Using Time-Turner, not only can’t save Luna, but even kill yourself – now, this warning from Delphi’s mouth may be more credible than any prophet’s prophecy.

Unfortunately, as Delphi said, Marx is actually a stubborn person. It is self-confident and firm to say that he does not know how to choose. When he arrives at a critical moment, he often only follows his own principles.

For example, Luna’s life, he is absolutely unable to allow himself to give up.

“Father, I know… even if I have told you all about this, even if I keep begging you from now on, you can’t change your mind. But Time-Turner I won’t give you. – Even if I die, I won’t give it back to you.”

“You have to understand that I am your daughter, and my temper is as stubborn as you are!”

With that said, Delphi lifted her lips and greeted Marx straight. It can be seen that her eyes are full of determination.

When Marx saw it, he opened his mouth several times, but at the end he closed it.

To be honest, he rarely encounters objects that make him have nothing to say, but this time, he really has nothing to do with Delphi.

Not to mention anything else, just the kind of strong concern that Delphi showed to him, he has already touched his heart deeply. As an orphan who has not been able to taste the affection for many years, this is enough to make him feel moved.

What’s more, fundamentally, Delphi is also an orphan. And the life she has experienced is probably more difficult than Marx’s own life.

In this case, he really can’t bear to force this incomparably strong “daughter”.

So after a moment of silence, Marx was still nodded speechlessly, and then stood up again from the other side.

“…It’s been hard for you since this time. You are doing very well, very good! I… well, I am really proud of you. Don’t worry about things outside, I will deal with it, what you said Everything will bring me a lot of help.”

As he spoke, he pulled out several potion bottles from his waist and gently placed them on the bed.

Before Delphi had already debunked his concealment of the injury, it is clear that Delphi, who has been crossing for more than a decade, will certainly have no small damage.

It’s just because she is so careful and so that she hasn’t made any decisive changes in the past. In theory, she may not be as hurt as Marx.

After all, Marx saved the entire school at one time.

“I have to go with Harry, Neville now. They say a few words, you can actually sleep a little longer, remember to eat something later.”

Seeing that Delphi was still staring at himself, Marx had to rush out of the room and then stepped out of the room.

Delphi looked at the door and was slowly shut down. It was felt that Marx had stepped down the stairs. It was like losing his strength and lying down on the bed.

“Sure enough, it is impossible to let the father give up — especially if Herpo’s demonic monmon ceremony is still going on, he has more reason to stick to his determination.”

“… hateful, it took me so long, it took so much effort, what exactly is it doing!”

The voice did not fall, Delphi raised his fist and hammered the quilt, and the refined face was filled with helpless.


“Don’t you come down with you?”

When Lupin found out that Marx was coming from the stairs, he couldn’t help but ask – he could see that he had already had a few desserts from the back, apparently intended to be given to Delphi.

“I want her to take a break.”

Marx didn’t show anything unusual in front of Lupin – there are already enough things to get busy, like things that don’t have a clue, no need to say it and mess it up.

Lupin can’t do anything about Luna. Even if he only tells Herpo’s real plan, it will only make him so troubled that’s all.

Marx stepped forward to the bar, and as soon as he picked up a small dish of scone, he turned and walked to the door, and while he was walking, he picked up a piece and stuffed it into his mouth.

“Where did you find out?”

I saw him ambiguously, and soon walked out of the bar door, apparently did not intend to know the answer to this question.

When Lupin saw it, he could only smile and shake his head.

On the other side, Marx, who had just stepped out of the front door, handed the dessert dish to Harry.

“Come on, eat some sweets, you can relax a little. Even if the work of guarding the door is very important, you should know how to relax moderately. It will always make your ability to resist.”

“Oh! Hey… Marx?”

Probably because, Marx didn’t make a half-click when he opened the door or walked out, so that when Harry saw the dish, he almost waved wand at it.

Marx saw him after frightened and flustered, and turned his head to look at him again, and then raised his own dish. After Harry took a piece from it, he put the whole plate in Neville’s hand.

“Eat this snack, then get ready! Just Lupin told me that Kingsley is going to Buckingham Palace to meet the Muggle Queen – and he should come over a little later, when you two follow him!”

“Hey! Queen?”

When Harry heard it, he suddenly lit up.

He grew up in the muggle family. Although he showed great adaptability after touching the magic circle, the thing of the muggle world still occupies a large part of his heart.

So when I knew that I would see the Queen, I couldn’t help but get excited.

“Yes, Queen,” Marx said. “And most of the prime ministers of the muggle will appear at the same time – Neville. You will stay with them and protect them with Auror.”

“Ah?” Neville hearing this, hesitantly said, “Marx, actually I want to fight with Sirius with the dark wizard.”

“No,” Marx shook his head. “Do you think it’s not important to protect the Queen of Muggle? I can tell you that this mission is a hundred times more important than you think!”

Slightly stopped, he explained:

“Listen, this disaster is triggered by the magic circle, but now it has already involved most of the muggle in London. And you have to understand that this world is still the master of the muggle… especially near Over the years, the muggle society has grown rapidly, and if nothing else, the best results for the future of the wizards will only be fully integrated into the world of the muggle.”

Of course, the premise is that you can survive the biggest accident of Herpo! Otherwise, the whole world will be a mess with Herpo, the ancient magic from the era of the Wizard Peak.

And then, whether it is muggle or wizard, or even Herpo himself, I am afraid that sooner or later, I will be guilty of a big crime.

To be honest, Marx never underestimates the power of modern muggles.

“Well, these words are still too early for now.” He spread his arms and patted Harry and Neville’s shoulders, and then he turned and said, “In short, both of you should be careful next. Don’t do it because you have a little bit of strength – you can solve the trouble without having to do it, don’t bludge on the scalp, hear it?”


Neville was honestly nodded, and Harry on the other side couldn’t help but say:

“Neville’s mission is there, then what about me?”

“You?” Marx hearing this, on time shrugged, “You don’t want to be in charge of me! After Kingsley and the Queen talked, let him arrange things for you! Well… take your sword, don’t let Gryffindor’s reputation Shy!”

“of course!”

Listening to Marx, Harry was relieved at once.

But indeed, with the sharpness of the Gryffindor sword, he will inevitably become the first sword of the Order of the Phoenix. For those collectors who are defensively close to impervious to sword or spear, they have to rely on Harry to open their “turtle shell”!

After taking another piece of scone from the plate in Neville’s hand, Marx swayed:

“When things are over, I should go too… see you later!”

Leaving Leaky Cauldron’s doorway, facing Harry and Neville’s Marx, the face was relaxed and even dissipated.

Obviously, the briskness he showed was just to make Harry not worry so nervous. In fact, he himself is equally full of heart.

Needless to say, since Time-Turner is not available from Delphi, Marx can only go elsewhere. And after knowing the bad consequences of using the converter this time, how to avoid getting too much damage and successfully saving Luna back is two things he has to think about.

Coupled with Herpo’s demon summon, and the meteorite that is about to fall to Hogwarts, the burden on Marx’s shoulders has reached a level unimaginable.

However, if something is not done for him, who else can replace it?

This world Marx still likes it after all, including the cute little friends, friends, elders around him… and of course the female child he likes and likes him.

Therefore, he is willing to shoulder this burden until he has a capable and responsible person to take over.

“Don’t dream!”

Walking, Marx suddenly remembered Dumbledore’s old face, which made him shake his head and let go of his own expectations.

“Speaking, Delphi seems to have hidden some things from me… oh…”

He can actually feel it, it must not be a trivial matter, but most of the things he has to do now have little effect.

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