Seriously, the two are relatively large, and the gap is really too big.

As we all know, Marx is a muggle origin, and is still an orphan who has not been to Lian Family until now. But his name is not only well known in the Britain magic circle, but even in the global magic circle, it has already had a great reputation.

And they Parkinson’s family, but still succumbing to such an empty shell, completely overturned and even become a foreseeable thing.

However, after experiencing such a period of danger and opportunity, Pansy has at least understood that he has a few pounds. She wants to subvert the ending of Parkinson’s family on her own, I am afraid it is impossible.

“Don’t open the door?”

Marx stood beside Pansy and reached out and gestured.

“Ah!” Pansy hearing this, and quickly nodded, “I… I will go.”

At this moment, she suddenly felt that she might have a little sense of mother’s feelings – it was a fear of being afraid of being seen by others.

But at the same time, she is still a bit lucky, she is glad that Marx is coming to her home today.

Because of the current understanding of Marx, she knows that any cover-up is probably meaningless in the eyes of the other party. Perhaps before coming here, Marx already knew the truest situation of their home.

As Pansy thought, he reached out and pushed the closed door open, then turned a little, as if it was somewhat relieved, it was directed at Marx slightly nodded.

“Professor McLorne, please come in.”


To be honest, Marx is really not interested in paying attention to the rise and fall of Parkinson’s family… Maybe after seeing Pansy’s mother in a while, he will take this to give himself an advantage, but it is probably limited to this. It is.

As Pansy, who took the next step, stepped into the lobby, he was able to see the furnishings that were extraordinarily detailed.

The expensive and beautiful tapestry, the historic oil painting, and the polished armor were all arranged side by side. The pete stepping on the foot is fluffy and thick, making people feel like they are in the clouds, all the way forward to the deepest front of the main hall.

A magic lamp hangs on the wall post neatly, releasing a soft but bright brilliance.


With a slight explosion, a house elf suddenly showed his figure on the side of the carpet and bowed respectfully to Pansy.

“Dear Miss, welcome to go home… Does the lady want to entertain guests?”

“West Tower, to inform mother, it is said that an important guest is coming – we will wait for her in the main hall.”


The elf Sita was stunned after hearing it, but he still owed it quickly.

“Yes, miss.”

When the voice did not fall, he bent away and disappeared from the original place.

But at this moment, Marx was slightly paused, facing Pansy Road not far away:

“Miss Parkinson, is the front hall in front? You don’t have to go with me.”


Pansy was busy looking back and said:

“This… why? I said, mother’s temper is not very good, and I can help you -“

“No, no.” Marx shook his head. “In fact, I came to your parents to borrow something… Of course, if the price is reasonable, I can buy it directly. No problem. What is specific, I don’t want too many people to know.”

“I… I will keep it secret, I promise! Otherwise, I can make an ‘unbreakable oath’ with you! And, and I…”

Somehow, Pansy especially hopes that he can follow along with him, as if he can get something from it.

This feeling, she can not tell her, just think so.

However, the instinct that Pansy didn’t even understand before, Marx easily felt it.

“Miss Parkinson, this is not the case.” He calmly said, “In fact, even if they changed Hermione or Harry, they will let them stay outside.”

With that said, Marx reached out and patted her on the shoulder, and then she passed her and went deeper.

Behind him, Pansy, while staring at Marx’s words, stood back and looked back at the other side. She realized that she was so anxious about what she wanted.

If you have to say it, then is it an approval?

Since she was completely exposed by Marx at first, she was forced to listen to Marx and do a lot of things. From the beginning, the heart was reluctant, and on the way, he became active because of the things he had experienced and the people he met. Later, he became immersed in the momentum of a small partner such as Hermione.

In today’s situation, what she hopes most is to get a true sense of identity. Because she has clearly felt that there are so many friends who deserve to be sincere, how wonderful it is.

What’s more, her best friend doesn’t know how to do it now! She needs Marx to take her own look at the Ministry of Magic, and… maybe even more of Marx’s help.


The main entrance of the main hall was closed.

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