From the situation heard by Mr. Wilson, the neighbor, Wendell still did not dare to tell his wife. But now, at least he already understands that going out at random will be a very dangerous thing.

Therefore, in order to ensure the safety of the family, he decided to stay at home to hide and see the situation.

However, even if they were hiding in the home on the fourth floor, the movements that sounded from time to time still made their husband and wife feel awkward. Even if Wendell did not say, his wife was unknowingly aware of the changes in the outside city.

If you don’t say anything else, there is a record of explosions that sound in the fog outside or far or near, which is enough to make them fearful.

In particular, there are still several times, and the movement seems to have come from the alley downstairs, which is incredible.

Undoubtedly, even if you continue to conceal it, it will not make your wife less scared, but it will add a fear from the unknown. Therefore, Wendell can only tell the wife what he called the “thug”.

But he didn’t expect it, just as he said, while he was confused with his wife, what kind of mobs dared to mess in London, a black shadow suddenly broke through the windows of their home and slammed into them. In front of.

I only heard “clang” as a loud noise, and their tea table was instantly smashed.


The Wendells were frightened because they found out that this sudden collision from the outside of the window was actually a living person! And the other party’s hand, somehow still holding a broom?


Wendell pulled his wife behind him, then looked at the unexpectedly unexpected guest, hesitantly asked:

“Are you OK?”

Honestly, he really doesn’t know what to ask. After all, you know, here is the fourth floor!

“Oh… okay!” The other person used the broom as a walking stick and propped himself up. “I knew it would be like this. Even if I wasted some time, I should wear my armor… my waist.”

Immediately, under the trepidation of Wendell’s couple, the other party suddenly pulled out a refined small wooden stick from the inside of the quirky robe and waved at the broken window.


The next moment, the Wendells saw the glass slag and wood chips that had already been broken and flew up, like a rewind, and then returned to the window frame. Just a blink of an eye, the broken window was restored.

After the window was repaired, the other party turned around and shrugged:

“Sorry, this thing shouldn’t have been done in front of you! But now London is like this. I think it is not a major event for one person to violate the Secrecy Act.”


Wendell’s wife has now been stunned, but Mr. Wendell is still good, at least he can speak.

“This…Sir, how did you get into our house from the window on the fourth floor?” He looked incredulously. “And, what happened just now? How did you fix our windows?”

“Well, it’s really a shame to break into your home without permission – you know, the fog outside is too big,” the other said politely. “As for how I came…”

He said, lifting the broom in his hand and shaking it, he gestured to the couple:

“I am a wizard, and the wizard can ride a broom… I remember you mentioned this in your storybook, isn’t it?”

Having said that, he owed a slight owe, and turned to:

“Right, I seem to forget to introduce myself – I am Bill Weasley, as I said just now, I am a wizard. In order to express my apologies, I think I have to give you a piece of advice – now London There are evil wizards in the city, they are all a gang of murderers who don’t blink.”

“I hope that this news will allow you to avoid being harmless as much as possible.”

Yes, this is Ron’s big brother Bill coming back – after the wedding of Fred and George last time, he went back to Egypt to work for his Curse-Breaker.

But this time after hearing about the disaster in London, he immediately decided to come back and see if there would be a place for him to help.

However, because the fog of London hindered Disapparation, he had to choose to fly in from the outside of the city on a broom. Because it flies a little faster, it will crash into Wendell’s house.

“Well, I think I have to go!” After giving the muggle couple a goodwill reminder, Bill would open the window with a broom. “My younger brother Charlie is probably coming soon, I have to get early.” Go with him.”


Wendell didn’t know why he was going to stop him, but he was being confused by the other’s words, and he needed a clearer explanation.

No way, just “there is a man with a strange costume riding a broom from the window on the fourth floor” is enough to make the “nonsense” that can’t easily deny the other person.

Not to mention, this Bill has just repaired the windows of their homes with amazing magic!

Wizard ? real or fake?

