“The Federation’s manpower is finally here…just east, Akinbad intends to take his people directly from the east of London to the Ministry of Magic.”

Inside Leaky Cauldron, Kingsley glanced at the note and said:

“Someone who witnessed Killing Curse had to let go first. At the moment we are understaffed, bringing in the people of the federation and telling them the specific situation – this is the top priority now!”

“What about that?” Sirius asked immediately. “Scrimgeour doesn’t necessarily know what’s going on in London… or, let me go with them?”

Lupin nodded, but soon and slightly frowning:

“Diagon Alley really needs people to guard. After all, there are a lot of civilians who come to take refuge behind us. But even then, you can’t let you go alone… take a few people to go! The roads should also take care of each other.”

“Yeah!” Kingsley said. “Although I also know that the invisibility of acting alone is higher, no one can guarantee that nothing will happen.”

Seeing them say this, Sirius thought about it and was going to answer. But he still didn’t speak, and Aberforth, on the side, suddenly stood up and waved.

“I can’t go!” he said. “One or two people will be enough for this kind of thing.”


When the other three listened, they immediately reached out and grabbed him. Kingsley immediately said:

“Aberforth, Diagon Alley obviously needs your strength here – think about Marx! Why did he stay in St. Mungo’s? Isn’t it like us to protect those who have taken refuge there? Support is not in place In the case of our two refuge points, it is the most important thing. There is absolutely no loss.”

The meaning of Kingsley has actually been clearly expressed.

In fact, if Marx went out from the start to deal with those dark wizards, there might be half of the enemies outside. However, during the period when the refuge point did not have much protection, the dark wizard everywhere was not allowed to move easily. The fear was that some accidents had to be prevented.

“So, Aberforth,” Kingsley said earnestly. “You will stay here! After Sirius and Mr. Akinbad meet, they will ask them to immediately dispatch to St. Mungo’s and our side. By then, you will Can go out and save those who are confused by Herpo…”

“’Save’?” Aberforth heard, and curled up one’s lip. “I can’t agree with what you think is wrong.” For me, I just want to disturb those who care for my old life. The bastard has a good lesson to stop that’s all !”

“Oh, okay! OK, OK!” Kingsley sighed, “Not ‘save’, it’s a lesson… Sirius, you have to pick a few people in the past! We have to write a report to Marx here, let He is ready to meet the people of the federation.”

“I know.”


Just send a brief ciphertext intelligence, of course, not so much that people have to take great risks to send, directly send owl out to be competent.

Not long after, while waiting for his spider to send him a message in St. Mungo’s waiting room, the letter from Diagon Alley suddenly made him nodded.

Akinbad finally got to London, which means that he will soon be able to give St. Mungo’s to them and go out and find out.

However, it is obvious that it takes a lot of time to get to the fog by Sirius and a few Aurr.

After all, because the fog area is not normal Apparition, no one knows where Ajinbad is, and it is undoubtedly very difficult to find.

“Let the partners in the Eastern District put down the patrol first and go to the periphery to find Akinbad – I think you should remember who it is! Find them and tell them to get some more people to St. Mungo’s.”

The alienated Acromantula, which was left with nothing left, sent another one out, and Marx closed the entrance to St. Mungo’s again.

Needless to say, the ones that have been left behind by Marx are naturally the first alien spiders. This spider, which Marx randomly named as “Little Five”, has now had several generations of children, and the little ones are now wandering around.

Seeing that he left the red brick department store, he sneaked into the corner and sneaked straight to the east.

It’s fast, and it’s nowhere to go, turning a blind eye to the dark wizards that pass by.

Marx’s order is to go to the East to contact his companions to find someone, then it will inevitably do according to Marx’s words. Unless it is passively threatened, it will not care about anything that is irrelevant to its purpose.

Undoubtedly, even if Acromantula’s wisdom is not low, their own ethnic characteristics make their thinking and human beings very different.

When they receive instructions from the leader, they are extremely determined to perform, and that’s why Aragog was able to run the entire group to attack Hogwarts.

Today, Marx is equivalent to the Aragog of the year, the only leader of the little guys who grew up from the spider eggs.

Of course, on this point, Marx has already made plans to put these little guys on the uninhabited island in the future.

Because he knows that once he has died, no one can manage these spiders. Even if he personally assigned him, after he died, the little guys would no longer listen, but would choose one of the oldest spiders to become the leader of the new generation.

However, regardless of the four little guys who have broken their eggs before the fifth, at least the fifth is probably not a new leader in the future.


Seeing it running and running, suddenly an emergency stop, eight dark big eyes flexible to all around mammoth. And it stopped suddenly, but it was because it perceived some kind of fatal danger.


After Acromantula had the bloodline of Basilisk, these little guys usually didn’t like to slam their own front cheeks. But in times of crisis, they sometimes can’t help but make such a voice to threaten the enemy.

Now, although it has not been found until now, the innate instinct tells it that there is absolutely something wrong with this nearby.

In the next moment, Xiaowu suddenly jumped back. In terms of its current reduced size, the distance of this jump can be said to be surprisingly far.

I have to say that it is really effective to jump back this time. Because in the next second of its leaping, a green light fell on the place where it stood.


In a dusty flight, Xiaowu once again withdrew a distance, and then turned to an alley in the other side.

In addition to the normal hunting and guarding territories, Acromantula never hits the unnecessary frame, not to mention the Marx order. For it, escape is a choice of as it should be by rights, and it doesn’t even do much.

But it wants to run, but the attacker does not seem to agree.

“Kill…kill! Everything is alive…and kill!”

Although that silhouette did not open its mouth from beginning to end, the appearance he showed was as if he was constantly chanting.

Unlike the collectors themselves, the original members of the “resurrection” of the collectors have a much simpler purpose in their actions.

That’s right, just killing, killing all creatures that seem to move.

Not long after, this hand instinctively held the silhouette of wand and chased the little black spot on the ground, and ran through the whole lane all the way.

Waiting for this “person” and a spider rushed to the next street on the other side of the alley. Perhaps Xiaowu suddenly realized that he might not be able to get rid of the guy behind him and suddenly stopped.

Then, as soon as he saw his body swell for a while, the increasingly thick and long legs slammed out to one, and he poked heavily at the other party who was heading towards him.


This time, the strength is not too big, just a single blow will return the other side back to the alley.

Of course, this is obviously not finished. Soon, the four pairs of eyes of Xiaowu will turn from black to gray, and petrified innate talent will start in an instant.

Obviously, the innate talent magic of this coverage is applied to an alley without a road, and the effect is absolutely perfect. When the other party is being shot, there is nowhere to hide. It can only bear all the formidable power.

However, after the silhouette fell on the ground, it was like a okay person who quickly climbed up. And his body, just a little bit of a grayish look.

“Avada Kedavra -“

The green light suddenly illuminates the dazzling rays of light in the roadway, and the dangerous little five has to stop the petrified ability and jump extremely flexibly to the side.

The next moment, a green light arc rushed out of the alley, slamming through the ground and marking a trace of terrifying.

It can be seen from the previous confrontation that the opponent is not only extremely resistant to magic power, but even his physical fitness has become quite powerful. After suffering from the small five, there was no damage at all.

You know, even if the rushed blow of Xiaowu didn’t make much effort, the ordinary person is afraid that it has already fallen to the ground!

Xiaowu knows that for this kind of opponent, it will not be worth the loss to continue fighting, so he immediately turned to another lane and smashed it.

It didn’t want to continue playing, really, or quickly complete the task of Marx.

It is a pity that it wants to run again and again, but the other side has to chase it again and again. There is almost no difference between the instinctual attachments of the two sides.

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