Hermione Several of them left the school with a Disapparation curse.

Until now, even Ron has been able to reluctantly move himself from one place to another, so apart from Ginny in the first grade, Hermione and Luna are naturally not to mention.

Of course, because Ron is still far from being proficient, in order to prevent him from losing his arm when he was in London, he and Ginny were taken along with the followers.

However, when the four people slammed in front of their eyes and found that the feeling of down-to-earth had returned, the surrounding scene made them suddenly glimpse.

“This is… Where is this?”

Ginny looked around in a stunned look, only to find out where they were supposed to be a lavender field.

It can be seen that the clumps of grass stems and greens at the feet of everyone are dotted with tiny clusters of purple flowers. I am sure that after the arrival of lavender flowers in June, it will be completely occupied by the bright purple, and at first glance it will be nothing more beautiful can be imagined.

Just, why do you say that “originally should be” a lavender field?

Because Ginny saw at the moment that half of the flower field was still a lush lavender strain, but the other side was already covered by the unknown fog.

Just a little look up, you can see that the smog from the city of London is unusually dense, just like an impenetrable gray barrier standing in front of everyone, letting everyone even the towering buildings in the city of London I have disappeared.

And it is now, the “wall of fog” is actually spreading out a little bit.

Just because it has enveloped too much area, the spread of fog has become too slow and too slow, so that it is difficult to see that it is still moving.

“Here… it should be the Banster area in the southern suburbs of London…” The Hermione, the most familiar in London, looked around. “I remember there was a big lavender manor here.”

“Is the Disapparation cursed out?” Ron couldn’t help but feel a little worried. “Oh, okay! I just said this… you know, I have been using it badly.”

“Obviously it won’t be a mistake,” Hermione shook her head. “Even if the Disapparation spell goes wrong, we won’t go wrong together! So… then it should be a problem with the space itself…”

She was talking, and suddenly looked at the direction of the densely fogged city of London, quite dignified:

“So, I don’t think I have to say this anymore. It must be this strange fog, rejecting us who are trying to show it directly in it!”

“Sure enough, what about Herpo?” Ron said, even though deep deep, he used this kind of fog to cover the whole city… I should say that it is a dark wizard that can spread its name to today. ?”

“How big is his ability, this is not something we should care about now,” Hermione snorted. “Since the story about him has long been unknown, it doesn’t make sense to think about it. Yes, we are now What should be considered is how to find your family as soon as possible!”

“Oh, yeah!”

Hermione’s voice fell a bit, and Ron and Ginny looked at each other and saw each other’s eyes.


In this half-laden field without fog, Hermione thought about it a bit and quickly said:

“Let’s go to Diagon Alley first – although Percy is probably not there anymore, but as long as he has been there, we should be able to hear about his whereabouts.”

“Well,” Ron nodded, and as he stepped on his legs, he hurried forward, followed by the mouth. “At least this fog doesn’t seem to hurt people. After all, Percy also mentioned in the letter that Father found a job in London. All night, I was able to return home safely the next morning.”

“Wait! Be careful!”

Hermione grabbed his back collar and found that he quickly stepped back two steps and coughed his neck.

“I have some masks for Herbology. Although it doesn’t necessarily work, it’s better than any protection!”

On the side of Luna, she watched as she pulled out a whole bowl of masks from her bag and began to distribute it to everyone. She asked for a pair and curiously asked:

“Hermione, where did you buy the bag? Like the leather pockets that Marx has in his waist, what does it feel like?”

“I tried to do it when I practiced Extension Charm.”

After the mask was released, Hermione reloaded the rest of the bag back into the bag and immediately waved it:

“Don’t take the bag that I played with Marx. Who knows how many stretches he has stacked in his pockets?”

At the same time as Luna’s question was answered, everyone had already put on the mask, and Hermione put a pair on herself.

“Yes! So… let’s go to Diagon Alley!”