Bill heard him say “snap”, not paused, and turned back:

“What’s wrong? If you are afraid, just hide under the bed or get into the closet!”


Wendell’s hearing this is a glimpse.

“That… can you escape the kind of evil wizard that you say is not killing?”

“No, no, no,” Bill said with regret. “But I believe that at least it will make you both feel comfortable!”

“What?” Wendell also asked if he would be suspicious, and asked aloud, “Mr. Weasley wizard, can’t you tell us how to be safe? Well, or, can you stay to protect us?”

“Oh, I just said, I am rushing to go with my younger brother.” Bill is embarrassed. “Really, I don’t want to help you, but the most dangerous thing now is those who fled in the streets. You are here on the fourth floor. As long as you don’t go out, the possibility of being attacked is not too big.”

As he said, Bill, who was facing the window, saw that the Wendels suddenly moved their eyes away from him and fell outside the window behind him.

When he saw it, he also looked back and saw the thing that attracted the attention of the muggle couple with no difficulty.

It was a huge storm mixed with ice crystals and flames – it was clear that the fog in this city could not be used in any way, but at this moment, there was a hollow in the other side.

It may be complicated, but it is actually the moment that Bill looks back and looks at that’s all. In the next second, a series of violent explosions suddenly spread, and the window glass “clang 哐” trembled.

Obviously, that was the explosion caused by the confrontation between Marx and Herpo at the entrance of St. Mungo’s.


When Bill saw the horrible scene, he shook his head and decisively dismissed the thought of running out now. Seeing him returning again, he said to the Wendel couple who had been completely speechless:

“It seems that although I can’t always protect you here, I can at least sit with you for a while or not!”

Bill is undoubtedly a good wizard, and because of this, he knows more about what it means behind him.

It’s easy to guess that it must have been Marx’s shot, and Marx’s opponent is mostly Herpo – like this level of engagement, it will add chaos, and honestly watching the outside is the most sensible choice.


As he spoke, Bill suddenly saw a dark shadow from a distance. Just because the explosion just temporarily opened up some of the fog, he could inadvertently discover the shadow.

At the moment, the shadow seems to be coming from a distance to Accio, and the speed is exceptionally fast.

“That is…Dragon?”

Bill looked far away, and when he was a little closer, the outline of the shadow became clear.

“Is it Charlie?”

If you have to say something, you can actually ride a dragon to fly to the sky, but you can control the Dragon to fly in the direction you want.

Incidentally, although every trainer has probably the dream of driving Dragon, I really tried to ride the dragon’s wizard, and the end is very miserable.

However, although Bill does not feel that Charlie has a way to really tame Dragon, but this time can make a Dragon appear in London, he seems to only think of younger brother Charlie.

However, before he confirmed that there was anyone on Dragon’s back, he saw that the silhouette became more and more obvious, and suddenly suddenly swooped, and then fell on the periphery of the city.

“Okay!” Bill curl one’s lip, “Whether it’s Charlie, at least that Dragon should be controlled by someone. And the other party is obviously aware of it. It’s best not to pick this time and fly around in the air.”

So thinking about it, he touched the chin and sat down on the chair next to him, and regardless of the dumbless Wendel couple, he began to ponder what he should do next.

“…Mr. Wizard?”

Wendell is finally back to sobered up – he can’t see the magic creature like Dragon, but the ice storm that exploded in the air can still be seen.

Needless to say, the scary scene has already shaken him, making him compare the words of the previous words, and can no longer raise the doubt.

“Mr.wizard, this…this is really too terrifying. Can you trouble us to take us out of London? I can pay you pounds, I mean really-“

Bill is hearing this, but he didn’t care if he interrupted his thoughts, but then he showed a look that couldn’t help.

“Unfortunately, as far as the current situation is concerned, you can’t leave London.”

“Please! Please help us!” Wendell quickly pleaded. “No, even if I can’t… just my wife and daughter, really!”

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