After entering the fog-covered range, Hermione found that the gray fog was much thicker than she had imagined.

Walking in it, only a little further away, even the ground can not see, as if several of them are in a strange dream.

But fortunately, during the direction of the city of London, everyone did not find that the density of the fog has increased, as if the fog has no center and edge.

Honestly, this can’t help but let a few of them be smallly relaxed – they think that the more they go to the city, the fog will become more and more heavy! After all, if the fog is thicker, is it not in the end that you can’t see anything?

However, among those who are slightly lucky, Luna is not included.

“I don’t like this fog!”

I saw that she twisted the mouth in the mask, and it seemed that she was not comfortable with her neck.

Ron hearing this, not frowns waved his arms and looked at the misty road that was unmoved:

“Hey! How many people will like it?”

Ron is certainly right, except for the Herpo, who would like this strange fog that seriously affects people’s normal life?

However, what Luna wants to say at this time is not what he meant.

In fact, this London fog has at least one other effect that ordinary wizards can’t feel – it can confuse magic power fluctuations.

Since Luna was able to sense magic power, after so long running, she has adapted to the feeling of being in magic power. But now in this fog, the natural magic power fluctuations suddenly lost the law, which made Luna feel very uncomfortable.

Think about it too, if you change the ordinary person, if you have a normal view, it will suddenly become confused. Even if that has not affected the extent of normal vision, I am afraid that few people will feel very comfortable.

Fortunately, Luna’s ability to adapt may be her greatest strength, although she only feels uncomfortable, but it does not make her unbearable.

The only pity is that the original magic power that she has become more acute is obviously greatly reduced in this fog.

Otherwise, she will surely let everyone avoid a lot of troubles in the fog today…

Just as a few of them were moving along the road in this thick fog, Hermione, who seemed to have been thinking about what he had been in, was eager to come back.

“Ron,” she asked, “I remember that there was a lot of entrance to the Ministry of Magic in London, and there should be some in the neighborhood. Have you mentioned the entrance to Banster’s guest?”

“Oh, I don’t really know this,” Ron said, shaking his head. “I think you know it too. After Father came home from work, there was only the muggle item he had collected in his head. Where else? Do you have a heart for your work? Why, are you going to the city center from Ministry of Magic?”

“It’s definitely not possible to go so far, from here to Leaky Cauldron, that can be at least a dozen miles!” Hermione thought, “and… although I took the broomstick, it’s a pity that there is only one, not enough. We used four people!”

Obviously, because they didn’t expect the Apparition to have such a large deviation, it was almost unprepared before departure. Even if Hermione had a broom, it was just the habit she had with Luna before, and the habit of leaving it for the practice of the game, that’s all.

“Would you like? Go back and pick it up?”

Even if Ginny is anxious, it can be a problem. In order to get to Argon Alley earlier, and still not too far in the fog, it would be the best choice to go back to school.

But after hearing it, Hermione suddenly shook her head.


“什么办法?”Ron 当即便道,“你只管说——只要能早点找到Percy 他们,我什么罪都能受!”

“是啊!”Ginny 也连忙点着头道。

Hermione 又看了看Luna ,这才拍了拍自己腰间的挎包,冲着大家示意了一下。

“你们瞧,我这个包是用拉绳封口的,它的开口其实可以拉得很大……”她说,“以里面施了Extension Charm 的空间,我想把你们都装进去是没问题的……嗯,可能会挤一些,而且里面从没有布置过,肯定是没办法站人的。”


Ron 一听,顿时眨了眨眼睛——他可做梦都没想过,自己居然会有被Hermione 打包带走的一天!

倒是Luna 听到后,罕见有点儿打不起精神来的她双眼倏地一瞪,愉快地拍了拍小手。


“嗯……”Hermione 见她那副兴致勃勃的表情,内心的意思愧疚顿时就不知道跑哪儿去了,“好吧!你高兴就好……”

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